Area 90 Mule Deer Hunt Report


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-12 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-12 AT 08:26?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-12 AT 08:24?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-12 AT 08:23?PM (MST)

I'm back from my area 90 mule deer hunt. Thought I'd give a report for those considering this tag. The drought really had the deer concentrated on water. The hard part was finding the water. Plenty of bucks were spotted during scouting but nothing big. The first day I saw 44 deer, 26 does, 18 bucks. Most of the bucks were average, what you'd expect on a general hunt. Most of the bucks had only one thing going for them. Saw a couple of 26 inch wide bucks, but they weren't tall and had short points. Saw a tall buck, but he only had about a 14 inch spread. One buck was tall and wide but crab clawed on all forks. Finally spotted this guy and I wound up making a 430 yard shot when he finally rose from his bed. He was too nice to pass up and was the largest buck out of the 18 and the larger than anything found during scouting so I couldn't pass the opportunity. Overall it was a very enjoyable hunt...some monsters get taken out there every year but for the average guy I'd say area 90 is good for a solid 145-160 class deer. Good fun hunt for the chance at a bigger deer, but be prepared to take something in that class if you can't find the big one.

Congrat's on your buck Brad,you described the buck's the way I saw them also.I shot a 26 in. 4/4 it had some crab claws for forks.I was hunting region h.
Yes area 90 opens 1 Oct...I have a disabled hunter permit that allows me to hunt 5 days early for deer, elk, and antelope.
I've seen some exceptional deer in 90 the last few years. Problem is, most guys either won't get off their atv's or don't get more than a half mile off the road...
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-12 AT 01:32PM (MST)[p]The water is there in several different places...the area is absolutely huge. The problem w/ the drought is it is not in standing water that you may of found say last year. It is in a couple of small spring fed creeks and primarily I found the most deer using small seeps in deep canyons with some green vegatation at the bottom around the seeps. I will say the key is the Wild Horses and cattle...they both need water daily so if an area had horses I knew water was close by I just needed to find it. I will say I did find it in some canyons that looked like they wouldn't hold anything...real desert like, but at the bottom was water and green grass...go fact my buck was shot in one of those canyons...hope that helps.
Hey there 30 hart. I'm guessing you killed that buck on or after the first of october. I'm 95% sure I seen that buck sunday night sept 30th with a spindly crabbed 3x4. We were goat hunting and scouting that area for a deer hunt in a year or two. Congrats to you my friend. Clinton 5
lol...jeezus clinton...he posted the pic on sept 28....I believe the deer was dead at the time too....


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