

Long Time Member
Can someone please explain to me why Arizona is voting on English being the official language. I am about to go ballistic.



I've lost all faith in this country. Let me guess, a democrat is behind all of this.
>Can someone please explain to me
>why Arizona is voting on
>English being the official language.
> I am about to
>go ballistic.
>I've lost all faith in this
>country. Let me guess,
>a democrat is behind all
>of this.

Nope, just several million Mexicans.

:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(
So we don't have to learn Spanish. If you've lost all faith, move to Canada, or better yet Mexico, so you don't have to speak English as an official language!!!!

It's Bush's fault!!!
Because right now, the state is having to spend millions printing all their literature, tax forms, welfare forms, workmans comp etc, in both English and Spanish. Businesses are having to post all warning and danger signs in both languages etc to avoid lawsuits.
So this is a good thing? If so I feel much better. I'm just not sure how many illegal aliens have fought for this country.


Oh they have fought for this country, trust me. The fought there way across the Rio Grande. They fought for free health care, education........

Whats funny is that many of them say how "great it was" in Mexico.

The only bobcat wishing all illegals were shipped back to their native country and able to speak "their native tongue"!!!!!
This burns me up, this is the USA and we speak English. if you can't speak English learn it, or better yet get lost.
Lets just hope that after this election is over, both parties will get on the ball and do something constructive about this matter. As it was, both sides were to damn fearful of losing votes from the hispanic voters and procastinated on doing something about the 12 million illegals in this country.
We can hope can we?????

RELH, I like your thinking, but the republicans (the one's that have had ALL the power for the last 6 years) - the same one's that have sold you on the idea that they are the party that will protect you - is the party that has done nothing to make any real difference along any boarder - well, unless you accept the fact that they created a civil war in Iraq.

In fact, your leader, GWB, was for amnesty, just like your last hero, Ronald Reagan.

I dont understand why you guys keep supporting a party that does just the opposite of what you claim to like. You guys are either glutens for punishment, or have drinking so much coolaid that you can no longer think for yourselves.

Time is now to straighten out this hidious mess, and do for this nation what the republican party cant, or wont. In their defence, I think some of them would like to fix it, but they too are drinking the coolaid, in the form of cash! Kick the bastards out!

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