Another hit to hunters


Long Time Member
I DvR record a lot of hunting shows as I'm sure many of you do as well, that's why were on this site we enjoy hunting. Some of the shows are good and some are not so good but I just witnessed the worst I have ever seen. I wonder what damage shows like this do to us with the non-hunting population.

The show was called Utah hunting or something to that effect. It involved an antelope hunt with a family that had 10 tags for antelope. I thought this should be great as I loved to see the family involved in a hunt. It starts out with the fat old man of the kids jumping out of the Polaris and shooting 4 times at an antelope over 800 yards none connected. Then it goes to a 12-13 year old girl shooting at a distance she was obviously not used to after several shoots she finally gut shoots the antelope and the whole tribe screams like a bunch of monkeys. It gets worse from there a very young girl shoots at an antelope they have no idea how far it is. She misses by 8 to 10 feet and here adult sponsor encourages her to keep shooting until she runs out of ammo. A half hour of more of this and I can understand why many people hate hunting. I believe they had over 25 missed shots they showed on the show. They also shoot off the ATV is that legal in Utah if you're not disabled?

In my opinion it was the classic slob hunter profile and the worst was it showed a bunch of kids the exact wrong way to hunt. Did anybody else see the program and what were your thoughs. I'm taking to kids 13-14 muzzleloader hunting Saturday I hope I can do better than that as far as a mentor.
Hunting TV is the worst thing that ever happeened to the sport of hunting, it's like giving the anti's the gun and ammo to shoot us with. the higher class shows like Eastmans not so much it's done right, but the blood and guts Bubba crap is discusting to even most hunters and you know it's a great fund raiser for the anti's.

If you don't believe it look at what they did in Oregon with banning the use of dogs on bear and lion. for 3 months before the vote you couldn't turn the TV on without seeing a poorly shot bear or lion falling to the gound or in a creek. it worked.
I do agree with the idea it can give a really bad concept of hunting. On the other hand if done correctly it can introduce kids to something they might be interested in.

I usually avoid the Hunting the South shows or Texas shows shooting the deer over the corn pile because of the image. I didn't think that would be the case with one on Utah. I am not taking a shot at Utah or Utah hunters it just was the title of the show but it was the worst I have seen.
Corn Husker, I dvr tons of hunting shows also and watched the one your reffering to last nite. Its titled. "Hooked on Utah". I thought it was bull chit. It showed poor long distance shooting and endless road hunting after countless missed shots. Would of liked to see more glassing and stalking. I do give them credit for getting the kids out. I thought it was a poor representation of hunters. Get a lil annoyed of that ginger ass host, but hell i still dvr the damn thing.
Yeah, I saw the show...or at least part of it. I turned it off after the 800 yard / 4 shot miss buy the guy...couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It doesn't matter where it's at, that was just bad...
Yep! that was the show. It only got worse I watched it basically because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. On the bright side I took a kid out this morning whose dad doesn't hunt and he shot a nice buck Muzzle loader at 62 yards. Boy is he hooked and best of all his parents own a 50,000 acre ranch. Makes getting permission real easy. Almost all the ground I hunt now is from kids that I started farmers and ranchers in this area don't hunt as much as in the west. Many kids I started are in their late 30's now and still hunting partners and friends.

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