Any of you like BIG velvet buck pics?


Founder Since 1999
Do any of you guys like to see BIG velvet bucks?

I just added two new Photo Tours. One by Peter Eades and the other by Jeremy Houston. Both guys take some incredible photos.
Take a look at the Photo Tours.....CLICK HERE
Here are my favorite two photos from what I added today. Do they look big to you? Or is it just me????

Peter Eades Photo

Jeremy Houston Photo

Brian Latturner
Love the first one!! Tall, Gnarly bases. The kind that make your knees go weak and wobbly.
Thanks for posting the pics Brian. It's funny that two of the bucks in the pics I sent ya have been harvested already by archery hunters. Including the one above. He was actually arrowed over the weekend. Anybody want to take guesses on his width and score?

I like big velvet bucks. It looks like the class of 2010 finished out nice. Great pics JDH.

My Guess round 28 wide and exactly 204 gross:)
that top buck prob has 20" of mass per... atleast 205"+ and over 30" to the cheater.
I think Fin Little has some sort of connections... the buck was 29" wide and was actually still growing when this pic was taken. He added a couple more inches on his back tines. He did gross 204.


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