Al's youngest....

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By danker419 | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 01:13P
Damn a Prius can go 100 MPH? Smoke it up Al

By whosaidso | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 01:07P
So I guess Al and Tipper will be coming to So. Cal. soon.

By whosaidso | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 01:06P
sonorababy - because he and his wife are hypocrites! They are hypocritical about the Global Warming thing, and they are hypocritical about music, drugs etc. Typical liberals; telling everyone else how to live and raise their kids, but....

By curmar1 | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 12:28P
sonorababy a libertarian i am wondering why all the hatred for republicans by you...?? oh well i am sure some counseling will help you with that ...perhaps?

By curmar1 | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 12:26P
look you folks need to have compassion. this man was raised by delusional people with issues and addictions of their own. is it a big surprise these guy is a seriel law breaker and drug abuser?

By sonorababy | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 12:22P
Where does all this hatred and vitriole come from? Why the attack on the former vice president? Drugs are a problem in all stratas of our society. you all must be Republicans!

By bluejay6 | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 12:05P
Get the log out of your own eye.

By dianxue | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 11:49A
Where's the PMRC when you need 'em?? Surely it was the music he was listening to

By fubarian | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 11:42A
Tipper, you can now shut yer yap!

By maestradepaz | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 11:05A
He could have gone much faster than 100 mph if he was riding in that air-polluting private jet his hypocrite father uses. Next time he uses one of those substances he oughtta take daddy for a ride with him.

By fox_elucwh | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 11:03A
Death penalty for all dopers, no matter who their daddys are.

By whosaidso | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 10:59A
Amen, dianxue! It'll all be taken care of. Free tickets to Algore's next movie premier!

By dianxue | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 10:45A
whosaidso, you have to be joking. The only "help" he will get from daddy is having the courts paid off - again - so he can go to rehab and avoid jail - AGAIN. Now if it was me or you,...

By dianxue | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 10:44A
Don't worry, daddy and his tirade of fantasy workers will fix everything!

By allaboutit | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 10:35A
Daddy took his T-Bird away!

By whosaidso | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 10:33A
Sounds like his Prius was a rolling medicine cabinet.

By whosaidso | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007 10:32A
Hey, Algore! Your kid is a big punk! He's also a drug addict. Why don't you forget about Global Warming, you senile fool, and help your son get off the pills and pot!
I am guessing if this kid was Dan Qayle's son the press who be not stop covering it. Media bias, nah..........

Now thats funny right there. In fact it is hilarious.

I guarantee this kid and Algore bong out together on a regular doubt.............LMAO
He had marijuana in possession. That doesn't mean he inhails! And besides, he probably purchased his carbon offsets.......

A former VP's kid getting busted for pot is a big deal? Lil' George himself was busted for a DUII and cocaine , if the kid fries enough brain cells maybe he could be president some day too.
Sad deal and quite an embarrassment for a major celebrity. It goes to show that no family is immune from the enemy. Every family has problems. It goes to show that money can't buy happiness, but probably can buy the best buds.
"Lil' George himself was busted for a DUII and cocaine"

Cocaine Dude? Yea, show me the facts. Dude you are loosing it. Your hatred has blinded you. LMAO wait it was Crack, yea thats it, crack.............friggin crack me up Dude.
Bush was reportedly arrested in Houston in 1972 on cocain possesion charges. Bush doesn't deny useing cocain, being caught with it , or doing community service with the P.U.L.L program because of it. his spokesman has denied he was ever arrested, though some claim he was arrested and then his dad had connections with a judge who expounged his record.

Since when have we had to prove anything around here anyway 202? you guys spew crap like a honey wagon, there's at least some truth to this.
Hey dude, how much press would the main stream media give a story like this if the kid was a republicans son? Answer the question, don't duck and chuck, answer it!

Bush atleast didn't say some lameass thing like "I didn't inhale", funny how you give Billhilliary a pass on that, would you do the same for a conservative, don't bother answering that question, I already know your weak excuse and twisted logic on how conservatives showed be held to a higher standard than libs.

OK Dude where's the report. I mean you did just say REPORTEDLY. And as I asked before where's your facts.

Number two I knew you would play the conspiracy card. You're Classic Dude.
202 all I did was repeat what's being said out there, the first claim was made by your fellow Texan JH Hatfield and others have backed him up. no, I wasn't there so I can't say it's 100 % true. everything you post is verified by an independent commitee not to mention Perry Mason's law firm for accuracy right? I thought so.

Back to the story, Bush's cocain abuse is common knowledge. so what's got your undies in a wad is a coke head may or may not have been arrested, sure he's a coke head but if I can't prove there was an actual arrest I shouldn't say it. fine, OK, the drunk driving coke head " MAY" have been arrested we can't be sure, that better?

So Gore's kid is a stoner, Bush was, half the polititians are or have been. I don't see why a former VP's kid getting busted is such bid news. give him a years hard labor like all the stoners need, be fine with me.
I see his daddy came on TV today saying it was a private family matter! Sorry daddy, driving 100 miles an hour on a public road endangering the public is not a private matter.

And then the POS pushed his Live Earth dope smokin' concerts to bring awarness to "global warming". Don't these creeps ever give it a rest?

Ya know...When Jeb Bush had to deal with his daughters cocaine addiction he asked the press to back off, that it was a family matter. When the George's daughters were caught drinking under age, again it came under the cloud of a private family matter.

Since these types of issues hit the very heart of america I think the public has accepted these matters as private.

Now I know you fellas think I'm some great advocate for the dems (which I am not) but the fact's his adult kid.

We have this pattern repeat itself many times over with famous figures and in the end all it ever turns out to be is a private family matter.

If you can't stand Al Gore I think it's worthy of a smirk while stirring your morning coffee, but that's about it. I admit I was laughing about it when I heard it on the news.

Isn't there some old saying "Sons are put on this earth to torment their father", something to that effect.

Even George had issues that ended up embarrasing the family, but I would never draw a parallel between his poor judgement and his father's integrity.

And yes D13r, he was delivering that bag to my house and I was in a hurry to leave so I told him I would split the bag but he better drive fast. Sorry to steal your thunder D13r.

LOL, yeah I knew you were involved.

I know it happens to all families. I can't imagine trying to grow up in the shadow of such famous and infamous people. I hope the kid grows up and has a happy life. I truly feel sorry for the kids of all the washington political clowns.






THE ONLY bobcat!!! ((( }> }> }>!!! )))
FTW, I hear what you're saying. But if my 24 year old son or daughter pulled something like that and the press asked me about it, I would say "If the charges are true, the kid was wrong and he's going to have to face the music. He (or she) deserves whatever justice he has comming. I certainly hope he doesn't expect us to bail him out."

That's what I would like to hear from Bush, Al Gore, or anybody else for that matter.

I just thought it was a cheap publicity stunt to use his sons trouble as a way to get some free air time to push his personal agenda. That's probably what's wrong with his kid to begin with.

Bobcat, we don't need to search your vehicle. We already know what's under the seat of your rig!:)

1 drug to get up another to get down, ah what ever no scip ta boot...slap on the wrist is comin....
Nothing like our good old American Justice know justice for all. Maybe he will get lucky like the 49er's ex-wide reciever Antonio Bryant who got popped at 130+ mph in his Lambo on highway 101 while under the influence.

Funny, nobody knows why but the charges against him were dismissed. HHmmmm

Nothing like everyone being equal in the eyes of the law is there?

Since the kid was in California he will pay a minor fine and go to traffic school.

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