

Active Member
How about some thoughts on the gal with 14 kids, thats unemployed, receives food stamps and disabilty ins.,what a wonderful state I live in...Bob.
That gal is a freak, the cost to the state of California is going to run into the millions for these kids which many are going to have special needs. I don't blame you for not being tickled with it.

The only good I can see from it is due to the unpopularity of her having another litter on the taxpayer's dime we will see some legislation to stop this kind of stupidity.
"The only good I can see from it is due to the unpopularity of her having another litter on the taxpayer's dime we will see some legislation to stop this kind of stupidity."

Talk about stupidity, more legislation to compound the problem! The doctor should lose his license to practice medicine, due to already enacted legislation, and the lady should have her kids (all of them) put into foster care. You can't legislate STUPIDITY, if we could liberalism would be extinct!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
As I read it nobody including the doctor did anything illegal, this psyco said if she had 10 eggs in the jar she would have insisted all of them be planted in her. if people are too stupid to do the right thing then don't give them the option, only a regulation prohibiting this sort of thing will get the job done.

Some legal limit needs to be in place for everyones protection, better to have one or two healthy kids than a dozen basket cases.
"Talk about stupidity, more legislation to compound the problem! The doctor should lose his license to practice medicine, due to already enacted legislation, and the lady should have her kids (all of them) put into foster care. You can't legislate STUPIDITY, if we could liberalism would be extinct!"

If the state has to take care of them, I think they should be wards of the state and put up for adoption.
I think the crazy ##### needs her head examined. I also think the doctor has a moral obligation to find out if she allready has kids. Find out what her status is, before planting another 8 eggs and letting the state pay for it!!
I don't care if it is legal. I would hope if someone drove down a dark highway and came across an 80 women with a flat, they would stop and help her, the right thing to do!! With out having to implement a damn law saying everyone has to help her.
She is a nut case, and i think the kids would be better off, in a home, that has wanted to adopt. Plenty kidless couples out there.
You can legistate against stupidity, by not giving the doctor the legal ability to do as the patient asks him to do. the article I read said what the doctor did was not illegal, since he can claim his plan was to terminate some of them for the good of the mother and the remaining fetuses if too many took.

So you have a situation where the pateint is a moron and wouldn't allow the proper medical procedure to be done, so to legislate away stupidity the doctor needs to legally prohibited to do what he did in the first place.

I'm not big on more laws, but the fact is people like this prove we need legistation to protect us and to protect them from themselves. saying more laws is never te answer is ignorant, this whole thing goes against nature so we must decide how to legally control it to prevent future messes.
>What would you do with them?

Name them all piper and enroll them with the DNC.

"Talk about stupidity, more legislation to compound the problem! The doctor should lose his license to practice medicine, due to already enacted legislation, and the lady should have her kids (all of them) put into foster care. You can't legislate STUPIDITY, if we could liberalism would be extinct!"


Maybe so, some rats think a doctor can lose his licence for a legal procedure but they're against making it illegal because that would be a regulation.

What's even better is finding someone to second it, I love this site.
Dudes right for once. This type of $hit can't happen. Seriously...........If Single mothers are collecting welfare, birth control should be mandatory. Don't give me any horse $hit about a womens right to choose. If you cant run your body reponsibly, we'll decide for you....you fukking skank.

On the flip side.......You can bet your ass that bat-$hit crazy "mother" is a lib. And she just squeezed out eight more who will support the Dems no doubt. Dude and the rest should be happy with that..........
what i dont get is how someone on welfare is able to get fertility treatment? My brother and his wife did it to have one kid, he said it was expensive as hell, but i guess its availible for free if you are a dead beat, this is f'd up.
jake what do you want to bet she's a big time conservative? the reason she had this litter is because she was 100% opposed to even considering aborting some of them for the good of the others. a lib baby killer as you say would have whacked a few of them just for fun, this nut job witch is on your team buddy.
I feel sorry for the state of cali, to have to foot the bill. That is so wrong.Those are the victims here, when the first six were born half of the kids were born with disablities, why would want to have more?
>jake what do you want to
>bet she's a big time
>conservative? the reason she had
>this litter is because she
>was 100% opposed to even
>considering aborting some of them
>for the good of the
>others. a lib baby killer
>as you say would have
>whacked a few of them
>just for fun, this nut
>job witch is on your
>team buddy.

Riiiiiiiight...................Lets cut off her welfare and see who she runs to.
Hell this wonderful state is use to paying for Babies, with all the uninsured illegal immigrates,its obiovous with are budget.(what budget).

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