Any So. Cal Hunters?


Mudduck (Guest)

Any So.California hunters out there??? I am looking for a hunting partner. I am up for just about anything. If interested drop me a line and let me know where, when and what you like to hunt. If i can i will go.
[email protected]
I am in Simi Valley. Where are you???????? Do you lkie to hunt just deer???
Damn its about Time LMAO I am new to hunting I am open to whatever but I would like to Hunt deer more then anything!

Email me

I am near ya !!

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Nearly 20 million hunters in So. CA and only 2 hunters. Could this be Adam and Eve? Only in Kalifornicated and the left coast. Man, I wish I lived in AZ.
Not so fast.......there's at leaset one more deer/boar/quail/chuckar/duck So. Calif. hunter here, hailing from Redondo Beach. Feel free to email me, always happy to help new hunters (also a Hunter Ed instructor out here) out. Pretty much strictly hunting quail right now, either "Adam" or "Eve" feel free to email me and maybe we can help you find a covey or two. [email protected]
I'm up in Hesperia area, If it wears fur, feathers or skin I'm game to hunt it. We hunt( apply for Lic)in several out of state places each year. We do Archery, ML,& Rifle, If your looking for a Utah(rifle) hunt next year let us know and you can send in with us.
Outdoorschick, how can you be a vegeatarian and hunter, too? Anyway, I'm from Woodlake. SE central valley. Foothills. I'm ready to hunt, but eat what I take!! PC
Paul Crawford...........I don't think OutdoorsChick is a veggie....let me try to paraphrase what I think her signature (albiet not real crystal clear) is saying;

"If you're vegitarian, I respect your complaints about hunting. If you're a meat eater.....shut the heck up".

Kinda like I tell some folks........the only simple difference between hunters and non-hunters is that we kill our own food (rather than have someone do it for us).

Hope I got that Outdoorschick signature thing right, think so.
I'm a new D16er down her in San Diego County. Just got back from a great Mule hunt... but no filled tags so far... I'm giving it one more try on the last two days of the season... I'm pretty sure I found where a decent buck has been bedding fairly regular.

I have found a few quail and a few CottonTail down here. Looking forward to bagging a few doves in El Centro in a week... but Quail are my favorite food.

I'd really like to try Duck hunting and Wild Pig... open to suggestions.

"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."

That is what that is supposed to mean!!!
What kind of hunting do ya do, What is most important to you filling your tag or having a good time, seeing alot of game,or just being with good hunting buddies.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-03 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]Outdoorschick I am trying to contact you. Your e-mail is disabled. Contact me. May be we could go hunt pigs or coyotes or something.
Mud duck
[email protected]
OK I emailed YOU ....LMAO Pigs or cyotes or something That sounds like a Blast....When and Where?????:p

"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."
I have never been hunting befor, but I would love to learn. I have shot guns befor and I own my own shotgun, but I have just never had the chance to hunt. Mabee if someone could teach me. Oh, by the way, if you are wondering about my name. I am not outdoorschick, but we are friends. She is the one who suggested it to me because I was interested in hunting. So thank you have two women.

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