A-Zone Archery


Long Time Member
How did everyones archery season go??

I don't know about everyone else, but I did not get to spend as much time bow hunting as I would like to have. But come to think of it, if I got to hunt all day every day of the season I still would like to have spent more time hunting.

I took my 9 year old daughter hunting with me on Sunday of opening weekend. We spotted this deer and got to within 100yds before it spotted us. She is still a little noise, but a great hunting partener. So we settled for a picture.It is a large fork with about 2 inch G-4's which can not be seen from this photo.


I went back (by myself) Monday after work and found him again. After a 45 minute stalk and another 40 minutes sitting 50 yards above him waiting for him to stand as the mosquitos ate me alive. I blew the shot. I got to watch my arrow glide 2 inches over his back.

Been looking for him every time out since then. It has been about four weeks now, but he has not shown yet.

Did the deer in everyone elses areas hard horn early?

During the first week (season started July 10) I started seeing bucks that were hard horned. By the begining of the last week of July all the bucks had rubbed all their velvet off.

Just heard today at lunch from a friend that his wife's cousin had gotten a forked horn a week ago with his bow out at their hunting club. I guess for this ranch, it is heavy brush and a first for arrowing a buck.
Don't know anything else as to hard or still in velvet, but don't think Mitch really cared.

Hi Brian
I have been very busy with work, family, and a little hunting. Still have not seen you around town. Sooner or latter we will bump into each other. Weather has been different this year. We have not had the 100 degree plus temperatures yet, as in years past. But the heat seems to knock the crap out of me more and more each year. It is much better bow hunting in high 80's to mid 90's than the usual 100 plus.

Any out of state plans this year?

LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-04 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]are the ticks bad this year are what? my two labs got
the big dip after getting in the bush just for a few minutes
they were crawlin with them! We saw both hard horn and velvet antlers!
Have been out to Two Rock (Circle S Ranch) a few times sighting in the new scope on my rifle.
Stopped in at Helm's last week to get some targets but that has been it.
Leaving next Thursday 12th for Bonneville for the start of SpeedWeek there.
Yes, got MT tags this year for Deer & Elk plus a cow tag up there too.
If you are around the Pizza Hut on Stony Point & W. 9th tomorrow stop in there for the "Cruise In" car show. Always at Windsor at Mary's Pizza on Thursdays evenings, except next week. Look for a Blue 34 Coupe.


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