A Dad Needs Assistance


Long Time Member
This past week my 14 yr old son had an unfortunate accident and will be in a full leg cast for the next 12 weeks, have limited use of the leg for the next 6 months, and won't be full weight bearing until 12 months. We ended up getting antelope tags for unit 21 prior to the incident and were planning on walking around in some of the BLM but now that has changed. I was wondering if anyone new of any landowners or areas that might be able to accommodate his misfortune. I am okay with paying a trespass fee. I have contacted Game and Fish and have a Disabled Hunters permit on the way but they also recommended asking around. I will be hunting too but still planning on hunting BLM.

He was having a great year too as tags go with a unit 3 antelope archery tag but will have to return the tag this year and have to try and draw it again next year.

Please feel free to IM me or we could exchange contact info.

Where there is a will there is a way and I will to see this happen for my son.

Thanks in advance.

Al, thats a shame. Must be a nasty injury to be out of commission for that long. If I could help you in any way I sure would. Unfortunately I don't know 21 so all I can do is wish him a speedy recovery and a succesful season in spite of his challenges !!best wishes and GOOD LUCK. Chip
I do not have squat for help on your question/request but I certainly hope everything works out for your son.

Injuries suck big time no matter our age.

>Check your PM file...you got mail.

PM returned....
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-10 AT 08:09AM (MST)[p]Keeping his mind occupied is going to be trying enough but his mother and I thought this would be a great way to keep him focused and something to look forward too. He has already lost enough and the Dr. said we need to be watchful for signs of depression due to his age and his pre-injury activity level so we really want to refrain form canceling this hunt too.

Thanks all for the well wishes and responses,
Dido to a couple others replies. Best of luck with the hunt. Keep the boy hunting and best of luck to a quick recovery!!!
Can't thank everyone enough for all the replies and assistance. THANKS A BUNCH!!!!

Well things are falling into place. He has another new cast now and will be fitted with another cast October 1st but at least with the next cast he will have mobility of his knee. Long time a coming it seems for him and for his mother and I but we are making steady progress. I have been feeding his hopes and trying to preoccupy his mind with plenty of talks and pics from MM of some awfully nice antelope. Since this is his first out of state hunt he is still pumped and can't wait and with the thought of having an opportunity to take an antelope really seems to have him excited.. We have gone so far as to even make a small wager between the 2 of us. Who ever gets the smallest buck has to cook super for the other. Not sure if I win if I will truly win but either way it's fun, not 100% sure about a 14 yr old cooking me a steak on the grill and making a chocolate cream pie.LOL. This is fun no matter how you look at it!!

We have also gotten all his disabled hunter permits in order and I must say the Game and Fish were awesome to deal with. Not one lick of trouble from them and actually they wanted to here about his misfortune. Cudo's to them for a fine job done in a timely manner and their considerate nature!

I do have a question about camping in unit 21. How is the BLM in the area with pulling off and setting up camp at the entrance of a BLM road? Or does anyone have any other information about camping in the area? We would love to hear um.

Thanks again,

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