Anti-gun mom converted



Found this article on another forum.

I am one of those people who you loathe. One of those invisible people who come into your living room without asking your permission. One of those people who follow you while you shop, and make it harder for you to make legal purchases. One of those people who try and tell you how to raise your children, as if you don't know how. One of those who gives ratings to stations that promote our demise as a free nation. I am your enemy. Or at least I was.

I followed it all, all of the propaganda, all of the hoopla. Believed it too. Believed that leaving my house was more dangerous than being in a war. At any given moment one of you evil gun owners would open fire on me. I saw the NRA stickers, the Gun owners of America stickers on the cars that passed, and I thought you were all fools. I did everything in my power financially to try and help more laws pass that would prevent you from owning guns. I wholeheartedly believed that only the Police, and Military should have guns. Every time I heard of a gang shooting, or other criminal act committed with a gun, I honestly believed that if we could curtail the legal sale of guns, we could make a difference.

Boy was I wrong.

I have children, three actually, and to me the only thing more important than raising them properly, was seeing that they aren't hurt in anyway. I wanted to ban guns, save my children, save all children. No child should have to be part of any kind of death, especially the kind that involves being shot. I gave money to all of the anti gun organizations I could think of, went to the "Million" Mom March, even looked at Rosie when she spoke, and actually admire her. Brought the kids as well, and even yelled some not so nice things to those other marchers. I'm sure some of you know who I refer to.

I was on my way back from the march, on my way back to Connecticut, when I stopped off of the highway at a rest stop by one of those McDonalds they have off I-95. By this time I had dropped off two of my kids with their father, and only had my little one with me. I went into the restroom with her, and on my way out noticed two men hanging out by my car. There were only two other cars in the lot at the time that were anywhere near my vehicle. I immediately felt threatened by their demeanor, but continued on to my car. The smaller of the two approached me with a knife as I was about to open the door to put my child in her car seat. He yelled at me to get in the back of the car, they were taking me for a little ride. I obviously told them to just take my keys, they could have the car, but they insisted I get in the back. I then heard a man yelling something I don't quite recall, and saw him running towards me with a gun in his hand. The two men vanished into their car, and sped away. I stood there frozen in time, and by the time the gentleman with the gun got to me I just broke down and cried.

To make a long story short, you were all right, and I'm sorry. This man with a gun saved me, and I just keep thinking if I had gotten my wish and guns were banned, there is no telling where I'd be, and what would've happened to my daughter. The only regret I have is not getting the man's phone number who saved my life. I thanked him over and over again, and told him that he saved me, but he calmly said to me something I'd never forget. He said "That's what people like me are here for Ms., and I'm happy to have been able to help."

"That's what people like me are here for," those words keep on running through my head everyday. Maybe this gentleman by some chance is part of your group, and will read my message. If he does I would just like to say something to him, and to everyone else reading this note.

Thank you for saving my life, and to the rest of you thank you for fighting for this man's right to protect me and my child. Tell him for me that I will no longer be part of the group who invades his home, and tries to tell him how to store his guns. Tell him I will never be part of any group who tries to make it impossible for him to buy his tool he used to save me. And tell him I will never again tell him how to raise his children properly, because obviously I was oblivious to the fact that responsible people such as him know how to raise their children better than I do. I did rectify that situation the other day; I bought a shotgun for home protection, and am in the process of getting my concealed permit. Next time I will be ready to defend myself, or others for that matter. Some of my friends think I'm crazy, but they try their best to understand. I just tell them that as soon as their child's life is put in jeopardy by some criminal with a weapon that they will understand, but until then don't tell me how to live my life. I've lost some friends, but surprisingly most of them understand. If not for this man I could very easily have been killed or raped, and my child could've been taken from me, so once more I need to say thanks for saving me, and with all sincerity to the rest of you, forgive me, for I have sinned.
Thanks for posting, if only more liberal jaska$$e$ would read and understand this. It is exactly why we fight so hard for the right to keep and bear arms.

Nice story, with a great point that many need to hear. Only twice in my 50 years have I actually felt threatened for my life once I had a gun that changed their mind, the other time I ran like hell.
Unbelievably, there are those that post on this forum who are going to vote for one of the most liberal, anti-hunting, anti-gun, anti-second amendment candidates ever to throw their hat in the ring.

They "want to believe" that their boy poses no threat, but the supreme court justices and cabinet members this guy puts up for selection will cause us some discomfort.

He is being elected, by and large, by hugely liberal people and groups (and of course a few of the tools that post here). You don't think he will have to "owe" them for their support? The anti-gun, anti-hunting, animal loving morons out there?

Do you really want an effed up group of liberal Justices like the 9th district to "make laws" as they are wont to do? Adjudication so effed up, it ties up appellate courts for years?

Yeah. We're screwed ladies and gents.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-08 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]still got my guns, always will, obama or osama, no one ever will get them from me unless first they shoot me. . .

quit the fear mongering, unless youre afraid of your own shadow and things that go bump in the night. . .

I'm not saying that there are not people out there who want to ban guns, i'm saying they dont have a chance in hell of having it that way for the nation. It seems to me that many of the scared crowd dont really know what it's like to live free anyhow, most of them know government control. . . live free my friends. . . live free. . . put down the coolaid, take a deep breath, it's all going to be okay, no need to panic, it's okay, the world aint going to end, no dooms day ahead, really life is good, kick back and live a little. . .
T accept the fact they accepted the Bush philosophy which works on many. Be afraid be very afraid of everything, I and my party only can protect you.

I also might add I don't like any of the three candidates record on gun control.
I recall alot of Aussies thinking the same thing about their firearms that Tfinal mentioned would never happen here. I guess it is nice to live in a perfect world. As for me, I will continue to fight them at the ballot box. They can promise me all the perks they want, but if they want my guns, they will not get a vote from me.
Tfinal when they come to get your guns from your cold dead hands, you waited too late to fight and you have already lost the fight. It is not the president himself that will take the guns, it will be the judges he picks to staff the Federal courts that will do it for him somewhere down the line.


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