Another one to score from NM


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-04 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-04 AT 06:24?PM (MST)

This bull was recently harvested. Take a stab at his score gross. Jimbo
OK-I'm stupid, I can get the photo to upload but I can't get it to copy and paste. Whats the trick?
ok see USO outfitters you have your own elk that r big so stay out of my state
I put a tape one a 375 gross bull the other day with the same basic frame but about 30 inches less in point length. So I'll guess about 405 or so.
Its a Gila Bull and sureshot is de closest so far. I don't have an official score buts its been gone over with a tape a bunch guaranteed.
I'm sorry, I did not read losthuntr's guess way up the line. His score is about right on. We have him at 404+/-.

WTF is your problem? Get your whiney, "AZ" my ##### doesn't stink, get out of my state, Broken record, Broke Dik, Change the record, don't have a clue WTF really going on ass out of this thread and go whine with the rest of the waaasss!! in the general hunting forums.

Sorry guys, just getting tired of this mightyer than thou bullshit.

By the way awsome bull, that makes four over 400 that have come out of the gila this year. One in 13,one in 15, two in the 16's.

Great job :)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-04 AT 10:34AM (MST)[p]White Truck,

Get a life....Last time I was there, I didn't see that the entire Gila was privately owned.....

Great bull Congrats!!!

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