Autumnpride's Sheep Photos


Founder Since 1999
Here are some photos Autumnpride asked that I post. He can tell his story.








Brian Latturner
Beautiful stone ram !!!!

With pics like that, there must be a good story behind it.

Lets hear it !
Awesome ram and congrats. He carries his mass a lot more like a bighorn than a thinhorn. I also love the dark color of this Stone. He is a Great Trophy.
congrats , that's a great looking stone.......I need to move to B.C just so i could afford that expierence.... Let's hear the story.
Thanks Founder for posting my Photos...

Heres my story:

The planning for this hunt started about 3 years ago. I had just killed my Desert Sheep here in Utah, and I started thinking that my lifelong dream of obtaining the Gland Slam for Sheep was within reach...The only problem was, I still needed two more sheep to get there.... I had previously killed a Dall sheep in Alaska in 2005, and since I had maximum preference points for Sheep in Wyoming, I realized that my dream was becomming more, and more obtainable.....after doing alot of soul searching and after accessing my limited budget, I took a big breath, sucked it up, and figured "A guy only live's once....what the Hell!" so, I started looking for a Stone Sheep hunt....after alot of research, and several recommendations, I booked with Barry Tompkins of "High and Wild Safaris" in Northern BC in early 2007....It was a long 2 1/2 year wait, but that gave me enough time to save up for the remaining balance for the trip....

I decided to drive the 1760 miles to Fort Nelson BC , where I would catch a charted flight into Barry's Main Camp and Lodge..After arriving at the main lodge, we checked my rifle, had a quick lunch, and then Barry flew me into another camp where I met Jimmy Johnson, who would be my Guide for the next 15 days...We hit it off right away, mainly because we had very similar backgrounds and also sharred many of the same interest's ...We then loaded up on horses and rode another 2.5 hours into another established Spike camp..From there we would ride out each morning for a couple of hours, and then tie the horses up and start the 2 hour climb to the top of the ridge where we would begin glassing and looking for sheep. During the several days of glassing and hunting this area, we saw probably 60-70 Rams...however, only a couple of them were close to being legal....We believed that the larger Rams were holding in the timber and were only out feeding during the early morning, and late evening....So we decided to move our spike camp to a closer location of the "Sheep Mountain" to eliminate the long horse ride every morning...On the Seventh day of my hunt, we started our climb very early in the morning. when we reached the top and cautiously peered over the ridge, there, not 300 yards bedded on the other side of the ridge were 16 Rams.....This was at 9:30am when we saw the Rams...We evaluated each one of them and came to the conclusion that there were probably only 5 that were worth looking at closer...the majority of the Rams were all under 5 years old, but what a sight it was to see them all laying there, unaware of our presence. The five larger Rams took some time to age and evaluate...we eliminated each one of them, one by one, as a possible shooter, untill we finally narrowed it down to two....after much discussion, we decided on which of the two Rams to take. We figured that he was the lead ram and that he was at least 8 years old....Like I said , we first saw the rams at 9:30am, and it was now 1:45pm....anticipation was really starting to build, and the only thing I could do was wait for the ram to give me a good, broadside shot....when he finally stood up to change positions, I let him have it...The shot was just under 300 yds and I anchored him right where he was standing...It was finally over!!!.... we were both very emotional and overjoyed with the outcome and how everthing had came together on that particular Day.....

I can't say enough about how Great the Outfitter and especially my Guide
Jimmy Johnson was....all I can say is "Outstanding" in all aspects of the experience and the hunt....I guess now, I'm 3/4 of the way to reaching a life long Dream....On a side note, I was able to take a nice Mountain Goat on day 10 of the hunt...but that's another story!

Thanks everyone for letting me share my experience with you and for taking the time to read my post.
Congrats on the Sheep and goat! Thanks for the story also. Good luck on that rocky tag Kevin. Shouldn't be long.
Congratulations! Indeed you should be proud this autumn for sure! That is a gorgeous heavy old ram and I love the dark cape. I have a Wyoming Rocky and I am sure you will draw soon and have a blast with the last leg of your "full curl" as well! I would love to know what that hunt set you back. Perhaps you could PM me.
Great job and thanks for the story
Great ram! and great pictures. I drew the Utah Range Creek tag this year after 17 years of applying. My hunt starts Nov. 2nd and will finish up my slam. Everyone asks what I'll do after I get my slam? I guess I'll keep applying in other states and start on a second one.
Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing your story, and best of luck to you in your journey to completing your slam.
I just hope your priorities are in order for next fall........let's get my antelope done before you head out to finish your grand slam!!

Just kidding of course, nice ram!
Wonderful looking ram.. Many congrats, amigo.

DRSS Chapuis 470NE
Congratulations Autumnpride. It's no secret that if I could only hunt one animal it would be SHEEP! You do us all proud when you talk about the emotions of a hunt. When the emotions are gone the hunter is reduced to a "tape" carrying predator.
Stone sheep are the most beautiful. IMO. Your is absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing so we all can be happy for you!
Well done! Good luck on you Rocky. It's only a matter of time.


Thanks for the nice comments! especially the "Tape" carrying Predator! truthful words have ever been spoken by a "True Hunter"...

Thanks again!
Mr. A. Pride,

what a great stone hunt, and even better story. Glad to see you decided to test life's deep waters and go for the "Full Curl". It is a GREAT achievement becasue you get to experience some of the neatest country in the world, and friends and guides are some of the best people in teh world to share it with as well.

If you are interested, me and my old hunting buddy Karl Malone have formed the Full Curl Society, to celebrate the accomplishment and build a great team of sportsmen who want to do great things for wild sheep conservation and also help as many fellow sheep hunters get their dream of the Full Curl as well.

There are 16 sheep hunts in drawings for hunters at the Expo.

You can check out all the details at

Love to have you part of the Full Curl Society, your story is exactly what the FCS is all about - going for life, we only go around once.

Congrats and BEST of luck on your 4th ram. It is worthy of the effort !
Congrats on the Ram. Thanks for the story and pics. It sounds like you had a great experience.Best of luck on your Slam.

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