all the units


Long Time Member
could somebody make a post about every elk and deer unit in ut
giving all the info there is to know about it?

Really tired of new guys with 1-15 post saying i got lucky drew a tag and have never been on the unit!

Could you please just tell me where the big jaun's are and when they will be there and could you please pass the TP mybe even wipe it if your not to busy?

You guys are a joke get off the pc go learn the roads put some glass to your eye Mybe even go for a hike or 2.
LAST EDITED ON May-31-11 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]Actually, hk, I get a kick out of the guys who ask for assistance. Then I get to watch who is willing to give advice and the ones who really tell them to PUAR. This site is great because it takes all kinds to make it interesting. My favorite line is "I'm not asking for any Honey Holes". YEAH RIGHT. Have a good one. Did you draw anything this year? OH BY THE WAY I drew a Bookcliffs tag...
(LE DEER) can you give me some advice.........:)
In a bad mood tonight Killer?

I really dont see a problem with it. When someone finally draws a tag they are excited and would like a little help to get started.

I drew a Rocky Bighorn sheep tag this year. I have never set foot on the unit, never even hunted a sheep. Does that mean I cant make a post about the unit I drew? I will put alot of miles on my vehicle, boots, glass before the hunt even starts. I have a few more then 1-15 posts. does it really matter how many posts we have or if we are new to the site??? I seem to think we all have a love for the outdoors and enjoy hunting. We ALL would like a little help when we draw a good tag, so let them ask away! Their are plenty of people on this site with great knowledge of certain units and are willing to help. If you dont want to help then dont!
Nothin worse than askin for advice and help from fellow sportsmen who just happen to be willing to help out...

I wish anyone with less than 1000 posts would be thrown off this site. Basically, the number of posts on this site shows just how dedicated a sportsman is, and how knowledgable they are when it comes to the outdoors. I think 1000 is the minimum... Anyone with less than 1000 posts can get out...

Real sportsman like HornKiller...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Yeah, what losers! How dare they try to make their oil hunt the best they can! They could at least get their post count up before they act stupid like you hornkiller.

Traditional >>>------->
A lot of guys or gals aren't asking for someones "honey hole." They are asking for a general area to start scouting in. 99% of the people asking are very grateful for the help, and would be more than willing to pass it on to someone else out in the future!
Just because somebodies posts count might be 15, 39, 165, or 998, it has nothing to do with how long they have been on this site. Not everyone has to post or make a comment on everything that is posted on this site. I know several guys who come to this site all the time, but don't have a username because they don't want to post, because there is always someone to ridicule them!
Yes I did post asking for some advice on a unit for my dad. He is 55 years old and this will be a OIL hunt for him. I want to make it the best I can for him. I have the means to scout from the air! If your worried about your "HONEY HOLE", well theres a good chance I can find it without your so called 2 cents.
Trix just road hunt bud "thats how i killed my 8x8"
Yes i got me a bull tag this year.

the rest of you guys come down on me pretty hard! Dont you think if they were true "SPORTSMEN" they would of been trying to get info on the unit they put in for before they drew the tag? Or would of been on here trying to help somebody thats needing help with something they have info on? Nope they just get on and ask for hand outs and IMO thats were half the tags go to people that just want hand outs! Mybe im in the wrong it just pisse me off mybe i should of waited till i had a couple more post's browning you plick!!
Ok Hornkiller....tell us what unit you drew so we can give you some pointers, honey holes , bring the tp and what not .
The post count comments are kind of funny because it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. Some guys like myself that are retired have more spare time than ones still in the work force and can post more. Big deal!!! Yesterday my post count seemed to be a big problem with one member who branded himself as a poacher on several of his posts. In fact, he told me to go out and get laid, which would probably be a good idea no matter how many posts I have, LOL!!! Then there are others who are frequent visitors on a site, but for some reason don't post much. The one young ND guy I took out to my Wyoming honeyhole in 2009 and got him a 6x6 bull hardly ever posted on another BB I frequented. He asked for some help one day on where to go for a decent DIY hunt and we developed a good relationship off the site by email when I responded. Now we're good friends and have bird hunted together and he's building PPs for another elk hunt. It's really up to the individual and if you want to help, then just do it! If not, then don't, but you might miss making a friend for a lifetime.
I think maybe some folks who live next to some premium unit but can rarely if ever draw it might be more sensitive? I don't know, but I have hunted a lot of good areas. Some I will never draw again. Some I know extremely well and hope to return. I have gotten great advice on some of my hunts, I give others more. Maybe you have not been on both sides of the fence as much? Especially in once-in-a-lifetime hunts, anyone who does not utilize ALL avenues of advice is in my book not trying hard enough.
This is my take, I started here a couple of years ago getting scouting information for a LE unit. I was new to the site, and received some very good starting information. It helped out with my scouting and got me pointed in the right direction.

When dealing with a LE unit, tags are so rare that honey holes are not really even an issue. I freely share information on those units I now know to others who ask for help. I could care less how many posts they have or if they have never been to an area or if they are from out of state. We all start somewhere and I would rather see them gathering information now instead of in September.
I chose 1000 on purpose so it was close to your count, but just above it Hornkiller... lol

The point is- we all have to start somewhere... and for LE hunts, which are all basically OIL tags these days- I personally don't mind sharing some info... General season on open units is a little different I'll grant you, but for OIL tags- come on... Don't get so worked up over it... We all want help, because we all want it to be a hunt of a lifetime...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

"Mybe"??? Is it that hard to spell that word correctly. Are you texting? Just add the "a". MAYBE!

But you do make a good point!
im in the 1-15 post catagory so i guess that makes me a five year old who needs my hand held everywhere i go on every hunt i go on. get over yourself hornkiller, and go find something better to than get on here and complain about sportsman asking for advise.
Im in the hardly post corner also, been on the site forever just dont feel like posting much, love most of the banter and reading the rest. By the way I drew my OIL tag, how about honey holes for the wasatch, and where exactly is the wasatch?
Not a cool post...I asked for some help last year in nv, got some good info, and was able to share a lot too. MOST important, I've met some very cool hunters because of this site. Posts like yours might scare off some great additions to this site.
I'm on the fence for this one. I've given lots of help to people on this site and I've received lots of help. I made a post in the AZ forum making fun of people who do come looking for info. But it was all in good fun.

What I don't like are those who come on asking for help only to never be heard from again, whether by pm, email, or posting. I applied for a strip tag in AZ and have never been there. I've done research. Will I ask for help? Yep I will.
I drew a Book Cliffs Muzz Deer tag. I have never set foot on the unit. I have already asked 2 or 3 people for advice.

Wow, I am glad to get that off my chest.
> Nothin worse than askin for
>advice and help from fellow
>sportsmen who just happen to
>be willing to help out...
> I wish anyone with less
>than 1000 posts would be
>thrown off this site. Basically,
>the number of posts on
>this site shows just how
>dedicated a sportsman is, and
>how knowledgable they are when
>it comes to the outdoors.
>I think 1000 is the
>minimum... Anyone with less than
>1000 posts can get out...
> Real sportsman like HornKiller...
>"Therefore, wo be unto him that
>is at ease in Zion!"
>2 Ne. 28: 24

Whew! I finally made it into the "1000 club"! LOL
As for me, it just means I'm a big bag of wind!

I myself have given out a good bit of info on areas to others here. I have also been given a good bit of info as well. I think it's nice when it goes both ways!

If a guy tells me exactly where he likes to hunt or takes me there and requests that i not share his info gained, i won't tell! If i find out the info on my own, lots of different ways, i'll generally share unless myself or a good buddy is planning to return to that particular spot.

I too find it a bit odd that so many that say that they have been reading our threads "for years" wait until they draw a good tag before they come and join in. I can see why some guys make comments about sharing to brand new guys. So, new guys, if you ever can see wanting/asking about some good advice on hunting areas, join up in the fun now and feel free to ask all the questions you want later! As i said, it's nice when it goes both ways!

I was never much of a computer geek and had nothing to do with this site or any others unitll last spring I drew a Dutton tag and guess what, I did everything I could think of (scouting, glassing, buying and studying all the maps I could get my hands on, buying gear, research, calling the biologist and oh yesh, someone refered me to Monster Muleys)to get help on a tag that who knows I will ever get again. I found out real quick there are some truly errogant pricks on here that are bottom feeders. On the other hand, I have met some real genuine people willing to help out. Sniper1 went as far as making that long drive down on his own dime during my hunt to help a stranger and we have gotten to be good friends and would do anything to help him out!! Hell, Never_Catch let me borrow a knee icer for my knee with torn catlidge for the whole summer conditioning and for the hunt to keep me going. He didn't know me from jack crap. He never asked anything in return and Z, incase you read this I will never forget it!! I got some good help from genuine sportsman and since, I have kept coming back on this site, in doing so, never forgeting the genuine good people willing to help and in return, happy to help people who may be in the same boat this year. Lighten up!
Menstruation..... Not just for women.
Yes, I have low post envy. Really, I drew Utah tag last year, I am from Oregon 17 hours away. The Utah guys on here were very helpful pointing me where to look, very thankful. In turn I have zero problem helping guys giving information on where I hunted.In the majority of cases these are difficult tags to draw, thus I will not get back there anytime soon. JB

Its really not the post count that gets me pissed its when they want a hand out and dont give back to the site. Like picks, story's, or helping another hunter out!

ask founder how many peolpe he has nuked or should because they made a profile got what they needed then boogied.

I dont mind helping out but 90% of the people looking for help that is all they are after. So if you feel im talking about you prove me wrong and give back to the site!

I don't know if I am a low poster or not......I don't care so much about the number of posts but I have to admit it seems wrong that someone applies for a tag in some place they've never been or seen and then expects someone else to tell them where and how.

I've taken a great many people on their first hunts and have carried many an animal that I didn't shoot. I've been awarded TEACHER OF THE YEAR a couple of times for Hunter Ed. I believe that qualifies me to say that I'm willing to help.

I'd still never ask for some special tag in another state and then ask people whom I've never met to help me. I'd ask relatives and I'd read a lot......I'd scout, what is so often done is just not right.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
glad to hear its not the post count making you mad hk. you were starting to hurt my feel goods. lol

hornkiller the same thing can be said to you about people seeking help. If you don't like it"DONT @^$*&^ READ IT."

What a fraceeeeeee thread you started. What's the purpose of it anyway?

Is this a photo of your cousin?


Have a good one. BB
As it has been beat to death, to each their own. I happen to have no problem sharing my knowledge and information, period. In state out of state where ever. I am that type of person. That being said I still do my home work. I have DYI Kansas, California,Idaho,Nevada, and Utah. If you want to hunt where I hunt you better be prepared to do some hiking, good luck on al the draws.JB
Help is what this site is for. I've helped anyone who has asked though I prefer to do it through pm's like said before. I've been the recipient and the giver and both ways have resulted in upper class animals. I get the "put in your time before you apply" concept as well but in alot of cases that is not possible. I applied for 29 tags this year throughout the west. There is no way in the world I would have enough time or money to scout every one of those areas before I applied. Those are also tags that are pretty much once in a lifetime tags IMO and you can bet I will be helping everyone that asks after I've hunted it. That's the best thing about this site. I can credit two B&C animals on my wall from help I received here and I can think of 4 B&C animals that I feel I contributed a good amount of time and info. for others.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-11 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]Damn! I am guilty as charged...the FNG :( ...reckon I should have read the hornkiller handbook before posting eh? Where is the link to that?

I have never been Antelope hunting in WY and I put in for that too...Good grief...what was I thinking...

To each his own...But really what is this site for? As I see it what goes around comes around and Thankfully, there are people who are willing to share...thats how new friends and memories are made.
Wow and here I sit with only 164 posts, I don't deserve to be here.

How foolish am I to think that a brand spanking new hunter like myself could dare to ask questions of the elite and more experienced gurus of the wild.

Just a question before I go...If I'm off the computer and out learning the roads and hiking ? as suggested, then how am I going to get my posts up to 1000. I'm confused. Besides I hate hiking and getting all sweaty.

Just maybe.....if I clean out my garage this weekend and list everything separately on the MM Classifieds will that boost my POST numbers along with my wilderness and big game knowledge?
True Mr. Patient,
This is a prime example of why we can't equate post numbers to outdoor knowledge!

I do think the originator was also pointing out that some folks only TAKE while others will give AND take. I know you well and you fall into the latter group. Good to have people like you to associate with.

Hey hornkiller -

You seem to be the joke with all your ignorant comments and such. What's with the comment that your not a true "sportsman" if you don't get info on a hunt that you put in for. How does this work when your a non-resident putting in for multiple states, species, etc. Most likely you'll never get drawn in your lifetime for these top hunts with the way things are nowadays.
I've been a daily visitor on the MM site for about 5-6 years and rarely post. Last year, I got drawn for a Nevada muley (after 9 bonus points) and posted for any advice. Got about half a dozen replies, which were appreciated and helpful. Some were pm's, probably so they wouldn't be chastised by "sportsmen" like you. What an ego you must have - telling guys they are a "joke" and to get off the pc, calling them 'plicks' if you don't like what they say. Maybe you should go take a long hike and besure to take some tp to wipe your potty mouth.
I try to help anyone if I know something about the unit. Hopefully others will help me when I need it.

I have to admit I did get a little irritated when I helped a guy out on here once with a O-I-L tag. He had a new username and ended up killing an animal that I told him about. He posted his hero story and photo on here and never posted again. I never heard from him again.

That is, until about a year later when he was asking for help for his friend who drew a O-I-L tag. He used a new username because his other was perged by the MM system for not being used since his hero story.
My suggestion of 1000 posts was just to poke fun that HornKiller only had 998 at the time of my post... I welcome everyone to ask for help, whether they have 100,000 posts, or just 1... Res or Non-Res...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Hey, I's just completely stupid and backwards to come to a hunting forum to look for help/information about hunting. I mean geez, who are these idiots?? ;-)
Couldn't agree any more with the majority view prevailing in this post about helping one another with scouting info.

I dont understand when people get mad about putting in for units you have never been to. I put in each year for sheep in MT, I have no clue where the unit is or what kind of terrain it is. Should I drive 24 hours to see the unit then I can put in?
Hey I thought this would be a good spot for a question. I drew a Pausaugunt Elk rifle tag and just need a little help where to start my scouting. Any help would be appreciated!

And sorry about my low post count I couldn't remember the crazy password they assigned me 8 years ago.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-11 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]

Heck, I just have fun on here when I see someone say they got a tag for such and such an area and I have to try and figure out what state it's even in, LOL! I think if you ask for help you should also be willing to share information when someone asks about an area you're familiar with. I try to do that as much as possible, but I am not a world traveler and can't give out anywhere near as much help as I wish I could. I will say that I've been on many hunting sites over the last 10 years or so and this is THE BEST I've found with many great people that are as passionate about hunting as I am and will do their best to help out. Right now I'm working on a hunt for a Wyoming buddy who drew an AZ archery elk tag and one person on this site has done more than I can ever imagine a stranger doing for someone. In fact, he is even going to do some scouting and maybe even set up a dreaded Trailcam (joke, as it seems many don't like them; I'm neutral)to see what he can find in one area he has in mind for us to hit. Thanks Eric---I hope we can get together during that AZ trip because you're the best and a great example of what this site is all about!!!
+1 to topgun

I posted that my daughter drew an elk tag and had one guy offer to show me HIS area that he hunts deer in all the time. You can bet I'll respect that it's HIS area etc. Thanks J_86

I also have been in contact with another elk hunter in another unit and since I like his story/style I'm hooking him up with a close friend who can help him. (Lpacker)

Same goes for another new friend who drew a sheep tag. I've emailed/phoned a handful of times and I love to help. (treeda)

I have no idea of their "post count". I do enjoy the help on premium tags and actually enjoy giving it as well. Hell, I want us all to do well and have great hunts. There will be more pics and stories for us to read!

I gotta admitt I see where hornkiller is coming from. Just jumping on and asking for info and vanishing again aint cool. Its like not bringing anything to a pot-luck dinner then asking for the best of everyone elses food.
I dont mind giving of what little info i have though. And if I know anything I'll share it. But if you come on this site, stay on it and contribute.

As for the count number I think I'd better start posting the "+1" and "nice pic" to get my count up. Maybe a few "LOL"s too!
I am a way better hunter than anyone with 2250 posts or less by virtue of my 2551 posts. Obviously, I cannot use your info if you have a smaller post count than I do. mtmuley
I can also see HK's point to an extent.Although I help any who contact me,and have made some very good friends on here as a result,it does kinda irk me the way some go about it at times.I have no problem seeking out help when I draw out of state,and my requests have always been well received.In fact I have never had a negative response when I sent a PM to someone.That being said,I hate it when someone asks for help,I give it,and they don't even respond with a simple "Thank you".I gave a guy antelope advice in Wyoming last year,and never heard a word back from the guy.Incidentally,he made a comment on this thread,too.Probably just an oversight on his part,but nonetheless,it didn't make me feel any better about giving him the info he requested.Don't know whether he used it or not,because I never heard back from him!I will say this,though.I have made 4 great friends off of this site as a result of asking for help.One I still have not personally met(but we will one day,Dino!).The other 3 I not only gave advice to,but regularly hunt with them whenever I get the chance.NEVER would have met these guys without MM.Oh yeah-the advice thing is reciprocal as well!
post count does have some pull. I was on another site recently and asked how the deer on POW were doing comming out of this winter. I only have about 45 posts over there. They acted like I asked to borrow their wife or something.

Dang I better get busy posting and stay the heck out of the hills on days like today I'm getting left way in the dust here on these posting numbers. Is there anything in the MM rules that say I can't have surrogate posters? I can have my kids, neighbor kids whoever I can get to post for me and get my numbers up.
>post count does have some pull.
>I was on another site
>recently and asked how the
>deer on POW were doing
>comming out of this winter.
>I only have about 45
>posts over there. They acted
>like I asked to borrow
>their wife or something.

Did you report it to the proper authority? That is elder abuse if I've ever seen it. :)

I dont post alot ! But I have been on here alot of years. Does anyone know how to see how long you have been a member ?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-11 AT 06:58PM (MST)[p]I have more than 15 posts... does that mean I can ask for help and everyone will help me?? lol

Follow my blog at:
I dont post on here much. But I do like to read the post. two year ago I drew a limited entry wasatch tag and ask for help. I did not plan on drawing the tag for many years. So I had not scouted the area but with the help of MM's I had a placed to start and I am forever grateful. Some of us just need a starting point.
MSY and HK, You poor little fella's, someone asked for info and did not post a photo of their last hunt or a story. Your poor little feelings must really be hurt. my lip is curled for you in sadness. Will you be okay..I sure hope so you Tender little souls.

So I have not been to the world famous Henries, Pauns, or the Strip. With your theory I should "put some glass to my eye" and visit all and know everything before I put in for a tag and god damn if I ask for advice and dont share a photo from eight years ago...and god damn me more if I dont post every other day on this site. To all you HK defenders...he is wrong and really does not have a valid point.
A person that comes here does not automatically have the right to expect or receive info about hunting areas from those who do not care to give it.

Some response's here above does not help the cause of those who ask for help. It goes without saying, or it should, that if a member does decide to help another out, they should be thanked kindly and receive one of the very first hunt reports given. That's not too much to ask especially when the info given was, for several reasons, a big help in the lack of scouting time or was directly responsible for a good-great animal(s) taken.

Not sure why but this reasoning seems to have escaped some here. You can go ahead and make fun or complain all you want but that doesn't make you in the right.

I've made several lasting friendships from helping out fellow hunters on this site. I have also given out information and not heard another thing from the person. I don't really care what your post count is. All I care about is if you are a good person and sometimes it's hard to tell unless you have some posts under your belt. Never the less, I will continue to help when I can.

It's always an adventure!!!
Rob, I was happy to help you out and if you ever need it again don't hesitate to ask!!

Hornkiller, hey man I know Shaq retiring has been hard on you but do you really have to attack the guys with low post numbers because of it?? :)[/IMG] ~Z~
Spit my drink out when I saw your consecutive +1, then +2 posts...!!! LOL, LOL :D :D :D

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
While your at it please post pics of your kills(trophy quality ONLY) with complete backgrounds in them so i can spend hours upon hours sitting in here in my own pizz and shite trying to figure out where your honey holes are.....
Hey Joey -
I think your missing the point. Hornkiller came on here with his opinion/view of something and people are only responding with their opinion, whether they agree with him or not. Most seem to not necessarily agree with him and are responding in the way he came across. He's basically upset with people have no or few posts getting drawn for a hunt and then asking for some help/info, etc. I can see his point, but what ticked me off was his sarcastic attitude - calling guys "jokes", get off the pc, calling them "plicks", pass the tp comments, etc. I don't think the number of posts means a damm thing. I could come on every day and say "love the mass", "great buck", etc. and build up a big post number. I don't think anybody automatically expects the right to info under any circumstances. They are only asking and most are humble enough to point this out and are only expecting general info and not specific info. On the other hand, I always check out other sites on MM and subsequently (on the advice given by other hunters) purchased equipment such as boots, pack, binos, etc.. Oh yeah, Joey, I'm from No. Cal. and have put in for antelope all my life (63 years) and never drawn, plus have 9 bonus points towards M3. Thought if I ever got drawn for either I'd be looking you up for some info, but I guess thats out the door now.
oldhunter, so just why are you calling me out? I was too just expressing my opinions. I help people out all the time, some brand new ones too.

By the way, i didn't miss any point! Hornkiller went about his thoughts the wrong way but many here can understand where he's coming from and i'm not jumping on the boat to lynch the guy. You want to call somebody out, read shotgun's posts!

Next time you care to say hi or let it known that you're around, just say howdy in a PM or offer some support in a discussion. New guys that like To call out everybody...sheesh, this ain't a prison!

Oldhunter i didnt call everyone a plick i said it to browning and i think he knows i was giving him some medicine back!

All the guys that jumped on the ban wagon post thing must have not read all my post i really dont care if you have 1 or 4000! It just seems alot of them asking for where all the animals are when they feed where are the biggest ones when they will be there where they water ect.
are the ones going about it the wrong way. I understand alot of it is they are NR but it just seems to make more sense to get a little info on a unit before you put in for it insted of hearing its a good unit and sendind the money in a app.

Ya they have every right to ask for help and whoever wants to help great just give some help when you can in return and hell post a story and pick insted of getting what you need then skipping the site!
I drew an elk tag in AZ this year and have not been in this unit in 20 years it was my second choice. I plan on doing alot of scouting but if your a nonresident and have a family and a business or job its kind of hard to scout your area. So what is wrong with giving advice on where to start looking.Some guys get all bent about asking for advice I will probaly not draw an elk tag in AZ again for a long time and i want to make the most of my hunt. I have given other hunters advice on areas I have hunted, was happy to do so. Just my 2 cents
Joey, I wasn't calling you out. You were just one of the few trying in some way to come to hornkiller's defense. I know you help a lot of people out, as I've probably read most of your posts for years. Besides just short comments or words of encouragement, you post very interesting and informative stories - and with pictures. I used to subscribe to every hunting magazine out there, but have dropped them all and just check out MM. In fact in looking for something the other day, I ran across the thread you posted of the old guy loaning you his rig when yours broke down in Meeker and enjoyed (got a laugh) of the one of you hooking up with Charlie Hawkins years ago trying to get an antelope (know Charlie). Also, I was only tryng to throw some humor in when stating I was trying to get drawn for a couple of Ca. hunts and now probably couldn't ask you for any help, since my post count is so low. Catch you later.

Just curious who I called out in other post's? or did you mean one of the other 58 Shotgun's on here. I do call out BS (my opinion of BS of course). I do get passionate sometimes, sorry.

HK complains about guys asking for advice but just the day before this post he gave advice to someone asking. I am sure while doing it with a smile on his face while patting himself on the back saying "I am such a good sportsman and helper of mankind".

Sage, If you do read my post's you will see I am all about supporting the NR sportsman. Not everyone gets the opportunity to live in the western states but those that visit and research the units the best they can and are willing to spend money probably deserve some advice.

A sportsman in Utah shares many of the same beliefs as one in Wisconsin, or florida, or wyoming, or maine, or alaska, or ect....
OK, well heck guys, this thread seems all about not too much! If guys want to help with info, Great. If they don't, i can understand and a lot of others can too, that's also great!

Again, i don't believe newer guys should "expect" too much from the members here. Even guys that have been around for awhile, me included, don't get a ton of feedback when the feeler questions get put out.

Oldhunter, serious, If you draw out a zone 5 lope tap, have i ever got a nice spot for you!

So all you guys are telling me that there is 70+ replys to my rant and probley another 50 guys following it and not one of all you great sporstmen can help out? The post titled
"need some help" posted by Aaron84 he is trying to get some help for his buddy that is stuck in a chair for life and can only move his right arm a little bit! How many of the new guys begging for info could probloey give a tip or 2 but they are more worried about there hunt! How many people the past couple years came on here got what they wanted then see ya later that could probley help a little but hell why they got what they wanted! How many that just follow the site are just to good to make a profile and give a little help bit when they draw a tag bygod they make a profile and they are entitled to help right?These are the things im talking about and i have seen Arod help a ton of people on here! So why has he recived no help and all these new guys are getting a ton of help?

Dont tell me cause all the new guys are NR or its cause they have a draw draw tag! Cause the guy he is trying to help its probley OIL tag being in his position.
I try to be helpful if people need a tip or two but I'll admit I feel a little better about helping people who are participating in the site.

It seems wierd when people come on here saying "I've been reading the website for 5 years and now that I drew a sweet tag, this is the first time I've posted". When i read that I think, "Dude, don't you feel a little wierd asking for help when you have obviously passed up at least 2000 other chances when you could have been helping other people?"

I guess my point is that the more you help other people the better you are going to be helped when it's your turn to ask for a little favor.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-11 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]gznokes---I agree with your post for the most part because I think it helps if a person is active on a site so people get to know them a little bit. The one problem is if people like myself are living 1500 plus miles from most of the people on this particular site it is hard to give much help to others. I have been very happy to pass on whatever I can, but it's strictly on what I know about Wyoming since that is where I hunt every year. I have been in NM and Idaho a little on big game hunts,pheasant hunt in ND and turkey hunt some in SD, but not enough in any of those states to really pass on much useful information. However, there are plenty of other subjects on a site like this where people can get to know each other without doing what we are talking about. A couple that come to mind are the wolf and wilderness issues.
Topgun, Good point. There are plenty of places to chime in on this site--even if for nothing other than to give a little positive feedback on a cool photo or story.
gznokes you make some great points and i couldn't agree more.

I think if your checking out the site you should post up and contribute when possible.

If you've been viewing for a long time and passed many chances to give advice but post up when YOU need help you shouldn't expect much.

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