Alexus' 2016 Nevada Bull


Active Member
Here is my daughter Alexus? 2016 Nevada Bull. She was able to draw this at 14 years old with only 2 points. We hunted very hard for 5 days and finally patterned this bull. She was able to make an awesome shot at 450 yards and take him. I could not be more proud of her. In 5 days we hiked 19.8 miles in some of the roughest terrain I've ever been in. She was the best hunting partner I could ask for. We nicknamed this bull ?EL Diablo? because she killed him in an absolute hell hole. I owe a huge thank you to all involved (My Wife, My Mom, Clay, Joe, Ron, Rich and Cory) for great eyes and strong backs! We couldn't have done it without them!





Wow. Not a bad first bull.

Does she know that to avoid tag soup the rest of her life, she may have to occasionally settle for something smaller in the future? Ha, ha. Pretty high bar...good job!
That's so cool, enjoy every moment! My daughter is off in college, so we've had to put hunting on hold for a few years. The daily grind of hunting has a way of making your bond with your daughter unlike any other activity in my opinion. Congrats to all involved!
Congrats. Great bull. Love those sords. You are lucky. My girls won't hunt with me. Just fish once and awhile. Glad I have two son's that love hunting.
Congrats.....nice bull, great looking pics, memories, one lucky young lady to draw with 2pts an seal the deal on a fine looking bull..


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