Another Grandson's success


Long Time Member
Took my oldest grandson to the field in search of a pronghorn buck yesterday. He spotted a small group of does and sure enough a 4+ year old buck was keeping careful eyes on them. Turned out to be a shooter and after a half hour stalk, he made a great shot.

I'm sure he field scores 84+ like his cousin's buck did. Very proud of this boy too.


Great buck. Congratulations!

Not trying to stir up trouble, but is that a bullet hole in the left horn, or something else? Must of given that ‘lope a headache! :unsure:
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There’s some kind of mark on the inside of the left horn. It doesn’t really look like a pass-through bullet hole, but it sure ain’t sunlight. Look again!
Crazy, but he is fitting into my old hunting clothes and that shirt must have caught his eye. Goes well with the Carharts!
Same story for me as well. Oldest boy fits into pants and shirts I bought for sheep hunt a few years back. A hunt like that provided amazing motivation to slim down. Ship sailed shortly after hunt was over. Nice to get some additional use out of them.
BTW that's a brand new hat of mine that he decided fits him better than me. I love it!
If he is anything like mine, he is going to start eyeing your truck next.
There’s some kind of mark on the inside of the left horn. It doesn’t really look like a pass-through bullet hole, but it sure ain’t sunlight. Look again!
Zoomed it right in and yes it is sunlight, very clearly.

Nice buck for your grandson, congrats to him.
Nice mass and good prongs.
Congrats on an awesome buck! From the reports we have been hearing I am pretty sure this might have been the very last one in the state!
Great buck and congratulations all the way around!

I hope "da boyz" know how lucky they are to have you around.

*I know I personally feel lucky to know you!

Congrats on an awesome buck! From the reports we have been hearing I am pretty sure this might have been the very last one in the state!
This area used to have 1000 tags and now boosts 75. Pronghorn are few and far between compared to the past.

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Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

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J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

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