AIPAC At It Again

Like Ron Paul says AIPAC owns congress. this is the only thing congress can agree on in the last 10 years . if that doesn't tell you something you're a retard.

I'm starting to think we're all better off with a stronger Russia and China. AIPAC will have a much harder time owning them than our nation of slackjaws. the world sees us for what we are the gig is up.

Netanyahu has peed in the pool again to stop any chance of peace. the zionists will never allow an agreement to happen. it's only mouthbreathers who don't get this anymore, Kerry just as well pack up and say to hell with it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Eldorko is upset because the Jews can muster more support in both parties of Congess then the Mexicans can. Heck the blacks muster more support in this adminstration then the Mexicans do. All they get is lip service and lies about immigration reform.

Give the Jews a few more years and they might catch up with the Mexicans over screwing with this country and killing our citizens. That is if we drop Mexico from our handouts and close off the border with armed troops and ship all the drug cartels Mexicans home to Mexico.

We give Israel lots more money than mexico.

We have a vested interest in Mexico because they border us, what is you goyim's obsession with Israel on the other side of the world?

Stay thirsty my friends







"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato





"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
The whole world is wrong except you goys aren't they? I have bad news for you, the deal with Iran is only the fisrt loss your zionist regime is going to encounter.

The gig is up , AIPAC will hold our nose to their butt for some time but it's not going to protect them like it used to. Israel was a gift to the jews , since day one they've bitten the hands that feed them. only someone as dumb as you could think being a hated nation who's dependent on others for survival is nothing to worry about. watch and see goyim, the world has about had enough pampering a nation of ingrate criminals.

Stay thirsty my friends
Time is certainly not on Israel's side. Invading Arab countries or pitting one sect against another only delays the inevitable. Eventually the U.S. will tire of Israel holding us hostage to their BS. It's only a matter of time.


Turns out some people don't like JEWS!

I am sure they are shaking in their boots.

Seems like I have heard that theme before...

440, you do realize that you and HITLER would be on the same side of the issue right?

Fool, close your mouth your gittn slobba on ya.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Aspen it's obvious this is way over your head. you're just the type of clown AIPAC has under their thumb.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-13 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]Eldorko even you are smart enough to know that one radical jew rabbi does not speak for the majority of the Jewish people. Hopefully they will send him over to Lebanon to rub elbows with the radical moslem clerics. While we are at it, we have a few so called religious nuts we can send too and that will also include some Catholic priests.

Eldorko does a child molesting lying catholic priest speak for you since you are catholic. I hope you are smart enough to see how that is similar to your posting of a speech by a radical jew rabbi.

So a few radical muslims speak for all muslims, but a few radical jews don't speak for anyone but themselves. I see.

The jews are not good at making friends have you ever noticed that? anywhere, with anyone. losers will say this is because EVERYONE is an antisemite, the standard race card play.

Could it be the jews have always been on the defensive because they're always on the offensive? maybe but that's okay isn't it? they are the chosen ones. so whatever, you're an antisemite.

It's all hitting the fan , get your donations to AIPAC ASAP they need you now more than ever goyim. you know you place, do not fail your master.

Stay thirsty my friends
If your statement would have one ounce of truth, then we would have to think that you yourself are a Jew. You are also not very good at making friends. As for the muslims, there are some very good moderate ones, but the die hard radicals are far more in numbers then the "just a few" you want us to believe.

I have plenty of friends , that's why I don't need to make any here in your circlejerk.

How much of our trouble with muslims is because of our blind devotion to the zionist regime in Israel? I don't want your typical crap give some facts as to how our ties to Israel don't effect our relationship with the muslims. no BS just proof.

What did bin Laden say about this or do you know? what have muslim leaders said for years? I can't wait to hear your lame BS twisting the facts to meet your agenda. spin it goyim, you know what's expected of you. Go!!!

Stay thirsty my friends
He's right , we know it. the worst part is clowns like Aspen and RELH like only want to know if they can do more.

Stay thirsty my friends
Idiots, if you're going to post up pictures of Ariel Sharon claiming that he said that the Jews control America, you should probably make sure the shyt is real.

Ariel Sharon never said "We control America." The quote was fabricated by the Hamas.

There are a few versions of this fabrication. Here is one:

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.(recorded)

In some versions Sharon supposedly said "I control America." The quote was probably fabricated by the Hamas in 2001.

CAMERA?s investigation found that it started with an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, IAP ? the Islamic Association for Palestine, which attributed the quote to a report on ?the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col [sic] Yisrael.?

Kol Yisrael political correspondent Yoni Ben-Menachem, who reports on Cabinet meetings, confirmed to CAMERA that he never made such a broadcast and that Sharon never made such a statement. Nor was it reported by any other news service.

When confronted, Geyer told one editor that she relied on two anonymous Israeli sources for the quotation. She told a second editor the quote came from an alleged Ha?aretz article which she never produced and could not be found. A subsequent editor?s note by Geyer?s United Press Syndicate claimed the quote was widely reported in the Palestinian press (i.e. the IAP, which cited the bogus Kol Yisrael source) but could not be confirmed by independent sources.

I'm not saying that the Jews don't have influence in our government but posting up dishonest crap only muddies the water even more.

Although, it is Eldorado's modus operandi to post up dishonest crap so none of it surprises me. Eldorado how are your H5N1 patients doing? How many have you cured? LIAR!!!
Gee! are you saying that Eldorko is one of those lying Mexicans and Dude is a lying half-breed, or are both just lying liberals. Heck, we have known that for some time now. Old news, just new lies by our on board bent wrist left wing liberals in the form of Eldorko and Dude.

RELH of all the small minded racists on this forum you're the lamest. you can't answer on post without personal crap ending with racism . grow up you're 95 now, it's time.

There is no proof Sheron didn't say that, and even if he didn't it changes nothing. Hamas fabricated it? that's funny, they can't fabricate a get out of school note. and why would they? you clowns don't give a crap that they do own us anyway? get real. look at congress today and say AIPAC isn't holding the reins. need more? there's plenty.

Ask yourself this goyim, what is in it for us to bend over for Israel every time they get near us? why should we be at odds with the world protecting a nation who has more ignored mandates than any nation on earth? what is it it for us? no fair screaming anti-semite just give facts.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude you are still and will be always full of crap up to your pointy ears. When I call Eldorko and his people "wetbacks" like you do, then you will have a valid argument that I might be a racist and in the same league as you.
You must be one miserable human being hating everyone and everything like you do and comment on. Go back to drowning your sorrows and do the intire world a favor by drinking yourself to death.

Did I say all mexicans are wetbacks? that's a term for illegals from merxico it would make no sense to call all mexicans wetbacks.

I am a racist just like I never said I wasn't, but I try to pick my use of racist terms you just blab them out on almost every post. just like 90% of your posts are directed as personal attacks.

Try to stick to the subject matter if you can, I know it's hard but it will keep you more in the conversation. kind of like your hearing aids do when you're at bingo.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-13 AT 07:22PM (MST)[p]Ok I will try to stick to subject matters. You are a racist bigot and full of crap and will always be that way. Now down another shot and give it another spin you ignorant idiot.
When you can speak of things in a reasonable truthful manner, I will give you more respect. so far you have not earned my respect and I doubt you ever will. I never could tolerate drunks and their babble.

Looks like Eldorko is avoiding this thread just like he did after getting caught on his H5N1 debacle. His liberal pride must be hurt getting caught in another baldface lie.

LMAO! There is no proof Ariel Sharon didn't say that? Really retard? There is also no proof Obama didn't say that he hates America so apparently using your logic we should believe that he did say it.

In my post I said that there's no doubt that the Jews have influence over our government. Seeing that we are an ethnically diverse nation, wouldn't it only be logical that certain ethnic groups may have power that others don't? You certainly don't seem to give a rats ass about the Mexicans and their influence in our government probably because you need those Mexicans to line your pockets.

Let's see who else has influence in our government? Blacks? You better believe it. How about Asians? Absolutely, look at all the crap that China is buying up in the US.

Let's be honest here. I know it's hard for 440 to be honest and impossible for stupid Eldorado but honestly you idiots just don't like Jews. I bet the Mexicans and the blacks cost us more money every year in government assistance but all you two dumbfucks care about is the money we give Israel.
Nice try RELH but you just can't do it can you? if you're too dumb to debate just toss poo and watch FOX we are used to you.

Californian prove Sheron didn't say it, and the Hamas thing is classic I love that. who cares anyway there's plenty of proof AIPAC has us by the short ones today that was 12 years ago.

You really don't get it do you? you think because blacks and mexicans in america cost money that why not open the checkbook to a foreign lobby like AIPAC ? and since we're paying them lets just let AIPAC decide what our foriegn policy should be, hell it's all good.

I doubt the mexicans and blacks cost anymore than the white trash, prove they do.

This is about control of our nation not money in this debate, what other nations are you willing to let run our congress? if the ragheads can outbid the jews are you good with that?

Do you find it odd the libs and teabaggers hold hands and kiss each other when AIPAC comes to visit?

Stay thirsty my friends
Must have had a sale on beer today in Oregon....

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Dude, I think we have allowed this thread to run it's course to prove that you are the one THAT DON'T GET IT. The fact of the matter is that we do not care, and feel that it is not that important today. Only you and Eldorko seem to care and made it a priorty hit on your bucket list.
As for Congress, they continue to do what they have been doing for decades. It is only Eldorko that continues to support liberal Democrats that do not see eye to eye with his beliefs and lie to him as much as any GOP member he rails against.
Now you can continue your drunken tirade aginst the jews. Give it a week or two and you will be having a tirade against those "wetbacks" as you call them, then it will be the blacks the week following. We really do not care as it is not that much of a priorty with us. We just love pricking your drunken hide every chance we get to see what bender you will go off on next.


Perhaps to the rest of us .... giving a nuke to Iran .... or making it easy to get a no the left and right agree on this issue.

Which makes don't get it....and you have no brain....SO ITS A NO BRAINER....

You slut!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
I pegged RELH a long time ago as an unabashed bigot. His propensity for race baiting is well documented.

Eldorko I have friends of other ethic backgrounds that will tell you that you are full of crap on that statement. You are by far more of a race bigot then I am. You are also a proven bearer of false statements in your posts even false ones to prove your racial hate of Jews. You still treating patients for H5N1 that is non existant here.
You would not know the truth if it bit you in the a A$$.


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