B, Husien Obama's foreign supporters


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-30-08 AT 10:25AM (MST)[p]Just the list the left LOVES!!!! Here are the top 4.

1. The latest praise for the Democratic front-runner came from Fidel Castro, who wrote in a column for Cuba?s Granma newspaper Monday that Obama is ?the most progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.?

2.? In mid-April, Hamas adviser Ahmed Yousef told WorldNetDaily that ?We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections.
?I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse,? he said. ?I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principle.?

3.? On March 25, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told foreign correspondents that relations with Washington, D.C, would worsen if McCain were elected and said he liked Obama.

4. ? Also in March, Iran?s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Spain?s El Pais newspaper he didn't believe Obama would be elected, but that he wouldn't have a problem meeting with him if he were.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
So people we're at odds with don't hate Obama and would speak with him? that's awful. the only way to resolve disputes is by not talking and dropping bombs we all know that.

This is as stupid of thread as you've come up with yey 202. Obama hasn't promised any of these counties anything, but if they're willing to have an open discussion with him that's a very positive step. it doesn't mean it will work and there's a 99% chance it won't but there's always plenty of opportunity to hate each other if an agreement can't be reached. don't worry , even if by some miracle Obama patched it up with every nation on earth you'll still have Obama and the other liberals to hate. see you just have look at the bright side.
So it's better to have bad relations with other countries than good? We have bad relations now and I'm not seeing the benefits of it. hmmm
Sounds like a possible repeat of Jimmy Carter's term in office and his approach to foreign relations. TALK--TALK-DISCUSSION--and more talk while they tell you to kiss their butt and hold your people hostage.

Sounds like a possible repeat of Jimmy Carter's term in office and his approach to foreign relations. TALK--TALK-DISCUSSION--and more talk while they tell you to kiss their butt and hold your people hostage.

What the hell has Jimmy Carter ever done with all his talk? Except embarrass the USA!

Archery is a year round commitment!!
You'd rather talk about Carter 30 years ago than Bush/McCain today, I can see that. Carter sat on his thumbs, Bush let bin Laden slip away while he attacked and bogged us down in a country that didn't do anything to us. there's nothing heroic about failure and big mistakes.

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