Aircraft/drone regulation passes G&F Commission, becomes regulation


Long Time Member
It is now regulation in Wyoming that aircraft, including drones, are not legal for spotting or locating game animals, for the purpose of hunting, between Aug 1and Jan 31 of the following year.

+1 for fair chase hunting!
Thanks for the update Jeff!
+1 for fair chase hunters!
-1 for unethical douche bags.

August is a start. June would definitely be better.
Yes, that's awesome, but we know the flying will just happen for deer in late July and then they'll do the close up inspection stuff in August. I'm not a fan of flying to scout. I understand that the guides have businesses, employee's, wives, kids who depend on them finding their clients big stuff, but I still don't like it.
I also know it's not just guides who buzz over me every year after I've backpacked in for 4 hours, but I do know some of them do it. The fear is that if one continues to do it and continues killing the best bucks each year, the other outfitters will then be forced to follow suit in order to remain competitive. Then the average guys will then feel forced to do it in order to have a real chance at one of the best bucks. Before you know it, there'll have to be control towers on the ridges to guide planes so they aren't crashing into each other. (OK, a little exaggerated)
I'm just not a fan of it, that's all. It should take a little more effort than that to find those giants up there. Stepping into a plane and then starring through optics for 2 hours shouldn't be how it goes. IMO

Brian Latturner
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Now, if we can only get ATVs outlawed from scouting from Aug1 thru Jan 31. I know that they are not used much in the high country..but OMG nearly everywhere else in the state it's damn near an epidemic.
Good to hear. I get tired of watching planes flying low in this part of Wyoming looking for elk and especially sheep. I have been hiking hard for the last month or so and have been seeing small planes everywhere. My biggest concern is identifying the culprits who will be breaking the law come August. It wouldn't break my heart if they started outlawing game cameras on public lands. It is a pet peeve of mine, especially in wilderness areas.

I hear you guys about the Aug 1 start date. That was one of my concerns also, but given the circumstances we were glad to get what we got.

I strongly suggest, that if the skies in July are blackened with planes in the high country, to contact G&F or send in comments about it. Either way, these guys are going to lose a lot of their advantage by having to stop Aug1.

One person showed up to speak against the regulation(a local rancher who flies), there were a few comments sent in against it (including TripleBB who hunts with an outfitter in western Wyo), but, by far the majority of comments were in favor. BuzzH spoke on behalf of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, who started all this with push to ban drones. Steve Kilpatrick, Wyo Wild Sheep Foundation spoke in favor of this reg on behalf of the eight member group; Wyoming Sportsman Alliance. That group consists of Wyo BHA, Muley Fanatics, Wyo Wild Sheep, Wyo Wildlife Fed, Backcountry Horseman, Yellowstone Bear Hunters, Wyo Federation of Union Sportsman, & Bow Hunters of Wyo.
If I were to see a plane flying ridges in August, what can I do (or anyone)? How much evidence do you think it would take to get someone cited? What you all think?

I still think allowing them to fly in July to look for game isn't going to effect what they do much. The animals they're looking for are plenty far enough along in the growing process by the end of July to know if they're something special enough to go in and look at closer.
If I were an outfitter who used a plane to scout, this change would not bother me one bit. I just don't think it does much of anything. They're hoping that it'll shut up some of those who are opposed to the flying and that they can just go on about business by giving up some "time" that can easily be replaced with other "time".
I don't know. Maybe I'm just a big cry baby.

Brian Latturner
LIKE on Facebook!
>If I were to see a
>plane flying ridges in August,
>what can I do (or
>anyone)? How much evidence do
>you think it would take
>to get someone cited? What
>you all think?
>I still think allowing them to
>fly in July to look
>for game isn't going to
>effect what they do much.
>The animals they're looking for
>are plenty far enough along
>in the growing process by
>the end of July to
>know if they're something special
>enough to go in and
>look at closer.
>If I were an outfitter who
>used a plane to scout,
>this change would not bother
>me one bit. I just
>don't think it does much
>of anything. They're hoping that
>it'll shut up some of
>those who are opposed to
>the flying and that they
>can just go on about
>business by giving up some
>"time" that can easily be
>replaced with other "time".
>I don't know. Maybe I'm just
>a big cry baby.
>Brian Latturner
>LIKE on Facebook!

I agree 100% hopefully we can get it changed to July 1st before the 2017 hunting season.

If I do see anyone flying to scout in August I will get a tail # and a plane description. I will also try to take some pictures or video if I can and turn it in to the game and fish department.

[font face="verdana" color="green"]
Jake Swensen
>If I were to see a
>plane flying ridges in August,
>what can I do (or
>anyone)? How much evidence do
>you think it would take
>to get someone cited? What
>you all think?

Brian, get the numbers and turn them in. I'm under no illusions that many are going to be convicted, but when planes get turned in and hunting is done by those involved with the flying, there's going to be some explaining to do.

At the very least, people that abide by the law will stop doing it. That's a step in the right direction.

The number 1 complaint, of those who made positive comments for the regulation, was why it didn't start on June or July 1.
The part of the reg with drones is a good thing. The rest is just more feel good regulation. Lots of ways to get around the flying part of this. Hire a pilot who isn't hunting your area or doesn't hunt. Hand them a GPS and tell them to mark locations of any big bucks or bulls. A G&F warden told me the easiest way to circumvent this reg will be to get an aerial gunners license to hunt predators. A local rancher and prominent area resident who fly's told a friend that his local warden said if they're using aircraft as part of their ranching operations, don't expect things to be any different than what its been. Personally I'd rather see them spend the time and money to do something about ATV abuse.
Here's the regulation for all to see. What Triple said about hiring a pilot is false.

Section 12. Use of Aircraft to Spot or Locate Wildlife. No person shall use or operate any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following calendar year. Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport.

Read it Rick; "and aid". Maybe your outfitter will break the law for you and you will have another "fair chase" muley for the wall.
And, maybe like Utah, you can turn them in and get a free Region G tag. I think founder got either a Henrys or Paunsy tag for busting a person for something illegal. Maybe he can tell. Just not sure what unit or what the infraction was.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-16 AT 08:25AM (MST)[p]I'm guessing you can still fly those ridges if you are looking for a lost burro.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Flying to locate big game animals from Aug 1st through hunting season is now against the law. 90% of people will abide. The truth is there is a % of the population that doesn't care about law and this population will operate outside the lines, irregardless.
If your the kind of guy that can look in the mirror and live with yourself after you've broke the law, lied, or cheated to kill that buck or bull its a "You" problem. When these people get caught I.E. Nate Strong or Jeremie Lewis it is the public's job to shame and in some cases demand accountability.
I did catch a guy poaching in 2009 and got a Pauns. tag. I don't think they do that in Wyoming and it would mean much for a Wyoming resident anyway. But reward tags are probably a good way to get people to make the effort to call, take photos, etc.

Brian Latturner
LIKE on Facebook!
>I did catch a guy poaching
>in 2009 and got a
>Pauns. tag. I don't think
>they do that in Wyoming
>and it would mean much
>for a Wyoming resident anyway.
>But reward tags are probably
>a good way to get
>people to make the effort
>to call, take photos, etc.
>Brian Latturner
>LIKE on Facebook!

Wyo G&F pays reward money. A friend and another guy each got a $1000 for their part in catching a mule deer poacher near Casper.
Glad this passed.

Might as well make it year-round, though. I recently had a chat with a local warden, and he told me folks are now scouting for lions and bears with aircraft. I guess the one-upmanship will never end in the ongoing quest to kill the biggest and be the most famous.

Hunters will kill hunting long before the antis will.

We have met the enemy and he is us...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-16 AT 02:19PM (MST)[p]nontypical - I don't know if we will kill hunting, but we have and will continue to reduce our opportunity to hunt. It isn't just flying, but better optics, long range rifles, etc. And many of us, myself included, sit on the high horse at times and want to put blame on someone else, then we go out and buy a bow that can shoot accurately at 80 yards, or a 250 yard scoped muzzleloader, or 1000 yard rifle setup, or 20x binoculars, or new ATV that can ride over 2 foot tall dead fall and rocks, or hire a guide to help us up the mountain and increase our chance at success......the list could go on and on. I'd bet that 99.9% of hunters are playing their part in reducing opportunity.

I don't think flying to scout for deer should be allowed, but maybe the archer who then hunts the buck that was located from the plane doesn't think I should be allowed to hunt with a rifle.

Where the line should be drawn is hard to say. No industries rely on flying to scout, so at least there's a better chance to stop it before it really takes hold. I'd sure like to see it banned year round too.

PS - I didn't know about the reward in Wyoming for catching a poacher. Glad that was mentioned.

Brian Latturner
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J & J Outfitters

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