Antelope in Thunder Basin National Grasslands, Unit 29



Does anyone have any experience in public land hunting in this area? We lost access to a ranch because it got sold, so we are trying to figure out if we can get by on public.
Not exactly good quality buck hunting but if you are looking for meat its not bad. We hunted there several years ago and we all filled. most in the 12-13 inch class
The Game and Fish department, and I think the nearest is in Gillette for Thunder Basis, can provide you with a list of landowners who will let you hunt their land, perhaps for an access fee. Some access fees cost more than others, so call around. I'm making my first hunt this year and rather than chance trying to hunt on public land where there might be too many people I arranged to pay $100 to hunt for two days on a small 1200 acre ranch/farm.

When I'm out in Wyoming (I'm in Texas) I'm going to look over the Thunder Basin National Grassland and ask around about what hunting this area is like. I would prefer to hunt in wide open spaces such as Thunder Basin, but I don't want to share it with 5000 other hunters. I'm not particularly sensitive to the size of the horns of the animals I hunt. I just want a quality hunt: the opportunity to execute a classic stalk and cleanly kill a pronghorn which will be good to eat.
A good place to go and not worry about being on private, don't go opening day, wait till mid or end of season. You will have an enjoyable hunt, and you will fill your tags. There are no big one there anyway. So just go to have fun on the plains...


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