Arizona Vacation Fun


Long Time Member
My wife and I took a ten day mountain biking vacation to the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and returned to wwestern colorado in a snowstorm last night.. We camped near Oracle, AZ most of the trip and had a great time. Day time temperatures were in the low 70's, We rode about 100 miles of desert trail and flattened a few tires on cactus.

Here is the Family Truckster, a 81 ford with camper shell and a queen sized bed built in.


My Wife and I

Riding down some rock


Sparkey in pursuit

Cactus at the Sonoran Desert Museum, a worthwhile side trip.


A collared Peccary at the Sonoran Desert Museum

We also camped and rode at Sedona Arizona but were chased home a couple of days early by snow.

Fun was had by all, especially by Sparkey who terrorized the jumping mouse population around our camp.

Nice pictures down there in AZ. Do they still have that Mtn. Lion there at the Museum? My friend from Tucson took me there back in 1991. All it did was sleep back then.


You're the man. Dang that looks like a lot of fun.
You got another coming up with the Ironman. Good luck
on that one and be carefull. Love that Sparkey is totally
into it. I dig Sparkey. He's the dog.
Both of you be carefull.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-07 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]Nice pics Fred,
I sure would hate to crash that bike into them cactuses...

They still have a mtn lion and he ws still sleeping. I'd like to walk around that place at night sometime.

Larry, We are going to Moab this weekend for the skinny tire festival and some road riding, hope the weather clears up. We plan on doing the Ironhorse Classic which is a far cry from The Ironman Triathalon in Hawaii. My little Bro and his Wife are both IronMan finishers, Kathy took fifth place one year which ain't bad for the world championship tri.


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