Amazing invention.......

Saw a video of this working 2 years ago... same inventor. It seems to work good but it requires a steel insert in the end of your arrow shaft. I dont know what weight is required nor how you find lighter weight broadheads to offset the now heavier arrow.

The problem with these is that when you draw your arrow, and the insert enters the magnetic field, it shakes for 3-5 seconds before stabilizing. Not a huge deal, but if I was waiting to stick a big buck or bull that would seem like a lifetime and probably be quite annoying on the range.
Like 338RUM its just not feasible for hunting. It doesn't stabilize fast and if you have to move your bow you have to wait for it to stabilize again. No panning to follow your animal as it walks...


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-07 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]>The problem with these is that
>when you draw your arrow,
>and the insert enters the
>magnetic field, it shakes for
>3-5 seconds before stabilizing.
>Not a huge deal, but
>if I was waiting to
>stick a big buck or
>bull that would seem like
>a lifetime and probably be
>quite annoying on the range.

Actually they use VERY powerful magnets, the video I saw a while back of it in action stabilized very quickly.


I found the video I saw long ago:


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