Anyplace in Malta or Glasgow...


New Member
Is there anyplace in Malta or Glasgow a guy can run into town and get a shower? I read that Shady Rest closes in October and nobody is answering the phone. Cottonwood shut down their facitlities for the winter. Any suggestions?
I think the truck stop in Malta has showers. The civic center in Glasgow would let you shower up also.

Wow, I thought this died...
Here goes, we pulled into NE Montana in the afternoon Nov 18th knowing we were supposed to have temps down to -5 or so the following week. Drove to where I wanted to camp, pitched the tent, had time for a quick drive around before dark. Ran across another hunter who mentioned that permission was needed for access even though the $160 I spent on Montana maps indicated that we were on BLM land. Fortunately, we were able to get permission. Obviously, never hunted this area before, but would have thought the biologist or game warden might have mentioned it during my numerous phone calls. Get up the next morning and see that it's -2 at camp. Not a big deal unless you have a diesel truck...I do! Truck started, but I know the weather is getting colder. Hunt until about 1:00, seen lots of deer, a number of bucks, but nothing to get excited about, especially on day one. Being an 1-1/2 hours from town, I decide to drive into town and get a generator to plug the truck into. Pick up THE generator at the local store, go back to camp. Pulled my arm out of the socket trying to start it. I have never read 5 lines of instructions so many times in my life. I knew I was missing something stupid? Nevertheless, went back to town, got a motel room for the night to plug in the truck.

Drove back in to hunt in the morning, see lots of deer. Decided to pull camp because now we are camping in a motel. Oh, also, all of my Cabelas Alagnak metal tent stakes are still there frozen into the ground for me to get next year. Took generator back to store, where they couldn't start it either. Then noticed that with the gravel sticking to the tires in the cold weather, I grenaded every light off of my 2 year old quad trailer. Where there once was clearance lights, now there was two frayed wires sticking out of the frame, the top half of the tail lights hidden behind steel was all that remained of them. So in blowing snow at -5 at 7:00 pm, we are in a lighted parking lot rewiring the trailer.

Hearing that the temps are dropping to -15 in town and its about another 5 degrees less where we are hunting, I told my dad we need to get in one full day of hunting. Which we did the next day. Made a stalk on a shooter that we botched, then got my dad on a meat buck in the afternoon. Put a stalk on another 4x, after we got dads deer in the truck(full of all our camping/hunting gear for twelve days) that I passed on at 200yds. When we finished skinning his deer at about 3:00 it was -13. Drove the 20 hours back home on Monday before Thanksgiving.

I learned a lot, and I will be back...with a gas truck and staying in a motel. My five gallon water jugs finally thawed out on Saturday after Thanksgiving.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-11 AT 05:06PM (MST)[p]Sounds like you bought some shitty maps,Ive never run into anything like that using rand McNally or my Garmin land ownership software.Its your responsibility to know where you are its not the F&Gs job to hold your hand and show you where to hunt.
Dont feel 2 bad,that same week I buried my subburban in a warm spring,4 feet of mud under a foot of snow.-23 before the wind chill,me my bud,his dad and his uncle who is completely paralyzed on one side of his body buried in a draw in DEADLY weather miles from anywhere.I hiked out to cell service and called a GOOD friend who came and picked us up,then returned the next day with 2 trucks to pull it out of the deep mud under the ice,it took 3 week to defrost the 5 deer we had on the roof when we got stuck!That week was brutal for sure,but the deer hunting was outstanding,everyone who still had a tag took a good buck and we filled a pile of doe tags.Ive got video of it coming out of that whole with 2 fully chained 4X4s going balls out,ever seen a suburban fly through the air backwards?
You're's all on me. I think I said "it might have been mentioned". If I expected someone to hold my hand I would hire a guide. I scrutinize the maps pretty hard and do alot of homework so I wasn't prepared for what I ran into. Lesson learned!

Nevertheless, you had a pretty successful trip with plenty of excitement as well. That could have turned into a bad situation with the conditions being what they were. Fortunately, you had good friends reasonably close by.
Montana can bite back sometimes. I've been in some dicey situations before. When packing for a hunt, if you think you don't need it, throw it in the truck. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-11 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]yep.Having the old guy along that couldnt walk made me real nervous in that weather,but Id like to see anyone keep him from hunting!Got to shoot a couple does with his Thompson contender he uses,that was fun.I pack 10x the crap ill ever need but you ever know.

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