Anyone have...??


Long Time Member
Alright so I recently set up my Droid2 with 3G Mobil Hotspot so I can connect my laptop to the internet, thru my phone, at the cabin. I need to be able to turn in assignments, check email, and answer instructor questions in a forum for school. It's $20 a month extra for 2 gigs and $10 per gig after that. I've spoken with several people from Verizon (tech support) and nobody is able to give me any frickin clue how much 2 gigs actually any of you have this service or can anyone tell me how much fast I'm going to go thru 2 gigs just checking email and turning in powerpoints and word documents?? I understand surfing the web is out of the question because it'll kill the 2 gigs in no time but I have unlimited internet on my phone regularly so I can use it for that stuff...

Side note, I used it at the cabin this weekend for the first time and it was badass!! I couldn't tell any difference in speed compared to my house internet...[/IMG] ~Z~

Now they will watch Trail Cams with Droids?

Or watch Droids with Droids?

"This is the USA where people get paid to watch people that are watching You"!

Maybe the Droids will catch the PETA bunch out on Strawberry that drives the LEZBARU?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Checking for roids? I dunno about this high tech stuff.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Z, I just got one also. There is a free app you can download called data watchdog. It will tell you exactly how much you use during your billing cycle. Unless you stream video or radio, it goes further than you would think.

>Z, I just got one also.
> There is a free
>app you can download called
>data watchdog. It will
>tell you exactly how much
>you use during your billing
>cycle. Unless you stream
>video or radio, it goes
>further than you would think.

I'll download the app for sure, thanks a million!![/IMG] ~Z~
2 gigs should be more than enough for what you are doing. I have downloaded and use an app called drop box that stores my work docs and allows me to access from my droid wihout taking up storage space.
I have had mine for a little over a week. At first, I wanted to pull my hair out. Now that I am starting to figure it out, I wish I would have got one much sooner. This droid cost me fifty with an upgrade contract and it is amazing what it will do. Now if Kip could just sing a verse of, yes I love technology, nut not as much as you you see, still I love technology....
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-11 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]I lied. It is called 3g watch dog. Gives you alerts and has settings to ##### down if you go over the amount. In two weeks of playing outside og hot spots I am barely at 6% usage with two weeks to go. Too bad they dont have true unlimited anymore. The way I understand it, the recent surge in phones along with the streaming video whores was overloading the network so they went to what they have now for plans

If you could go back in time, and replace the two tin cans and string in the tree house with this chit they would think you just stepped oit of star trek.
AZStickman, thank you for the info also!!

1911, it's definitely amazing how much smarter these new phones are than we are huh...lmao!! I felt like a damn retard the first couple weeks after I bought mine. I think it's just a matter of time until they come out with an unlimited plan for the 3G Hotspot...the sooner the better because I wanna be able to hack into and check B_Bop's trail cams!! :)[/IMG] ~Z~
>Now they will watch Trail Cams
>with Droids?
>Or watch Droids with Droids?
>"This is the USA where people
>get paid to watch people
>that are watching You"!
>Maybe the Droids will catch the
>PETA bunch out on Strawberry
>that drives the LEZBARU?
>Bopp,you get a droid amd you will be over tenk in no time. Productivity wil
>l go down the crapper but you can have the war room in you pocket
>For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids
>on this Site,Some of them
>are 65 years Old!:D
>I don't care if they're big
>or small!
>If they throw lead I like
>em all!

1911 says, "I have had mine for a little over a week. At first, I wanted to pull my hair out."

WHAT HAIR 1911?????????????????????LMAO

Not sure if you can use it with the newer driods but PDAnet app works great for me surfweb or do any thing on the internet emaile, send files, what ever. uses your phone as a modem using usb tether.
>Not sure if you can use
>it with the newer driods
>but PDAnet app works great
>for me surfweb or do
>any thing on the internet
>emaile, send files, what ever.
>uses your phone as a
>modem using usb tether.

It works on the new ones. I have it on my X2 and on the Wifes Incredible 2. No need to pay Verizon $20 a month when you are already paying $30 for internet.

If you insist on paying them though, you won't go over that 2GB just doing the things you described.

Dropbox is a good app, but you should try SugarSync.. It is so much better and you can sync so much more stuff!
With 2gigs you should be able to see at least 4 of eldorado's campfire post's...about 8


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
So I have tried to do a little research on PDAnet, but haven't had great luck. What is the story on it. Does it cost extra from your provider? is there anything else I need to know about it?

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-11 AT 02:47PM (MST)[p]No, its an app you get through the app store on your phone. You plug your phone into your laptop using your usb cord. Then ounce you thether your phone to you laptop it severs as a wireless modem. If you have the unlimited data plan you can surf away. phone stores wont tell or show you this cause they want your money.

Sorry correction no longer in app store check link below
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-11 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-11 AT 01:30AM (MST)[p]knthartter, I asked verizon if there was such an app as this...they said no...a-holes!! Thanks for the point in paying extra when I can get it free and use it at will without worrying about going over any usage amounts. Thanks again!!

I've got both working now...cancelling Hotspot in the morning!![/IMG] ~Z~
Z any time. They just want to stick it to us any way they can. It sure is good to be able to screw them at their own game every once in a while.

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