Accademy Awards



Well I turn on my computer this morning and go to Fox News to check on the world and I have to look at a traitor recive an award. Sean Penn is a traitor. Did'nt this scumbag go over and give aid and comfort to Mr. Spider hole himself? This scumbag wanted to make nice with a known murderer and supporter of terorist. Then I read where this scumbag in his acceptance speach makes a comment about WMD's.
That is one more reason why I do not go to the movies or watch network TV.
Boycot Hollywood.

"We must HUNT"
I refuse to watch those award shows but my wife likes em'. She was telling me that one dude from Australia got up and thanked his "beautiful boyfriend" back home. I am so f-ing sick and tired of these fruits taking every media oportunity to flaunt their homosexuality! Like that douche drinker Rosie ODonnel!
You are right about Sean Penn. He is a traiter. He should keep his sorry pinko a$$ over in the middle east! Hell, the only good thing he ever did was Fastimes At Ridgemont High! After that it was all down hill.
I don't have a problem with most of them. They can think how they want to. But as soon as they open their mouth and use their so-called status to push their BS ideas I write them off and won't go to or watch a movie with them in it.
It's a shame so many people are ignorant to the ways that the left wing slimeballs in Hollywood think!
I cannot force myself to pay my hard earned money to see the movies they make and theirin support the causes that these idiots support!
They are with out a doubt "THE ENEMY"!
My hatred for their kind grows each day!
FYI- Fact is, in regards to the 76th Academy Awards program of February 29, 2004, Sean Penn kept his mouth shut in regards to any political comment while accepting his Best Actor statue. Likewise Tim Robbins when he accepted his Best Supporting Actor Oscar. All in all, these knuckleheads may have finally gotten the message that we do not want to hear their political opinions, especially if they're not conservative in nature! Look what has happened to George Clooney since he ran his mouth in opposition to President Bush and the Bush administration, three bombed films in a row. Michael Moore was booed from the stage at the 2003 Oscar Awards, after popping off at the Golden Globes and the SAG's where was Ms. Streep last night? Kept silent that's where!
Well Sean Penn's first words out of his traitor mouth was a comment about WMD's. He said something to the effect that he was as about as suprised about this as the absence of WMD's. Or something like that. I believe he was the only scumbag that did make a comment from what I have read.
Losers every one of them. Just watch when Hillary runs for the presidency in 2008 all the Hollywood scum will come out of the wood work to get her comunist a$$ elected. Makes me want to puke.

"We must HUNT"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-04 AT 11:29PM (MST)[p]You have my apology, as it appears Penn did make a comment that included the following: "If there's one thing that actors know, other than that there weren't any WMDs, it's that there is no such thing as best in acting and that's proven by these great actors I was nominated with."

That aside blew right past me, must have been when he leaned over the mic and mumbled. Maybe Mr. Penn has a shot at Secretary of State in a Kerry Administration?

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