Abalone poachers vs. Deer poachers


Active Member
Today, two Southern California men were fined in excess of $60,000 each and had their fishing licenses revoked for life for poaching abalone & spiny lobsters out of season off Catalina Island.
They were caught with 3 green abalone, 8 pink abalone and 4 spiny lobster. Now why is it that a poacher of deer & elk seem to get small fines and hunting privileges revoked for a short period of time?
CA. has been tough on abalone violations for some time now. Most of it is done by poachers for commercial sales to Asian markets. Most of the poachers have been Asians and the price they get is high.
Small fines would not stop them from future violations as the money they can make is large. I agree with you the fines for poaching deer or elk should be larger. I also feel that if a poacher is caught spotlighting and shooting from a vehicle, his firearms and vehicle should be impounded and if he is found guilty, he loses the firearms and vehicle and gets a hefty fine on top of it and lost of hunting license.
If those laws would be enacted, you would have to have the game wardens work in pairs as more violaters would resist arrest due to the seizures of firearms and vehicles. It would also be a better deterrent to slow down the violations.

>CA. has been tough on abalone
>violations for some time now.
>Most of it is done
>by poachers for commercial sales
>to Asian markets. Most of
>the poachers have been Asians
>and the price they get
>is high.
> Small fines would
>not stop them from future
>violations as the money they
>can make is large. I
>agree with you the fines
>for poaching deer or elk
>should be larger. I also
>feel that if a poacher
>is caught spotlighting and shooting
>from a vehicle, his firearms
>and vehicle should be impounded
>and if he is found
>guilty, he loses the firearms
>and vehicle and gets a
>hefty fine on top of
>it and lost of hunting
> If those laws
>would be enacted, you would
>have to have the game
>wardens work in pairs as
>more violaters would resist arrest
>due to the seizures of
>firearms and vehicles. It would
>also be a better deterrent
>to slow down the violations.

I could not agreed more. But you look at the poaching of bears for their gall bladders for the Asian market, it seems the fines are paltry vs. Abalone/lobster poaching. Also, when you look at other states for deer, elk, etc., I never see fines like this before. Perhaps Ca. is getting more aggressive for poachers, as it should be. Other states should follow.
>No, they were Asians.

I had and Asian habit for awhile, they called it yellow fever, but it's since passed!
Article made no reference to prior citations. They also had their boat and scuba gear seized. Maybe California is finally
getting tuff on poachers.
I Thought A Blone Samich was Nasty?

They Really Poach them?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
>Article made no reference to prior
>citations. They also had
>their boat and scuba gear
>seized. Maybe California is
>getting tuff on poachers.

Don't misunderstand, I'm glad they got hammered.
Not like a reporter to leave out pertinent information due to laziness. I'll wait for the rest of the story.
CA takes a very dim view of poaching for profit now. It wasn't that way for a long time though, and it wasn't much of a deterrent. The abalone were actually taking a big hit from poachers who were selling to the black market.

I haven't heard much about bear gall bladder poaching since they outlawed dogs for hunting.
If we start following California next thing we know we will have debtors prisons and so on.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
No deerslayer88, instead of putting them in prison for outstanding debts, CA. would allow them to go on to the welfare roll and collect more money then they could make working a 40 hour minimum wage job. CA. is one of about 13 states that pay more in welfare benefits then a minimum wage job will pay them.


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