Good luck. You will really need it for this unit. I can tell by your post that you are not familiar with this unit at all. Do you always put in for units that you dont know anything about?
Don't worry about bikermac--he's just jealous of your tag. This should be a great hunt as long as you can hunt the last four or so days of the hunt. Hope you didn't schedule a vacation or anything dumb like that!
Funny you mention that. If I wasnt the one that pushed fish into putting in for this unit with me I would also consider my comment harsh. Its funny that now we drew the tag he doesnt trust me on my knowledge pertaining to the unit. Fish - its too late to pull out of the draw now buddy!
That explains the "my buddies" comment in his last post as I wondered what the heck he put that up to mean, LOL! That's a good one and I hope you come through for him and see some good animals and that you both get a good one. If you don't at least see a decent amount of animals, you are in for one hard time from your "buddy"!!!