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Guys, it is that time of year, and I always feel like a 6 yr old on Christmas Eve. The weather is still hot, but last week I was able to do a multi day scouting trip into one of my favorite high country basins. Found 12 bulls, mostly 5 points, with one 6 point being a 330-350" bull. I keep doing the math in my head on the bull, and 330" is the number without any mass measurements added. He is not the biggest bull I have seen in that country, but definitely has the genes of the big boys of the past. Not a bad bull for Idaho. Only 18 days left till I leave for 6 days to chase these bulls... Is anybody else experiencing a similar affliction?
In a word: YES!

I'll turn 58 this year during the elk hunt and still remember the "old" guys telling me that the excitement would wear off. It never has and looks like it never will.

The mountains are gettine taller and the miles are getting longer but I still manage just fine.

I just remember the old saying "get busy living or get busy dying".

My guess is, I'll still be excited for the hunts even when I'm too old to leave camp..... in 30 years or so!

Good luck with the ID wapiti,
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-11 AT 01:22PM (MST)[p]Tank/Wayne

I'm all giddy for this year, can't wait. I'm not trying to be a smarty pants or anything but something you said caught my eye.

Let me make sure I understand your math here... you said that the biggest bull was a 330-350 class 6x6. In your words, "330 is the number without any mass measurements added" that you are coming up with. Is that correct, is that what you are saying?

Then i would wager he's much bigger than a 330-350" bull. The majority mature bulls will have a minimum of 20" of mass per side most should have 25"+ (unless they are a younger bull) and SJ bulls have 30" per side:)

If you are not counting/adding/figuring mass (on your 330-350 bull), you ought to figure that he is at least a 370+ bull maybe even a 390 bull when figuring in the mass measurements I gave you.

Sounds like a a no brainier to me on any unit if he's that good.

Todd Black

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There's nothing like the anticipation of the day of the hunt nearing much less the rush of opening morning. Good luck to all of you and may your hunts be memorable and rewarding.

Blanding Boy, I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to elk. I watched that bull in the spotting scope for 4+ hours one evening and morning. He was with 3 5 points, and so I had plenty of time to size him up. I know how to measure big bucks, but there is a disconnect in my little brain when measuring big bulls (especially if I spotted them). These are the measurements I came up with over and over.
1st 14" X 2
2nd 16"+ X 2
3rd 12" X 2
4th 15" X 2
5th 5-6" X 2
6th 10" X 2
Estimated main beam 50"X 2 =100"?
Estimated 40" inside spread
When I redo the math with the calculator, I come up with a conservation 284" without mass measurements. The bull is very strong in the front end is very heavy, even though he is still in velvet. I wish his 5th was closer to 12", and he would be a looker on the wall. After recalculating I am not sure if he will make 330" even with mass measurements. But like I said, I am not an elk expert. If they are not in the rut, I don't pay much attn to them. I do know he looks a lot like a bull I hunted a couple years back that was all tines (17" 3rd and 22-24" 4ths). Wish my pics would have turned out.
So that is what keeps me up checking and rechecking gear. I know I have a glossed over look on my face and I can't help it.
You don't get to count the length of the 6th point unless this is a 7x7. The 6th point, as you have described it, is just the end of the main beam, and this length is included in the 50" main beam measurement you listed. By the way, 50" is a pretty solid main beam length. Many 300 point bulls do not reach this length.

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