Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de Franc title



CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title. In a random check for banned substances, 3 were found in Armstrong's hotel room. The 3 substances, banned by the French, that were found in his hotel room were as follows:

(1) Toothpaste
(2) Deodorant
(3) Soap

The French officials also found several other items which they had never seen before including a testicle and a backbone...
LMAO, that was great!

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
KF.......thanks. Had to come up with at least one original grinner while I was out sick for a week (well, not sick, got the knee fixed.......). Been missin your posts on the boards, hope you're "back". Congrats on your work pickin up a bunch, too!
Freed, We were on vacation for two weeks. I really needed it!!. Looks like weare going to get busy again (finally). Did you have the knee scoped?. I have had both mine done and have been really happy with the results. Good to hear from you. I may be headed for Japan in September or October for business. (Lean manufacturing). I sure hope it doesn't mess up my hunting....
Yep KF, got it scoped and cartilidge on both meniscuses cut out. Doing well so far via icing, light exercises and a whole bunch of positive thinking. Should be good to go for muzzleloader season next month, not tip top by any means, but good enough.......Sure nice to have a knee that doesn't sound like chickenbones cracking when you walk......

Lean Manufacturing........boy, ain't that the hot topic at Boeing the past couple years? I've been to a Lean conference in St. Louis, done a 3P workshop, and all ya hear around our work is to implement Lean. We could be a whole lot leaner if we just got rid of about 90% of many useless managers who know nothing other than to micromanage (actually, not micromanage, that would indicate that they actually are managing.....they want us to provide detailed reporting on progress daily in a different format than we provide to the floor......I told them if they want to get lean, go down on the floor and get the info but that didn't go over well......). BTW, if you don't know this already, LEAN manufacturing didn't start in Japan. It was invented by Henry Ford, actually. Japan just picked up on it when we dropped the ball (in the 70s). If you're interested in some of that history and principles before you go to Japan, let me know and I'll point you to a couple good St. Louis websites on Lean and Lean symposiums. No shortage of info on it. I hope you get to whack a muley this fall as I'm pretty sure that Lean can wait a week for ya......... Myke
Myke, I'm just going to get the free trip!!! lol. We have had "lean manufacturing" crammed down our throats for years now and all it's really done is shrink the work force!!. I couldn't agree with you more about leaning out the number of UPPER managers. (you know, the guys that make all the money and produce nothing but hate and discontent). I am getting really excited for hunting season. We are headed back to our favorite spot in Idaho. Good to hear from you.

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