Anyone want to hunt Wyoming?


Founder Since 1999
Anyone else thinking about Wyoming yet? Should be a good year for antler growth, wouldn't you agree? It's been a good winter. I'm excited to get back up there this summer and see what I can find. I have high expectations right now. Hoping to turn up a few wall hangers. I'm really just ready for some time in the mountains.

I need help to a tag though. Anyone sitting on max points want to apply with me? You bring the points and I'll bring the knowledge. Mix it all together and we both go hunt big bucks in the high country....??? (A few big uns' found over the past few years)






Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
I have one less than max but am saving them to hunt with my son that also has one less than max. But thinking of drawing Region F as a special tag 2nd choice so I can have a deer tag while hunting elk. Just need to find a unit that is next to impossible to draw as a first choice.

I'm sure you find someone to go with you and have a great hunt.
I would be all over this if I had the points.

Not sure why this upsets people. I got a bunch of troll responses when I did this for elk in MT this year but it worked out for four of us and we are going in with 10 PP?s so all is good :)

I will be hunting and the trolls will be on the computer this fall.

Someone gets offended about everything in todays world I guess.

This is a great oppurtunity for someone.

Hope it works out for you Founder!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-18 AT 08:56AM (MST)[p]Seems like this is just begging for abuse.

Getting a chance to meet some new folks, expand your "circle" it seems fine.

I am curious how it would work with Founder though. He is a business selling scouting. Are we deciding now that points can be sold privately? His "knowledge" is a commercial product, complete with pricing schedules, so those points would be assigned a commercial value in this case?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>As soon as they see people
>selling their pts. Brian's not
>selling he's trading.

Brian is a private person. His scouting business isn't.

But take it away from just founder.

If I get my mom to build points can she then "trade" them for a new truck? Trip to Hawaii?

Can't help but wonder how long till a phone app with all sorts of stuff trading for points.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I think that an app where people can trade/share there points is a great idea. It is only a matter of time before someone creates an app like this. To bad I am not a computer programmer other wise I would be all over this. I do not think it is a bad idea asking for people to trade point for knowledge. Everyone gets what they want and who knows you may find a great life long friend and hunting partner.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-18 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]I think Wyoming would be happy if Grandma "hunts" Wyoming from her new truck in Florida. They received twice the points fees, plus twice the license fee and they only have 1 hunter, so no more than 1 buck dead. Sure it might not be fair to the rest of us who are waiting patiently in line, but I think Wyoming would be fine with this situation.

Another way to look at this is is the value of the points greater than the cost of the points and the cost of the license.

In this case, the cost is easy to figure out:

$40 per point X 12 points = $480 + $552 = 1G to hunt G with Founder.

This sounds somewhat reasonable based on his package costs for those with 6 points or whatever it will take to draw.

Is this cost worth it to anyone and do they have Grandma and all of her friends at the bingo hall applying for points and not hunting? I am guessing unlikely, but there might be a few out there.

Back to the question at hand, am I allowed to sell my points? I have 12 deer points, can I say to founder....your offer is good, but I would like $1000 in addition to your scouting offer to split points.
"How long until Wyoming goes to the same point system as Colorado?"

I don't think Wyoming will ever go to Colorado's straight pp system (not a good move), but they may change the way they handle group apps and point averaging.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-18 AT 12:56PM (MST)[p]So if you "own" your points, in that you can sell them, and lets be honest, that's where this will go, why can't they be left in a will, or as part of an estate?

Plus, remember I live in Utah where adulthood is illegal, if the points are worth a monetary value, then Utah law forbids lottery, seems like the draw lottery is illegal?

In this case Brian and Founders scouting service are seperate.

A dude like Brian that knows the country, is a hard worker, likeable, of course guys want to hunt with folks like that, myself included.

But businesses and individuals are different.

To be clear, so Founder doesn't pm me, I DONT THINK HE IS BUYING POINTS.

But,a few years ago I wouldn't have believed you could buy coordinates via an app. Someone always finds a grey area they want to monetize.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Its a great idea for a lucky hunter. Wish I had max points again. I used mine in 2015 and killed a great 4x5, 31" wide that went 181.

People are jsut jealous of Founder and what he does. Who cares if people sale their points. Not enough people are doing it to hurt any one of us who are "patiently waiting in line". If grandma and grampa want to buy point every year, good for them. They might also die before they can use them too. Its a gamble. But in reality, how many people are doing it? I would dare say not many at all.

Good luck Brian. I hope you kill that big one. I need another cape too, just an FYI :)
Wish I had max points to do this, because those are some studly, awesome deer. I wonder what the survivors from the 16-17 winter will grow into this year after having an easier winter???
That's what I'm a wondering too!! I have high hopes. If they come out of the winter in great shape as I expect, those antlers should get an early jump on growing big.

>Wish I had max points to
>do this, because those are
>some studly, awesome deer. I
>wonder what the survivors from
>the 16-17 winter will grow
>into this year after having
>an easier winter???

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
Founder, move to Wyoming. It's not that far away. Then you won't need to worry about point for deer or elk, and you won't be restricted to only one region. How can you beat that?
I would do this but I only have 7 points if you decide to do it in the future keep me in mind
If any of you have max points and are considering this offer, I would strongly suggest taking Founder up on this opportunity. I was in the same boat a couple years ago and reached out to Founder without him asking or even knowing who I was. I didn't want to just "waste" my extra points and wanted to give him another shot at a buck he was chasing the prior year. All I wanted in return was some general advice and guidance on how to hunt this area. Founder provided a lot of great advice and tips and more. Although I did my own scouting and located some great bucks on my own, I did eventually hunt a buck that Founder had located. Keep in mind, this was just prior to him starting his "scouting business". It was a win-win for both of us.

We have since stayed in touch and have shared tips and advice on other hunts/areas.

Here is a link to my hunt:
That's the grey area he has carved out. So now are you trading points with a business?

And ya, we all know what tags go for, are we ok with an outfitter trading points for their high roller clients?

We good if Mossback aunt(for example) buys Utah points at $10 a pop as a res, then trades them with Heather Farrar for a truck, or house?

If so, why not for just plain cash?

Buisnesses have different rules than individuals.

My guess is that's why Founder is always so careful to use the phrase "SHARE KNOWLEDGE", even as he's charging a fee. As a business his rules would be different.

That bill Wyoming tried to pass in 2013 on one time transfers contained language about points not being saleable, or tradeable.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Re-read my post! I reached out to Brian before he started his scouting business.
Why do you assume right away any ?buying or selling? of points?
This thread isn't anout his scouting business.
>Re-read my post! I reached
>out to Brian before he
>started his scouting business.
>Why do you assume right away
>any ?buying or selling?
>of points?
>This thread isn't anout his scouting

I read it.

Last I looked Founder charges about $2400 for scouting.

His OP was he would supply the "knowledge", same as he does for payment in exchange for someone using their points to get him a tag.

So, however many points it takes to get him a tag, is worth $2400.

Commercial buisness, FOUNDERS SCOUTING SERVICE, and BRIAN the deer hunter are 2 different things.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
To be clear. FOUNDER, you don't need to be sending one of those shut up PMs.

We all know how much you love that country. I don't think you personally are "buying" points.

My point is, it takes 2 seconds to search this site to see threads about dishonest, crooked, guides/outfitters. Including dudes hacking draws, and fake residency for sheep. A business, which WYOGA claims Founder is, will see this as a backdoor to get tags for clients, in exchange for money, property, etc.

Its got abuse written all over it.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I have been sharing points with guys I know and family for years. sometimes I know where to go, sometimes they know where to go. Newsflash, its going on everywhere it is allowed and happens quite often.

>Wyoming needs to go Colorado?s way
>on points and use the
>lowest point in the group!!!
>That would cure the sharing!!
Why is sharing bad thing? You act like it is a disease? Why is it a bad thing that I have banked my point high enough that next year I can split with my daughter and go to great unit on a hunt? Where in Colorado my daughter has no chance at all on going a better hunt.
I'm sitting on zero points if that helps. Working 80 hours a week now I'll be lucky to put my thousand lakes tag to good use. Guess I should get in a point building phase.
>>Wyoming needs to go Colorado?s way
>>on points and use the
>>lowest point in the group!!!
>>That would cure the sharing!!
>Why is sharing bad thing?
>You act like it is
>a disease? Why is it
>a bad thing that I
>have banked my point high
>enough that next year I
>can split with my daughter
>and go to great unit
>on a hunt? Where in
>Colorado my daughter has no
>chance at all on going
>a better hunt.

Guess it depends on which side of the fence you view from. I don't have a dog in the fight but certainly there are valid points to both sides.

I'm all applied and hoping for luck in the draw now. Then I can find some big bucks for us to hunt. Lots of days planned for the high country. Can?t wait to get after it!!!
Anyone else figuring they'll draw a G or H tag?

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
>>Wyoming needs to go Colorado?s way
>>on points and use the
>>lowest point in the group!!!
>>That would cure the sharing!!
>Why is sharing bad thing?
>You act like it is
>a disease? Why is it
>a bad thing that I
>have banked my point high
>enough that next year I
>can split with my daughter
>and go to great unit
>on a hunt? Where in
>Colorado my daughter has no
>chance at all on going
>a better hunt.

Elks96 it really dosnt matter to me if it legal then that's the way it is lol I'm just talking cause I was wanting to hunt deer in Colorado but kid decided he like to go to so I gotta wait for him to get points so we have a chance at drawing the unit we want!!
>Anyone else figuring they'll draw a
>G or H tag?

Only if I get REALLY lucky! With zero points I will be chasing one of those rare random tags. Hope to be chasing velvet bucks with my smokepole again in Colorado though. Or I might get lucky and draw my UT Pauns tag, or a tag north of the ditch in AZ, or a great NV tag, or ID, or........
A buddy of mine drew a G tag with zero points last year. Might be your lucky year.

>>Anyone else figuring they'll draw a
>>G or H tag?
>Only if I get REALLY lucky!
> With zero points I
>will be chasing one of
>those rare random tags.
>Hope to be chasing velvet
>bucks with my smokepole again
>in Colorado though. Or
>I might get lucky and
>draw my UT Pauns tag,
>or a tag north of
>the ditch in AZ, or
>a great NV tag, or
>ID, or........

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
Seems like things get easily twisted.

The spirit of the party app was so you COULD hunt with your buddies and kids. Or even to meet new folks. Not sure it was a means to gain commercial products or services in exchange.

Pretty easy to "police". You simply have to share a camp with the members of your party.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I think they should have to camp together. In one trailer or tent. Must have the same job as each other. Employeed the same amount of time. Make the same amount of money. Have the same amount of vacation days and both be married to blondes. This?ll really narrow it down to who's really ?friends?
And who's really sharing points versus the guys commercializing the points.

Guess what? States already have the rules in place as far as guiding goes.

Don?t need more you closet
>I think they should have to
>camp together. In one trailer
>or tent. Must have the
>same job as each other.
>Employeed the same amount of
>time. Make the same amount
>of money. Have the same
>amount of vacation days and
>both be married to blondes.
>This?ll really narrow it down
>to who's really ?friends?
>And who's really sharing points versus
>the guys commercializing the points.
>Guess what? States already have the
>rules in place as far
>as guiding goes.
>Don?t need more you closet

Ya, they do. Guess you missed and are missing states, especially Wyoming seeking to classify the scouting service industry.
And when those states set up those regs there wasn't dudes selling coordinates to animals. Isn't the purpose of the point system to limit hunters?

If you want a system where you can just buy your way around points, Utah is waiting.(and its full of like minded conservatives).

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I think Hoss is jealous of Brian and his knowledge and desire to hunt. I wish I had the same time to scout and get out like Brian. But I dont. He does. Good for him. If hes out scouting for a big buck for Me and him and her sales a few locations spots, good for him. I got what I wanted, he got what he wanted and its legal.

Now, if someone in Utah has max points for deer and wants to combine points for the Pauns (I have 12) lets hook up. :)
>I think Hoss is jealous of
>Brian and his knowledge and
>desire to hunt.

I think he is just tired of yet another person commercializing hunting. Just like a lot of other people, including myself.
Well.....I guess we need to add EVERY sporting goods store in the mix. Mom and pops stores. Big box stores. Everyone who makes anything to do with hunting in that mix there mulecreek.

But let me let you guys in on a dirty little secret. Without commercialization,
None of it will exist. If you think for a second that because you think you're a purest, clean as the driven snow, will finance game departments, and the never ending list that commercialization feeds.

Gotta hate every aspect of any financial gain from hunting if that's gonna be your platform.

Remington, mossberg, browning. Hoyt. Everyone and anything that makes a profit from hunting.

Hunting isn't paid for by the labor of love involved. It's just not.
Don't agree at all.

We've been regulating the commercialization of the sport since conservation started.

Can you hunt ducks, geese, swans for sale on the open market?

Can you sell big-game meat?

Can you hunt year round, anytime you want?

Can we use snares for big-game?

Do we require outfitters/guides to be permitted and licensed?

Should I continue, or do you want to concede the point that we limit commercialization of wildlife and have been doing so for a long, long time?
Cannot sell big game meat that you harvested. However, somewhere in the woodpile, critters became domesticated. For commercial sale. There?s a demand, and large enough that Surely it's profitable.

Yes you can hunt year round. Coyotes. If you have the resources, you can find hunts most anytime, most anywhere.

Not allowing snares in big game isn't the same as somebody wanting to split points. Which a lot of places allow.

Yes we do require them to be licensed and insured...etc...furthering the point about money, and fees, and taxes and and and and so on and so on.

Buzz, my post wasn?t about regulation. My post was about hating the commercialization of hunting.

Now, unless every single company that makes hunting equipment just breaks even every year, then it is about money. Hunting is an industry. And a very large one at that. The money is really the only thing that saves hunting.

It has nothing to do with being a purest. It has nothing to do with ethics. It's money.

Tired of commercialization of hunting? Get rid of the pitman Roberts. The only way money makes it to that fund is from
The companies that have made a profit from it.
I would suggest that you research Pittman/Robertson...companies don't pay that tax...the consumer (largely hunters) of certain outdoor products pay it.

There is no question that the hunting public has taken measures to stop commercialization of wildlife. We don't kill egrets to supply feathers for hats anymore. We have laws against importing ivory. The list goes on and on and on.

Hunters always have, and always will, continue to put regulations/laws/acts in place to deter commercialization of wildlife.
Commercialization of wildlife is what pays for it!!!! My God.

And no doubt, the businesses don't pay into the pitman Roberts, the consumer does. And without a product to buy, without a product to market, theres nothing to tax!

I realize that business and profits eludes a guy like you. But if there isn't a financial gain, (commercialization) then there isn't a product. I know in the land of sunshine?s and rainbows and unicorns, Money grows on trees and somebody else has to water it.

But down here in planet reality, that isn't the case.

Money is what keeps hunting around. Plain and simple. Look no further than Africa.
For what it's worth, I'll just say this.

Point sharing is the least of hunters concerns. The internet, in general,
Facebook, bowsite, monstermuleys, this has all done more damage to hunting than point sharing ever will.

Do I think we need some
Regulation? History proved that.

Regulate the right things. Don?t just scream for regulation because it feels good.

We have enough of that crap going on right now.
I totally agree, and if Wyoming Citizens, that the wildlife within our borders is held in trust for, decide to change point averaging, or stop someone from selling coordinates to our wildlife...we will.

That's how it works down here in reality.
Curious buzz why the citizens would care if the non res point average? For me as a non res I would like it stopped because it increases point creep. I don't see how it affects residents really though.

The other thing is if Wyoming citizens are so against selling coordinates since it is commercialization of wildlife, why aren't they against outfitting? Outfitting commercializes wildlife in Wyoming way more then the few people selling coordinates.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-18 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]I don't think most residents do care about point averaging...just that Wyoming Citizens are the ones that decide if they want to change it or not.

There are valid reasons for changing it, maybe Residents have NR friends and family that are getting hosed out of tags that are going to people that are paying others for the use of their points?

Maybe they don't like the blatant way that some advertise for using another's points to average?

As to the other issue, again, I can see valid reasons for being against selling coordinates. Further commercializes the sport, against the spirit and ethics of fair chase hunting, don't are for people too lazy to do their own scouting, to name a few.

Again, its up to the Citizens of Wyoming to decide, NR's hunt at the pleasure of whatever opportunity and rules we Residents decide to impose. I'm at the mercy of the other 49 states citizens where I'm a NR...just the way it is.

I don't see either as a fall on your sword, die on a hill issue, but I would likely support either through regulation or legislation.
>I think Hoss is jealous of
>Brian and his knowledge and
>desire to hunt. I
>wish I had the same
>time to scout and get
>out like Brian. But
>I dont. He does.
> Good for him.
>If hes out scouting for
>a big buck for Me
>and him and her sales
>a few locations spots, good
>for him. I got
>what I wanted, he got
>what he wanted and its
>Now, if someone in Utah has
>max points for deer and
>wants to combine points for
>the Pauns (I have 12)
>lets hook up. :)

No. You got that way wrong. BRIAN the deer hunter and FOUNDER the commercial business ARE NOT THE SAME.

If you sell cars, and want someone to split points and in return they will get a car, ITS NOT SHARING. That car has a value. YOUR DOCTOR doesn't "share" his knowledge. Neither does your mechanic, lawyer, contractor, etc.

Be honest. If it was ROBILAND in here asking for someone to split points how would that go.? Guys are doing it in EXCHANGE for FOUNDERS scouting. The same scouting HE SELLS. I didn't set the commercial value on his "knowledge", he did. I didn't set up a business, he did. But its a business. If he was you bud or you bro in law, he wouldn't need to post on a forum looking for points.

But hey. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps the idea of a party application was to give guys the ability to auction off points to the highest bidder. Because we all know you splitting points with your kid is EXACTLY the same as what this is.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>For what it's worth, I'll just
>say this.
>Point sharing is the least of
>hunters concerns. The internet, in
>Facebook, bowsite, monstermuleys, this has all
>done more damage to hunting
>than point sharing ever will.
>Do I think we need some
>Regulation? History proved that.
>Regulate the right things. Don?t just
>scream for regulation because it
>feels good.
>We have enough of that crap
>going on right now.

I partially agree. Except that WHEN it goes from FOUNDER "sharing" knowledge, to Denny Austad(his name used because its known he's a deep pocket ) "sharing" a truck, or house, the party application will go down. Which HURTS your kid, your buddy, your friend.

We wouldn't need continual reg changes if folks quit trying to exploit grey areas and loopholes.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
?Again, its up to the Citizens of Wyoming to decide, NR's hunt at the pleasure of whatever opportunity and rules we Residents decide to impose. I'm at the mercy of the other 49 states citizens where I'm a NR...just the way it is.?

This should probably read: ?its up to the WYOGA to decide, NR's hunt at the pleasure of whatever opportunity and rules WYOGA decide to impose. I'm at the mercy of the other 49 states citizens where I'm a NR...just the way it is.?

May ruffle some feathers but it's at the very least partially true ?
Its my points, I can do what every I want to do with them with in the regs. Splitting them with founder is perfectly legal. We both win.
I never saw founder try to auction off anything.

Not one time did he ask for money.

He can split them with whomever he pleases. And if he wants to tell somebody where the deer are in return, so what.

And giving a gps coordinate for a deer doesn't guarantee success. It's not like it's going to be chained up and have to stay put.

It's no different than my hunting partner and best friend. I do most the work and scouting.

Why? Because I like to and frankly, it's none of your business.

Claiming he's auctioning off his points is akin to saying he's illegally guiding. You should stop your tongue.
No doubt there is substantial regulation to limit the commercialization of wildlife. But most of the regulation deals with the actual activity of hunting or using the animals (or parts thereof). All to make sure we have sustainable populations.

The part that is largely unregulated at this point is the information industry ( or whatever term you want to call it). Think of books, magazines, websites, apps, forums, maps, etc. They all make money from the sport of hunting. And it's a growing industry for sure, with no limits on how many people they can reach, what they charge, or how much or how little information they can share. In my opinion Founder fits in this area. He is providing information on wildlife.

Ultimately it's up the states to decide if this ?information industry? is impacting wildlife or detrimental to the quality of the sport, and will need to make adjustments in their own regulations (seasons, weapons, tag numbers, etc.) to account for it.

>Don't agree at all.
>We've been regulating the commercialization of
>the sport since conservation started.
>Can you hunt ducks, geese, swans
>for sale on the open
>Can you sell big-game meat?
>Can you hunt year round, anytime
>you want?
>Can we use snares for big-game?
>Do we require outfitters/guides to be
>permitted and licensed?
>Should I continue, or do you
>want to concede the point
>that we limit commercialization of
>wildlife and have been doing
>so for a long, long
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-18 AT 08:57AM (MST)[p]Wyoming Hunt Consulting/Scouting
Service Provided By Brian Latturner,
Founder/Owner of
Email: [email protected]

For those looking to hunt where a big buck lives in Western Wyoming in 2018, who don't have the time to scout, I can help, then you can do a "Do-It-Yourself" hunt.

I've been scouting and hunting Western Wyoming for quite a few years and each summer I get up there and cover lots of ground with a backpack on my back looking for "special" bucks. Every year I find a few big bucks that I consider "special" that I do not end up hunting (see pics to the right or below).

What I'm offering is a hunt consulting package that is guaranteed. My guarantee is that I'll locate you a buck of your liking, or you cancel our agreement.

In my estimation, my services can improve your odds of harvesting a "special" buck by 4000%.

Trophy and Premium Buck Packages: $999.00 - $1499.00

Each consulting package will include:
* Photos of the buck you want to hunt
* Exact location of where the buck has been seen
* Photos of other good bucks in the area
* Trailhead location on Google Earth Image
* Suggested camp location on Google Earth Image
* Nearest known water source
* Suggested areas to hunt for best chance of success
* Detailed report on how I'd hunt the buck/area, etc.
* Phone consultation leading up to the hunt
* No two clients (or groups) will be sent to hunt the same buck

Basic Package: $599.00

This basic consulting package will give you the information on a great hunting spot where I have found an above-average number of bucks, and some pretty darn good ones, with the potential to hold something very special. These are spots that impress me greatly, despite the fact that I may not have found a whopper while scouting. Good package to get you started on your hunt.
Consulting package will include:
* Photos of good bucks in the area
* Trailhead location on Google Earth Image
* Suggested camp location on Google Earth Image
* Nearest known water source
* Suggested areas to hunt for best chance of success
* Detailed report on how I'd hunt the buck/area, etc.
* Phone consultation leading up to the hunt
* No two clients (or groups) will be sent to hunt the same area

I'm sure the first question that most of you have is, "What size of buck can you find for me?" Well, that's hard to say, but I typically locate 6-7 bucks each year that would gross score better than 185" and 7-9 175"+ bucks, and often a few that may not break 180", but are unique and special in some other way (Slightly less size in region H). And sometimes I do locate a 200-incher. They're extremely rare however. (Note: 2017 was a tough year. I found a handful of 180+ bucks, but none over 190)

Scouting the Wyoming high country is very important when it comes to having an enjoyable and successful hunt. Many hunters show up a day or two prior to the hunt opener, not knowing exactly where a "taker buck" lives, or where to camp, or where the nearest water is, or how to best hunt the area. Don't be that guy. The tag, time waiting to draw the tag and the hunt trip cost too much to go in unprepared.

Most 3-4 day scouting trips for a person traveling from 6+ hours away are going to cost at least a couple hundred dollars, plus 3-4 days of missed work, and who's to say you'll find a trophy...??? Heck, who's to say you won't show up and have to deal with pouring rain for 3 days. That's not all that fun.
Those with limited time away from work, and who want to save time off for the hunt, will best benefit from this offer. If I don't show you a buck you want to hunt, we cancel our agreement and go our separate way. But if I do show you a photo of a buck you want to hunt, then I'll supply you with all that the package above includes and you'll be ready to go hunting.

If this offer is something of interest, shoot me an email and we'll discuss your expectations, as that'll be the big question mark as to whether I can help you or not.

Bucks I find during the summer will be shown to clients on a first-come, first-serve basis. The first person who pays a deposit is first in line, 2nd is 2nd in line, etc. Each will have 2 days (1 day after August 15th) to let me know if that's the buck they want to hunt before it's offered to the next client in line.

I can only help a handful of hunters, so this offer is limited.

Once we communicate via email and you state the caliber of buck you'd be happy with and I'm pretty confident I can find a buck for you, then I'll require a 50% deposit. In the event that I'm unable to locate a buck of that caliber for you, OR I can't find one you are interested in, I'll issue you a refund. So, you only pay if I find a buck you want to hunt.
The remaining 50% for the consulting package will be due before location of buck and other package items are provided.

My goal with this offer here is to basically share my scouting costs for the year, while saving you time, effort and money if scouting that high country is difficult for whatever reason (time away from work or the wife and kids, distance, physical demand, etc). I want you to be successful. I want to see you harvest a great buck.

This is not a guided hunt. I will not be with you on the hunt. I only offer pre-hunt consulting. No guiding, outfitting, packing, cooking, driving, etc.

Rates are based on client expectations. 175-185 (170-180 in region H) caliber buck....$999.00. 185+ (180+ in region H) buck....$1499.00. The additional cost is for an additional two days on the mountain on average. On average, it takes 3-5 days of scouting for me to find bucks in the 180" class and better

DC seems there IS a guarantee the buck you want will be located. Also seems you WILL get GPS coordinates of where it is.

But go ahead and tell me when you scout for your buddy this is how it looks. This is what is being offered for splitting.

ROBILAND. If there your points, can you leave them in your will? Do you keep them forever? Even if you don't apply for a few years? Like I said if Brian is a cool guy you want to share a camp with, great, that's the point of the party app.

But if Matt Browning will share an xbolt for points is that the same? If Bob(don't know owners name) Kimber wants to share a 1911 for points is that the same? How about Bill Remington? Etc, etc.

Getting a $1400 scouting pkg in exchange for points means there was a buyer and a seller.

There are posts elsewhere with guys "willing to pay a small fee" for splitting.

If you can't see the avenue for massive abuse on this one its because you choose to close your eyes.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>YOUR DOCTOR doesn't
>"share" his knowledge. Neither
>does your mechanic, lawyer, contractor,

Literally ALL of these people share their knowledge with whomever they want for whatever compensation they want. ha.

Just because you start a business does not mean you can no longer be an individual person and you only act as the business at all times. It also does not mean you cannot use the knowledge gained from the business to benefit yourself. Founder can use the knowledge he has gained through his business for his personal benefit, just like ALL other business owners, doctors, mechanics, lawyers, contractors, etc.

If Wyoming really doesn't like it then they will change it and Founder will have to find another way to hunt Wyoming mule deer. I say he should move there and really make all these people mad when he gets a tag EVERY year.

It also doesn't make sense that he is taking away from others. Most max points holders are gonna share points with somebody. If you already have a plan with somebody to share points, Founder's offer isn't going to change your mind. This is just for the guys who don't have somebody already picked out to share with. Why is it so bad if Founder is the one they share it with rather than joe schmoe down the street?
And to be clear. If the residents of a state decide that tags should simply go to the highest bidder, then great.

If they decide that we can use our points as a bartering chip, great.

But it seems that Wyoming set up a point system to create a system for guys to benefit, in the form of a tag, for dedicated patience, not their ability to provide assets.

If Wyoming wanted to just sell the tags, they could set up a landowner tag program, or CWMU system.

Wyoming not doing so shows they aren't wanting a high bid system.

And sitting in Utah, where everything is for sale, and there are more end runs, back doors, grey areas on bypassing the draw system, Wyoming has their crap together.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>YOUR DOCTOR doesn't
>>"share" his knowledge. Neither
>>does your mechanic, lawyer, contractor,
>Literally ALL of these people share
>their knowledge with whomever they
>want for whatever compensation they
>want. ha.
>Just because you start a business
>does not mean you can
>no longer be an individual
>person and you only act
>as the business at all
>times. It also does not
>mean you cannot use the
>knowledge gained from the business
>to benefit yourself. Founder can
>use the knowledge he has
>gained through his business for
>his personal benefit, just like
>ALL other business owners, doctors,
>mechanics, lawyers, contractors, etc.
>If Wyoming really doesn't like it
>then they will change it
>and Founder will have to
>find another way to hunt
>Wyoming mule deer. I say
>he should move there and
>really make all these people
>mad when he gets a
>tag EVERY year.
>It also doesn't make sense that
>he is taking away from
>others. Most max points holders
>are gonna share points with
>somebody. If you already have
>a plan with somebody to
>share points, Founder's offer isn't
>going to change your mind.
>This is just for the
>guys who don't have somebody
>already picked out to share
>with. Why is it so
>bad if Founder is the
>one they share it with
>rather than joe schmoe down
>the street?

Your right. They "share" in exchange for compensation of some sort.

This is the same. I'm not trying to pretend otherwise. But, does that mean points are exchangeable for assets? If so great, so lets put that out there. No grey area. No clever wording. No "share" BS. Sold. I sold half my points for a region G tag. If guys see no issue with it, why try to use ambiguous language?

You buy a tag on Deseret you BOUGHT ONE. You didn't "share" your dollar bills.

How about this:

"Bonus points are the property of the owner and may be used however the owner sees fit"

I could care less about Founder. His name gets used in here because its his website. If it was Rokslide we would use Robby.

My point simply is, IF you own points, then YOU OWN THEM. Meaning they are transferrable, able to be left in an estate, able to be sold for profit.


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
For those of you talking about Brian?s business, keep in mind this thread is about Brian wanting to share his points. Nowhere in his seeking a permit for himself did he mention a word about financial gain.

I realize keeping things straight isn't your strong suit hossblur.

So no, he wasn?t trying to auction his points off and no, he wasn?t selling his points.

I know Brian has a service for his scouting services.

But that isn't what he's asking in this post.

And one other thing I'd add too. I'd say Brian?s business will effect Wyoming hunting a whole lot less than Eastman?s has. The member research section has been truly detrimental to draw odds as has the internet.

But I'm sure you won't hear the natives say too much about that. Because after all, that's Wyoming born and raised doing that.

So once again, this post wasn?t about him selling his scouting service nor was it about auctioning his points off.
>For those of you talking about
>Brian?s business, keep in mind
>this thread is about Brian
>wanting to share his points.
>Nowhere in his seeking a
>permit for himself did he
>mention a word about financial
>I realize keeping things straight isn't
>your strong suit hossblur.
>So no, he wasn?t trying to
>auction his points off and
>no, he wasn?t selling his
>I know Brian has a service
>for his scouting services.
>But that isn't what he's asking
>in this post.
>And one other thing I'd add
>too. I'd say Brian?s business
>will effect Wyoming hunting a
>whole lot less than Eastman?s
>has. The member research section
>has been truly detrimental to
>draw odds as has the
> But I'm sure you won't
>hear the natives say too
>much about that. Because after
>all, that's Wyoming born and
>raised doing that.
>So once again, this post wasn?t
>about him selling his scouting
>service nor was it about
>auctioning his points off.

DC the problem with text is its only as affective as the reader.

You keep getting so caught up defending Brian you miss the point. So lets use your guy. If Guy Eastman trades HIS scouting service for point splitting is that ok? His service that he charges MONEY for.(I don't subscribe I don't know his service name). If Robby Dehning trades his scouting service for points, is that ok?

If you say yes then great. But why would you then be upset if bob the accountant traded cash for it? After all that is what he does as a business. Or a developer trading a house? If you still say no problem, then at least your consistent.

My point is why have points if you then have end runs to get around them?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-18 AT 12:15PM (MST)[p]So because he has a business that sells knowledge, that automatically disqualified him from applying as a group to get a tag for himself?

If that's the case, then I don't think it?ll ever be possible to explain to you the level of stupid that you're preaching.

Believe it or not, the exchange of money, actual currency matters.

He?s not exchanging any currency here. Nobody in the history of ever would say, yeah his knowledge of the unit was used as actual currency for his permit.

I wonder though, since you're so hell bent that knowledge is currency, if we could use it to pay our house payments?

I wonder if my employees will take knowledge to cover my payroll. Perhaps instead of giving them their pay, give them advice.

I could tell them which bars and pickup lines to use. I guess the struggle will be, what's my matching taxes on that gonna be?

And your comparisons are so retarded, even Forrest Gump can pick up on that.

A developer trading a house to hunt region G? A car salesman (assuming they had this power) trading a vehicle?

Why wouldn't you just buy a quality hunt. Oh that's right. People do.

This isn't about defending Brian. This is about what's real and what isn't. And your hypotheticals, and what if?s and developers giving away subdivisions and maybe even season jazz tickets, and ##### cabelas giving somebody a store, and Gus Paulo?s giving away a truck, and on and on and in, doesn't exist.

Yes currency exchange matters. An actual exchange of MONEY matters. Kinda like trading money for sexy. Not what hossblur wants to be considered currency.
Hmmmm. The last part of this thread is all about money exchange. Knowledge as currency etc... Several people on this thread simply said I have max points. "Pick me, Pick Me". So who or what Made Brian pick who he did? Was it the first person to post their max points? Was it the one who is willing to throw in the season Jazz tickets?? Was it the guy who is willing to pay Brian's gas and food for a season of scouting?? Does that count as currency? Brian seems to have a ton of knowledge of the area. If you had max points, what would you be willing to give to have Brian pick you???
>AT 12:15?PM (MST)

>So because he has a business
>that sells knowledge, that automatically
>disqualified him from applying as
>a group to get a
>tag for himself?
>If that's the case, then I
>don't think it?ll ever be
>possible to explain to you
>the level of stupid that
>you're preaching.
>Believe it or not, the exchange
>of money, actual currency matters.
>He?s not exchanging any currency here.
>Nobody in the history of
>ever would say, yeah his
>knowledge of the unit was
>used as actual currency for
>his permit.
>I wonder though, since you're so
>hell bent that knowledge is
>currency, if we could use
>it to pay our house
>I wonder if my employees will
>take knowledge to cover my
>payroll. Perhaps instead of giving
>them their pay, give them
>I could tell them which bars
>and pickup lines to use.
>I guess the struggle will
>be, what's my matching taxes
>on that gonna be?
>And your comparisons are so retarded,
>even Forrest Gump can pick
>up on that.
>A developer trading a house to
>hunt region G? A car
>salesman (assuming they had this
>power) trading a vehicle?
>Why wouldn't you just buy a
>quality hunt. Oh that's right.
>People do.
>This isn't about defending Brian. This
>is about what's real and
>what isn't. And your hypotheticals,
>and what if?s and developers
>giving away subdivisions and maybe
>even season jazz tickets, and
>##### cabelas giving somebody a
>store, and Gus Paulo?s giving
>away a truck, and
>on and on and in,
>doesn't exist.
>Yes currency exchange matters. An actual
>exchange of MONEY matters. Kinda
>like trading money for sexy.
>Not what hossblur wants to
>be considered currency.

What's an elk tag on Federer go for? $20k?

But it would make no sense to trade a $5k shotgun for max points to draw one?

I'm assumming you pour concrete. I drywall. Are you telling me your knowledge of how to finish mud isn't 90% of what you do? Or do you simply charge for material? Notice Brian didn't offer to exchange cooking, or photography. He sells scouting. He set up a business model, a company statement, and a pricing structure. That is what was offered. And according to him its worth $1499.

If you trade mud work for points, does that include your knowledge? Or just mud?

I enjoy how you can look around and see 6figure tags being bought, yet it could never happen in this case.

But u never answered. Why have a point system if we just set up ways to run around it?

I guess when you trade me mud work for drywall work, neither of us are trading anything of value? Difference is you ain't "sharing", neither am I. I'm gaining from my profession, so are you. So is Founder.

Now can we go drink a beer and argue about which way to hold a trowel? Concrete guys hold them backwards!?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Seems like things get easily twisted.
>The spirit of the party app
>was so you COULD hunt
>with your buddies and kids.
> Or even to meet
>new folks. Not sure
>it was a means to
>gain commercial products or services
>in exchange.
>Pretty easy to "police". You
>simply have to share a
>camp with the members of
>your party.
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Where is this ?spirit? regulation written in text? I've never seen this interpretation of the point average.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-19 AT 08:35PM (MST)[p]D?j? vu ....... is this 2018 or 2019? Ha ha

I found a new bud as a result of this thread. Scott's a good dude. We had a great hunt. Good times. Killed some good ones.

Scott's buck (he got the unique one)

My buck

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Congrats to both of you. A couple of nice ones.

Lots of opinions about sharing points and knowledge. IMO, that's OK!
It has been a decent winter, though it's not over by any stretch. Hopefully we don't get a lot of late, heavy, wet snow at the end (for the wildlife's sake--great for summer water).
They should be really healthy right now though, as there is no shortage of forage available even for the shortest of deer. That early snow that never melts and crusts over is the worst.

Man, I just hope luck is on my side and I can score a tag!


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
BTW Brian, how many is "max points"? I haven't studied the latest draw reports, but I seem to remember it only took 5 points to draw Region G, which would mean you need someone with 10-11 points. If I had 'em, I'd share 'em!

Congrats again. You put in the time and effort to find the big ones!
Need to hit the treadmill and get this hampering high country element off of me. Said it for a few years now. Damn it.. need to do something bout it. Need to get my ass in better shape.. have 9 points. Looking for the future...!!!

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