Anyone have their ID stolen?


Long Time Member
That profile thread reminded me about the time some guy from Denver stole mine.

He got the info from a job application, got in a car wreck using his picture and my info on his license. He went to court and pleach bargained from careless driving to defective vehicle, paid a $20 fine and let the 2 points ride on my name.

I found out when I went to renew my license and had to take the test. I went to Denver the next day, met the cop who wrote the ticket (were still friends) . It took his word, a handwriting expert and a year's time to get that two points off my record.
I used to go by Elkassassin, but some Jackwagon stole my good name and has since run it down!
Nope. Don't think they'd do much good with my ID. But there's one available called BOBCATBESS that people might use to their benefit.
Feddoc: You got off lucky...could have been much friend had his personal info stolen twice...never found them...but they filed a refund, live in CA but they went to Florida and used his ID to purchase a car in his name....dealing with the IRS and out of State fraud were lucky that guy didnt try the money route....
This past January someone got a hold of my info and tried to open a bunch of lines of credit. They were never able to get into my accounts and I caught it quickly due to some safeguards in place. Regardless, I had to spend much more time than I wished to track down all the hits on my credit report and file a police report to get some inquiries removed. The hassle was what really bothered me, since I knew I was pretty well protected.
While Identity theft is real of course the thought of a name on a hunting website being the single bit of starting info is beyond ludicrous.

I was reading the paper after reading the responses on here and had to chuckle. Every article had names, many had addresses, some had employers, some were pre-screened for their financial well being (the real estate closing records, you have names, address, and you know they have money (seller) or good credit (buyer)!

Yet every internet tough guy when called out screams privacy protection... Mostly IMO to keep their nose from receiving a properly deserved message.

Looked at some courthouse docs the other day and there were SS#'s addresses and bank act # on public records anyone can view, slightly more fertile pickin's than MM handles.

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