Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats


Active Member
Interesting little read here. Looks like Al Qaeda is claiming victory for the democrats (Neo-French). I suspect they may be right in some respects.

"The first is that you aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost," Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.
What choice did the American voters have? they voted out a bunch of lunitics and now another bunch of lunitics take credit for it. sometimes you can't win.
And with that kinda attitude it will be no suprise if we do lose this war.(and our freedoms, pretty much our way of life in general)
Yeah this war is is everything, whatever. most of the experts think it's already lost so you better start storing food and water, maybe you'll hold off Al Quida for a few months before they get ya.
More interesting than most of the crap put on here, I agree with a good deal of it. I also agree Iran could become a real threat not a fictional one like Iraq, maybe we should have put our efforts to better use there but it's too late now. still Iraq had nothing to do with anything in that film , other than run our national debt up. I don't care much for muslims in our government either but what are you going to do? the same constitution that protects our guns protects them as well. we're a long ways from dooms day but we have some serious problems ahead for sure.
Exactly how long do you think we have dude? We may be closer to "Doom's day than you'll want to believe. We are on the verge of an energy crisis, overpopulation, and world war 3. But then again maybe they will all just cancel each other out right?
"...they voted out a bunch of lunitics and now another bunch of lunitics take credit for it."

Which lunatics we talking about, the democrats or their Al Qaeda allies?

Jeezuz Pleezuz! Think about it. You dems with your puling and whining and bedwetting about "losing in Iraq" and "losing the war on terror." Didn't you think for one minute that this would give aid and comfort to the enemy? Guess what? It does. They take strength from the Democrats and thier 24/7 cut-and-wrong mantra. Guess how that makes us look in the world? I know you and your ilk don't care but some of us do.

Be proud Dems. You've earned it.
I know , I know, be afraid. am I in denial or are you brain washed girlie men? good greif you act like life as we know it hangs on what happens in Iraq, crap we didn't even have a reason to go there yet our existance rides on it? I never said we were losing the war on terrorisim I think we're just getting started, and our own intel agencies say Iraq is most likely hurting that cause. we can't let our gaurd down but at the same time we can't pre kill everyone who might harm us so cowboy up and stop crying. it doesn't matter who's in the whitehouse or congress or what country we bomb we'll have more attacks, let's just hope we can stop most of them before they're carried out. we live in a whole new world post 9/11 come to grips with it or spend the rest of your life in fear.
Al Quida has got to love the liberal democrate! A band of brothers. When AlQuid kills Americans, men, women and children do you liberal dems. get a free pass seeing their on the same side with the same outlook ?
Dems want us to lose this war so they can claim victory over Bush. To hell with putting a plan together to win this thing as best we can and get out of there. Just lose and watch Bush go down in flames. That's all that matters to them.
Kingfish, ROTFLMAO!! Mohammadude.

Of course our own intel sources are reporting and increase in the insurgency in Iraq and Afghansistan. Why shouldn't there be? The Democrats won, and even the enemy knows if they ramp up the attacks, the quicker we will cut and run.

Damn, did you ever play sports? You know, when you see the star running back on the other team, do you feel sorry for him and ease up on the hitting? Hell no! You better be gunnin for that SOB. Keep him down and keep hitting him hard. Cut off the head and the body dies.

Guess what superstar, we are that crippled running back and the insurgency knows how to play the game to win. It also helps when the referees (the democrats) are on thier side.
You guys are a riot, you have no answers and never have but you mock anyone who says it's time for a change. your team lost the war and the elections yet the big bad dems are to blame for everything. your team got us in this mess so if you don't like what the dems might do maybe you should have won, there's a idea you can use. see who says us lefty's can't use our heads.
Well at least now the Dems and Al Qaeda can get together and figure out an exit strategy. Can't wait!

What answers do the dems have? None. Never have, unless waving the white flag of surrender is an answer.

Lost the elections, but losing the wars is on your teams head. Its yours to lose and your side can't wait for January to begin the capitulation. Hell, even Al Qeada is cheering you on.

You go girls!
You're asking the dems to polish a turd, they never said they could they only promised change and if the only change possible is to get out then so be it. you've had 4 years to work on it so where's your answers? the dems don't even take congress until next month and you want satisfaction now.
I believe, like Pres. Bush said, the only way we can lose is if we leave before the job is done. I hope we can accomplish that.

Is there a difference between al qaeda and insurgents?

Watch the video and tell me how we can ever win. These ragheads flock to Baghdad. Those that don't get killed get caught and then released again. WTF!!!

Remain stedfast???............YEAH RIGHT!

Face it, what we are doing is NOT working. That's all that matters.
If what you're doing isn't working just keep doing it? that sounds like a Bushism. how long do you stay and at what cost in blood and money do you draw the line. anyone who's ever been to an auction knows it's possible to win and still lose.

What's going on brother? Are these boys from the House of Saud ganging up on you? Kingfish, name calling is not very nice, I mean Osama Bonehuntin Layswithdudes is uncool and makes you sound like a bully. Play nice or I"ll call ... Khalidfish Sheik Kingfishziri, and then, then, you'll know..there

Hey Al Zawahiri is just playing the media cards. He has nothing to boast about as far as any tactical Al Queda operations. If the election hadn't changed the political power structure of our country, Al Zawahiri would have had a speech for that.

It pains me to think that our poorly planned Shock & Awe Monsters of Distraction Tour has allowed Bin Laden & Al Zawahiri to still exist

I took that right/left poll, and as a past (r), (d), and now registered (i) I was quite pleased with a 21. All this partisan hatchetry isn't doing the Iraqi's, our soldiers, or our country's morale a bit of good.

I know there are alot confused (r)s out there that feel they have no personal compass in the party right now. Yet, their strong partisan emotions leaves them defensive like a wounded coyote. Unfortunately, George isn't his father and doesn't make it easy on (r)s to defend his positions. As well, there are alot dems that resent the outcomes of elections, an overly (r) partisan congress, etc. The etc. is not discount the long and valid list of Bush Failures.

As for Al Zawahiri, whenever I see that old crotchface with his glasses it always reminds me of a Jerry Falwell or a Pat Robertson. Both of these outstanding religious icons are also well known for spewing their rhetoric and cashing in on every media opportunity they can spread their cancer on.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-06 AT 01:45AM (MST)[p]Wow, I just finished reading that "Country at war post (long) by Huntsonora. I had no idea you were getting jumped Huntindude, sorry but I have duck hunting.

Your correct on your definition, repeating the same actions and expecting different results everytime defines mental illness.

Gentlemen, Dr Chong's Blog never mentions the war in Iraq, or Kurds, Sunnis or Shiites. He criticizes the Bush Administration's handling of profiling, and criticizes our outdated war strategy. Dr. Chong tries to define the ultimate Muslim Scenario which is a war based on fundamentalist theology.

At certain points Dr Chong bleeds into blanket generalizations of linking all muslims to terrorism without discussing the radical differences of Wahabiist Sunnis and the 99% other majority of sunnis.

As well the good doctor only glances into Iraq when he notes Abu Grahb. I also was not buying into the Sen.Inhofe type association that Abu Grhab prisoners are bad, cause other guys were burning, decapatating, etc. Torture is bad.

Finally, I had strange feeling towards the end of Dr.Chong's blog I started substituting the word "Communist" with Muslim and low and behold I traveled back in time to LBJ and Viet Nam 40 years ago.

I'm starting to wonder if somebody added "A new spin on Iraq" on the title, because the blog does not mention Iraq or Saddam dirctly once. I believe we were all, and still are all in favor of scouring Afghanistan for Al Queda.

We are all still in favor of being in Afghanistan aren't we?

Too bad we exposed all 400+ employees of Brewster Jennings. One of our best CIA front companies ever. A company which had been in operations for the last 40 years. In charge of tracking WMD, international money transfers, and international arms dealers. All because DickC freaked out that the war he promised the energy companies might be derailed by that pesky Joe Wilson.

Of course, the second Valerie Plane was exposed, the entire operation and all of it's employees were comprimised. Did DickC just testify on behalf of Scooter last week?

Poor DickC, his knees, jaw, and posterior must be so sore. First, he spent a week on his knees in Saudi. Second, he took a right to the Jaw finding out his gay daughter is pregnant, and finally he back again in a comprimising position linked to his favorite lackey and fall guy...lil scooter libby.
Forthewall, I'm sorry (head hang)I'll be good !! I did watch the OReilly factor last night and he was visiting our men and women in Iraq for Christmas. EVERYONE of the men and women soldiers interviewed said they believe in what we are doing in Iraq and think it would be WRONG to walk away from the people of Iraq before helping them succure a democratic government. BIG PICTURE HERE!! Iraq is considered to be the most important country in that part of the world to stabalize that part of the world for the future of peace in the middle east. This is a qoute from our Generals. I am far from an expert on what is going on in the middle east but I believe we are being bombed with negative reporting from the LIBERAL press in this country.
Kingfish, that was my point exactly when I said we can't leave before the job is done in Iraq. Notice I didn't say keep using the same tactics.

I agree with Forthewall when he says Al Qaeda is just trying to stir it. One of their goals I'm sure is to try and divide us and break our will.

I'll go back to what I said two years ago. Right now terrorists have no respect for us and very little fear. We can never defeat an enemy under those circumstances. Especially an enemy whos hatred is based on religion.
OK it sounds like we agree what we're doing isn't working, so just how do we win? or as many have ask can we win? even if we can raise the troop numbers like Bush wants what are they going to do? I would think the rag heads are smart enough to lay back knowing the high numbers are only temporary and then resume when we leave. or they might go all out and we'll kill a bunch of them and they'll kill a bunch of our boys, they'll send more we won't. like has been said before, winning is a goal not a strategy.
Leave the liberal demacrates out of it, leave the liberal press at home, turn the tv off and when the men and women in uniform are done doing what needs to be done, they'll be back.....
....peace through strength....
>Leave the liberal demacrates out of
>it, leave the liberal press
>at home, turn the tv
>off and when the men
>and women in uniform are
>done doing what needs to
>be done, they'll be back.....
> ....peace through strength....

NOW THERE IS A PLAN........and start charging some of the traitorus bastards in this country with sedition.

Robert Rubino a Sports Critic latest quote:

Rocky returns and he just won't shut up
If you go see the new "Rocky" movie, there's one thing you ought to know. You're going to hear so many fine speeches, you might think you're at the Democratic National Convention.

Unlike the Democrats, though, who talk a good game about peace and human rights and the dignity of the working class, Rocky really believes his speeches, really aspires to live up to their lofty ideals. And, unlike the Democrats, he's so sincere, it's beyond inspiring, it's nearly heartbreaking.
Gee all this time I thought our boys over there were trying to win, now someone call them up and tell them it's ok to win and we can put this all behind us. darn the answer was right there in front of us for the last 4 years.
"You guys are a riot, you have no answers and never have but you mock anyone who says it's time for a change"

You kill me dude. You been bashing Bush and his supporters forever but never come up with a plan. Yeah it's time for a change. It's time for the Dems to show some backbone and brains with the BS talk they been giving and come up with an ass kicking plan to get out of there.

In the Corps we always say "if you can't come to the table with a solution, don't come griping about the problem."
How soon you forget who got us into this mess, not the ones who are expected to finish it and make it all pretty. the ignorant attitude of if you can't fix it leave it alone is over so face it. the plan may turn out to be just plain get us out of there, we've already experienced the ass kicking part of the plan.
No matter what you dems may think, Its been covered by the world wide press and even your own liberal media. The strategy of "cut and run" that is being touted by the neo-french, is being viewed as a victory by the likes of OBL and other Islamo-fascist terror cells.

You can blame the reps all you want, but the terrorist view the dems as a defacto ally. And rightly they should.

Quote from the movie Patton:

"Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight - wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost and never will lose a war, because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans."

Times have changed. Most Americans have become the new french. I guess ole Geo. Patton wouldn't give a "hoot in hell" for most of us. We have become a society of self-gratified couch potatoes that just want to be take care of. We are pretty pathetic.
Jim, your view of the world and Democrats is pretty depressing and frankly wrong and unproductive. I could list hundreds of Democrats I know that could prove your misguided opinion wrong, but I khow when not to waste breath. Your Patton gibberish is crapola. I had relatives who served with him that thought a lot less of him than you do. If you ever watched the entire movie, another famous quote was "there he goes old blood and guts himself. Yeah, our blood, his guts." -By his own soldiers. You've obviously never served and are another Republican armchair war hawk....
I agree about Patton, the main part the war for him was an ego contest between himself and Montgomery.

As Colin Powell said "if you're not winning a war you're losing " . staying just for the sake of pride doesn't acomplish anything if you're going lose in the end anyway. those of you who think a victory in Iraq ends the war on terrorism need to get real, this is much bigger than Iraq and a win there is one small peice of the puzzle at a unbelievably high price.
"You've obviously never served and are another Republican armchair war hawk...."

Been there and done that, DMAN. I served this country and served it well, and have every right to ##### about what I see as "surrender." I have a committment over there of a personal level as well, and if my opinion makes you chafe a bit....too bad.

My parents were dems, but that was back when the Democrat party stood for the working class. Another one of them is an uncle who is in his early 90's. He was rescued by Pattons boys at the Battle of the Bulge. He probably didn't like Patton anymore than any other officer, but he told me he was damn happy to hear that armor coming. Now, why folks stay in the party that supports just about every abhorrent behavior under the sun is beyond me.

Patton was conceited, arrogant, vain, whatever. But the man was a leader, something that is sadly lacking today. Whether that quote about americans loving a good fight is true or not,, I don't know. But if it isn't, its too damn bad, because being an American used to mean something. Now it just means we're a bunch of ****!es that can't and won't finish a fight. And that pisses me off. And the party that is waving the white panties is the know, the ones that Al Qeada helped win.
JimNV, Great points, but you are whistling into the wind. The Democratic party has changed and that is what's weakening this country. It should be called the P.C. democrates. "why folks stay in the party that supports just about every abhorrent behavior under the sun is beyond me" That just about says it all!!!
Boy howdy, the republicans have been kicking butt and taking names haven't they. 5 years later and we have a screwed up mess in Iraq, an unreal national debt and Bin Laden is still free and making movies. I sure hope the dems don't screw it up when things are going this sweet.
If you did serve, then my regards. I really don't see how you can call three different wars over 20 years in that region and billions spent, under primarily Republican leadership (Bush one Bush two) -progress. As far as abhorrent behavior in recent times; contract award manipulation, drunken hunting accident's, allowing oil price gouging during hurricane aftermath, inadequate hurricane response, underage daughter's drunk on the town (front page), questionable election practices (Florida/ diebold), etc, etc..
In all fairness, Bush totally flubbed it in Iraq. Should've never went and I believed that before the boots hit the ground. You would think that in these days and times, you cannot invade a country without that countries blessing. You are just asking for civil unrest. have to admit that there were a whole bunch of democrats signed onto the fight as well. They saw all the same intel. Well, as soon as things started getting a bit sticky, the dems were the first rats to flee the sinking ship and pointing their collective fingers across the aisle and yelling "it wasn't me! They did it! They made me do it!" Amazingly the only respect I have for the dems, is for those dems that were against the war all along. I don't agree with their socialist tendencies, but they stuck to their guns.

Now its looking like Sandy "The Burglar" Berger, Clintons aide de camp and boot-licking lackey, maybe complicit in the destruction of some damning documents that would have brought out information showing the failures of the Clinton Admin. inre the 9/11 attacks.

Could Clinton Admin. have smoked OBL? I think they could have and should have. I think they dropped the ball on several occasions inre OBL and the Al Qeada network.

So, if all you dems have is a "cut and run" policy as an answer, well then I got nothing more.

As far as abhorrent, your side has issues like the ACLU, abortions, gay marriage, letting said topic into public schools and the list goes on. And for gods sake stop the whining about the Florida thing. How many damn recounts do you people need? It'll never be enough. Gore lost. Get over it.

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