Antlerless Moose - East Canyon, Morgan-summit


Active Member
A solid $213 showed up on the old cc tonight! I know there is a lot of private here, with some public land around the crest trail. Looking for advice on where to start for finding a tasty cow moose. Public or private land...I'm open to all suggestions!


Well at least I know who took the tag I was hoping to get. I had the bull tag back in 2009. I hunted public and saw bulls and cows. I would suggest scouting and learning the trails for entry points. Also look at maps and goggle earth to find some out of the way places. The week before the hunt I would spend more time scouting to narrow down location on cows so you know what you want to be opening morning.
Howdy guys,

I've been out looking for a cow, but I haven't been able to find any since 2 weeks before the hunt opened. I've been seeing bulls, but no cows.

Any suggestions on where else I should be looking? Anyone seeing any cow moose in the morgan-summit unit?


Are you hunting in East Canyon? I had the East Canyon bull tag last year and found a couple of good spots I can point you towards.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-17 AT 12:48PM (MST)[p]DidIDraw, I am hunting east canyon. I'm on the morgan and summit county side of east canyon. Any pointers would be great!

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Wow! This was a much tougher hunt than I expected. With limited public land, finding a cow was tough! It came together yesterday evening when I spotted a bull chasing after this gal. I was by myself and got her half broke down by the time one of my Brothers and a buddy made it to me after dark. We ended up with about 400 lbs of boned out meat. 300 made it out last night by 3am and the rest to come out this afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who offered advise and pointers on moose sightings. Yummy moose steaks are soon to be in my freezer!

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