Arlen Specter (R) jumps ship! Dem in 2010


LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-09 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]So - how big of a loss is this to the GOP?

PA Sen. Arlen Specter (R) To Switch To Democratic Party
The news makes sense but was shocking all the same.

Sen. Arlen Specter, a liberal Republican from Pennsylvania facing a conservative primary challenge in 2010 that many think he will lose, today announced in a statement he is switching to the Democratic Party.

Here is an excerpt from his statement:

I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary. I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election.

I deeply regret that I will be disappointing many friends and supporters. I can understand their disappointment. I am also disappointed that so many in the Party I have worked for for more than four decades do not want me to be their candidate. It is very painful on both sides. I thank specially Senators McConnell and Cornyn for their forbearance.

I am not making this decision because there are no important and interesting opportunities outside the Senate. I take on this complicated run for re-election because I am deeply concerned about the future of our country and I believe I have a significant contribution to make on many of the key issues of the day, especially medical research. NIH funding has saved or lengthened thousands of lives, including mine, and much more needs to be done. And my seniority is very important to continue to bring important projects vital to Pennsylvania's economy.

I am taking this action now because there are fewer than thirteen months to the 2010 Pennsylvania Primary and there is much to be done in preparation for that election. Upon request, I will return campaign contributions contributed during this cycle.

While each member of the Senate caucuses with his Party, what each of us hopes to accomplish is distinct from his party affiliation. The American people do not care which Party solves the problems confronting our nation. And no Senator, no matter how loyal he is to his Party, should or would put party loyalty above his duty to the state and nation.

My change in party affiliation does not mean that I will be a party-line voter any more for the Democrats that I have been for the Republicans. Unlike Senator Jeffords' switch which changed party control, I will not be an automatic 60th vote for cloture. For example, my position on Employees Free Choice (Card Check) will not change.

Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy's statement that sometimes Party asks too much. When it does, I will continue my independent voting and follow my conscience on what I think is best for Pennsylvania and America.

Assuming he votes to organize with the Democrats -- and assuming that Al Franken (D) will become the next senator from Minnesota -- it will give Democrats the 60 votes needed for a filibuster-proof majority.

Specter, appearing on NPR's Talk of the Nation yesterday, had this to say in light of the rumors:

Well, it is true that the polls are bleak. When I voted for the stimulus package, one of just three, and was in position along with Senator Snowe and Senator Collins, to provide the decisive votes, there was a very strong adverse reaction. There was a resolution filed in state committee to censure me. The state chairman and the national chairman said they didn't know if they could support me. My office was picketed. And it's a tough proposition. I've overcome challenges before, and I'm working on a game plan.
We now know what that game plan turned out to be.

In his early political career, Specter was a Democrat, but he switched to the GOP to run for mayor of Philadelphia in 1967 against incumbent Democrat James Tate. Specter then ran, and lost, in subsequent races for district attorney, senator and governor (in GOP primaries) before winning the Senate seat in 1980.

12:00 PM ET | 04-28-2009 | permalink

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Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy you saw the humor in this before I did, you beat me by 10 minutes dang it.
Good ridence. He was a RINO anyway and I am tired of sending him emails to try to keep him in line. But how pathetic is it that after 30+ years that he has to switch because Toomey is beating him like a drum. How much does he really need that office. He is 78 years old and has cancer. Why not go out with a little class and just retire with your dignity in tact. Doing it this way his legacy is "the switch" and giving the Dems 60 votes.

I feel bad for the Rs that voted for him, they got screwed. In fact, I think you should have to finish your current term the way you ran and were elected. If you want to change it has to be at the next election but hey what do I know.

Typical politician. Typical liberal.

You can whine RINO all you want but this is a huge loss for the Republicans.

The fact that now that he is in the dems caucus they will have a filibuster proof majority. With him in the Republican caucus any vote for cloture could be stopped by the minority party. In effect his changin parties has given the President a blank check to implement any legislative reforms without any input from the other side nor even a way to effectively oppose any legislation. The legislative body just became an official rubber stamp for the President. How did that work out for the country during the first 6 years of GWB?

If you think single party rule is a great idea in this country then you will love this move.

he was RINO he finally quit living a lie.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Good post hardcore!

Nemont is right on as well! The only reason it is a loss is because we lose our checks and balances.

Sad that only six weeks ago specter gave a statement to a news paper saying he would not change parties because we needed checks and balances to govern this country. Now that he sees he has no chance of winning his primary he jumps ship.

Cowardly if you ask me. Politics as usual, typical politician.

I think there should be a rule not allowing you to change parties mid term. Kind of rips off the voters who may have campaigned or voted for you.
I think you have to look on the bright side. The Dems OWN it ALL now. ALL of it. Their history of screwing it up is far worse than Republicans so this will not last long.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Specters love of power was more important than his committment to principle. Anyone that could go over to the Dems was never a Republican and certainly not a conservative. I say Snow and Collins should go with him. Then vote them all out. Clean slate. Do over.

Liberman did it the right way. He took the hit and then ran as an Independent and won. He did not sell out.

By the way, how is it that the Dems square this position? They support partial birth abortion but are against water boarding. That is the party Specter is joining.

Well, one thing he says here is solid politician truth..." there are only 13 months and there is a lot of work to do preparing for the election".

.....nevermind that there is a lot of work to be done in the office you were elected to serve in.....airhead!

All politicians rip America off so bad when it comes to elections. Sad part is, we allow it....Hell, we support it!

Try that crap where you work. Don't show up for months on end while you are out kissing butts, to get a better job.

Someone else has to do your job...or it gets neglected altogether. But you still get your pay and benefits.

If you don't get elected, then you can come back, work for a few months and start the campaign process all over again. The whole time, telling your voters what a good job you have done. If it looks like your "gravey train" is going to derail, switch trains.

If you lose your job completely, so what, you still get paid for LIFE, plus all the perks for LIFE!

Give me one solid reason why a politician cares, one way or the other, if they get ANYTHING accomplished in Government.

These people make me sick.

I would sell off everything I own and work for him for free, if I ever met a modern Patriot in a political office.

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