Long Time Member
Biden wants to give assault weapon owners two options: Sell your guns to the feds or register

Bernie will be out with heart problems and now they are investigating Biden and China so he will be out. That leaves the fake Indian and Hillary. Should be a fun election again.
Hillary's coming until the IG reports put a few torpedo's in her hull and we see the last of the corrupt #####.
I think that is what this is all about from the beginning. The dems know if Barr finds the facts they will look like dogshit for 2020.
They already look like dogshit....think of something that is worse than dogshit....

>Bernie will be out with heart
>problems and now they are
>investigating Biden and China so
>he will be out. That
>leaves the fake Indian and
>Hillary. Should be a fun
>election again.

Ha Ha Ha good one
Things seem to be unraveling on so many fronts......Lest not we forget Hillary saying "if they find out what we've done they'll hang all of us".......Hmmm just what could she be referencing here? Pay to play, collusion, bribery, treason, deep state, fraud, perjury, other crimes against the state......OR ALL THE ABOVE.....seems this plot may have more bad actors than we could have ever imagined........and all of them were sitting on big piles of money AFTER they were out of office....

Seems old Trumpy Bear may be revealing some things that we should be questioning. Yet he's the one under attack HMMMM.....
Boskee, I hope this place is still alive and well come January of 2025 just so the ?squad? can come back on here and say see I told you we would get him out of office ?
>They already look like dogshit....think of
>something that is worse than

Catshit....Nothing worse than catshit.
I agree Homer but trump has managed to unmask them and the complicit press. Pelosi got caught lying on ABC and they know they've been caught, Schiff included. The GOP wants Schiff to resign and they're exposing more of the lies they've fed to the complicit press. It's not over yet boys but if the dems are smart they'll just let this go and stop the insanity. Anybody with half a brain realizes what's been going on and getting caught in the lies should put an end to it.

That's where Homers point comes in if Trump falls victim to arkancide then you'll see the people demand justice....Let's hope cooler heads prevail.
I hope he has a food taster....the insiders are more dangerous than the outsiders....

You couldn't write a more evil and devious plot line.....

>>They already look like dogshit....think of
>>something that is worse than

>Catshit....Nothing worse than catshit.

So true !!!
Imagine all the players & the sheer volume of planning, conniving & scheming that took place behind the scenes since Trump came down the escalator. One has to wonder what's next seeing as they are hell bent with their take no prisoners & no holds barred tactics?
Good thing the left doesn't have any control over the military. They're foaming at the mouth like a bunch of rabid dogs.

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