Bogeyman (Guest)

I found this info. on forum. It seems the anti's are after Delta airlines for donating a free flight for a terminally ill boy who's last wish was to go deer hunting in Southeastern Montana. There is a link posted there for people to email Delta and voice their opinions. You need not type in ant info. of flight #'s ,etc... just scroll down and put in an "atta-boy" to Delta for their help! I will try to post the Url that gets you to the anti's web page with the link to Delta's customer service.
If this doesn't work, please go to and go to the forums under "wanted" there will be a post that says "animal activists" . The link will be there.
LORD that is Freaken Just flat out Retarted. Some ppl need to go back on the "dumb ass bus" they came in on.

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
I just sent my comments to Delta, they were very positive. I ask that the rest of the MM members do the same and spread the word. This is the type of thing we need in our world, caring compassionate businesses, we can help them by using their services. Great job I say, now lets send off some emails to Delta just click on the above adress to send your comments.
Great thread!
Here is what I sent:

I wanted to commend Delta Airlines for its decision to donate a free flight to the terminally ill boy who sought to hunt deer in Montana before he died. It is commendable to donate service to a child who is demanding of such sympathies, but it is more commendable to stand strong against an anti-hunting population who seeks to transform a simple act of private charity into public fodder to further its political purposes. I have long considered Delta Airlines "my" airline, as do hundreds of my colleagues, employees, and friends now discussing this very incident.

With continued support,

Shawn P. Ercanbrack
George Wythe Foundation
I think my last wish would be to go anti hunting, he, he. You think Delta will donate me a free flight to the PETA place of my choice?
sent in a thank you to delta. wish PETA had better things to do. i also wish i had as much time to hunt as they do to bother everyone. thanks for the info.
Hey i am a guest but soon to join, i love this forum. I support what delta did and believe that if there were more businesses like that the world would be a better place
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-03 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]My hat is of to the Montana Fish & game commissioners, Delta and everyone else who helped this Childs dream come true
& god bless his family

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