Bad mistake


Very Active Member
I screwed up. Had this buck on my farm this year and my grandson wanted to shoot it, he had him at 25 yards. I wouldn’t let him. I told him that buck needed one more year. I took the chance that he wouldn’t leave and get shot by someone else. Well guess what, he left when the rut started and he got shot by an archery hunter on the extended archery. My grandson was pissed at me.
That Buck Was Perty Wiley!

Then Me & Horsecorn Talked About It!

We Knew What Was Gonna Happen!

We've Both Seen A Fair Number Of Bucks The Last Several Years That Needed Just One To Two More Years!

Well Guess What?

It's Perty Much Impossible To Get Them That Extra Year Or Two With The BS That Goes On In Today's World!

Gonna Miss Seeing That Buck Around!
Horsecorn Coulda Shot This Buck Who Knows How Many Times!

When Early Fall Rolled Around He Became Almost Nocturnal!

I Did Have The CrossHairs On Him Once!

We Were Hoping He'd Stay Wise!

Then The RUT Rolled Around!

I would much rather shoot someone elses yardbuck……it’s hard to explain.

Don’t worry, next years could be better.
It would have been his best buck. And no he doesn’t forgive me. I was hoping next year that buck would be a 200” er. And he could get it then. From now on I guess he’ can shoot them cause you can’t let hm grow. They leave and get shot by someone else.
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how did it manage to make it to this season, the guy who got it may have let him go one more year last year
I've passed on a bunch of deer knowing they're likely going to die. Once you pass on a deer it's like giving a gift card at Christmas, you can't be mad if they buy groceries or gas with it.

I'd likely not pass on that deer and no way I'd make a grandkid pass. Some memories are worth far more than score.

That's A Chance/Choice Not Many Will Take!

I Know Horsecorn Well Enough To Know It Was Gonna Be Probably The Only Chance For Possibly One Of His Grandkids Ever Getting A Chance At A TRUE Trophy!

It's A Chance You Take & I Can Count The Guys That'd Even Take That Chance On My Right Hand!

For This I Give My Friend Horsecorn Top Honors & A BIG Thanks!

We Can All Say:

I Coulda!

I Shoulda!

When The Aftermath Rolls Around!

I've passed on a bunch of deer knowing they're likely going to die. Once you pass on a deer it's like giving a gift card at Christmas, you can't be mad if they buy groceries or gas with it.

I'd likely not pass on that deer and no way I'd make a grandkid pass. Some memories are worth far more than score.
I've passed on a bunch of deer knowing they're likely going to die. Once you pass on a deer it's like giving a gift card at Christmas, you can't be mad if they buy groceries or gas with it.

I'd likely not pass on that deer and no way I'd make a grandkid pass. Some memories are worth far more than score.
So true to that. I do feel bad now. Still got memories though. Watched him shoot the other buck, and ya it isn’t always about the score. That’s why he shot the other one.
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I get what you’re saying Elk and I couldn’t give two sh!ts about killing a deer any more, but I certainly won’t harp on others or try telling them what is ok for them to hang a tag on. Shooting alfalfa deer isn’t really my thing but This is no 120” buck.
I Didn't Say This Buck Was A 120" Buck!

I'm Saying Most DRATS Won't Let A 120" Buck Walk For A Year Or Two To Reach The Size Of The Buck Horsecorn Posted!

I get what you’re saying Elk and I couldn’t give two sh!ts about killing a deer any more, but I certainly won’t harp on others or try telling them what is ok for them to hang a tag on. Shooting alfalfa deer isn’t really my thing but This is no 120” buck.
I Didn't Say This Buck Was A 120" Buck!

I'm Saying Most DRATS Won't Let A 120" Buck Walk For A Year Or Two To Reach The Size Of The Buck Horsecorn Posted!
I know you didn’t say this was a 120” buck but my point is, how big does a buck need to be before you wouldn’t be critical of someone for tagging it?
I am not sure how to say this respectfully, so, I’ll just say it. Please know I mean no disrespect…

There’s no way you should have kept your grandson from taking that buck if he wanted it.

At the end of the day, it’s just a deer.

And, when you’re dead and gone what would mean more to the young man ?

That’s a big buck for even the most seasoned of big buck killers.

You should have let him dump it @ 25 yards.
To elaborate on my above post…

If it were the difference between you shooting it or not, that’s different. If you’re passing that buck willingly you obviously have a lifetime of trophies and the memories to go along with it. Why not see what he turns into with one more year if he avoids all the dangers that can prevent him from it?


This was your grandson. And, the only way the grandson gets to that same point one day (that you’ve reached) is to put that buck on the ground when he had the chance.
I am not sure how to say this respectfully, so, I’ll just say it. Please know I mean no disrespect…

There’s no way you should have kept your grandson from taking that buck if he wanted it.

At the end of the day, it’s just a deer.

And, when you’re dead and gone what would mean more to the young man ?

That’s a big buck for even the most seasoned of big buck killers.

You should have let him dump it @ 25 yards.
The thing is though. That buck made the guy that shot it happy so not is all wasted. My grandson has shot three 180” type bucks with his bow so I thought one more year with this guy and he could be a 200” incher. But like slick said, it’s not all about the numbers. He was happy with the one he got but he would have been happier with the other one in one more year but that didn’t happen. It was a chance that didn’t pay off for us.
It was only a mistake if you didn't learn from it. I would classify it as the "wrong decision" at the time. Making memories with your grandson is priceless. My favorite hunting memory was the only deer I have have a field photo with my gpa in it.
I Don't Care What You Shoot!

You’ll just have to argue within your own mind, as to what’s ok or not ok to kill.
Sorry Horsecorn, I’m not trying to jack your thread here, that’s some damn fine animals you’ve posted here.
An experienced wildlife manager once made a comment that I have never forgotten. "There is no such thing as a deer savings account." Do everything you can to "save" a few bucks, then watch them get killed by predators, roads, and bad winters.

Obviously, sound management is essential but the thought that you can somehow save a deer for next year is not very realistic.

If you aren't satisfied with the size of an animal, don't take it, but don't have any expectation that it will be there for you any time in the future. ------SS
We Watched this Buck Grow For A Few Years!

By Next Year The Way He Was Gaining Tine He'd Of Been A Good One!

But We Also Knew What Was Gonna Probably Happen This Year & It Happened!


An experienced wildlife manager once made a comment that I have never forgotten. "There is no such thing as a deer savings account." Do everything you can to "save" a few bucks, then watch them get killed by predators, roads, and bad winters.

Obviously, sound management is essential but the thought that you can somehow save a deer for next year is not very realistic.

If you aren't satisfied with the size of an animal, don't take it, but don't have any expectation that it will be there for you any time in the future. ------SS
Made him pass the biggest buck only to shoot a smaller one.?? 🤪🤪 Sorry bud. You coulda run off his girlfriend or wrecked his car and it wouldn't have cut so deep...
Shadow I never said it wasn’t a good buck because it is. It just could have been better in another year. And from now on like buck fever said I won’t stop my grandson from shooting the buck he wants. I learned a lesson,
Somthing tells me you got a place with enough room and game on it that your grandson probably get regular opportunities most only dream about. Guessing you make it up to him
I screwed up. Had this buck on my farm this year and my grandson wanted to shoot it, he had him at 25 yards. I wouldn’t let him. I told him that buck needed one more year. I took the chance that he wouldn’t leave and get shot by someone else. Well guess what, he left when the rut started and he got shot by an archery hunter on the extended archery. My grandson was pissed at me.View attachment 132528
One more year? Someone out there obviously knows a huge buck in the truck bed is worth two in the bush. Lesson learned, I hope.
An experienced wildlife manager once made a comment that I have never forgotten. "There is no such thing as a deer savings account." Do everything you can to "save" a few bucks, then watch them get killed by predators, roads, and bad winters.

Obviously, sound management is essential but the thought that you can somehow save a deer for next year is not very realistic.

If you aren't satisfied with the size of an animal, don't take it, but don't have any expectation that it will be there for you any time in the future. ------SS
This is probably one of the best comments I've read in a long time. 100 percent agree.
An experienced wildlife manager once made a comment that I have never forgotten. "There is no such thing as a deer savings account." Do everything you can to "save" a few bucks, then watch them get killed by predators, roads, and bad winters.,AND TRESPASSERS & POACHERS

Obviously, sound management is essential but the thought that you can somehow save a deer for next year is not very realistic.

If you aren't satisfied with the size of an animal, don't take it, but don't have any expectation that it will be there for you any time in the future. ------SS
I understand
It would have been his best buck. And no he doesn’t forgive me. I was hoping next year that buck would be a 200” er. And he could get it then. From now on I guess he’ can shoot them cause you can’t let hm grow. They leave and get shot by someone else.
Understand that your Grandson is disappointed but to be to the point that he won't forgive you? Sounds like he might need a slap and a good talking to.
I understand

Understand that your Grandson is disappointed but to be to the point that he won't forgive you? Sounds like he might need a slap and a good talking to.
Nope I would never slap him. And he understands where I was coming from. We’ve had some good hunts and he will get over it. Next year maybe one of them 4 pointers will show back up.
Horsecorn, I dont blame you a bit for letting him go for the chance to see what he could be next year. If your grandson would have shot him, there would be 0% chance of seeing what he could have been. Sure it sucks that he left and was taken, but thats part of the game. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesnt but in my mind, you gotta try. Cant shoot the big ones if you shoot the little ones.
I hope he realizes how good he has it! Gramps has provided the place and the knowledge to help him succeed. My bet is that he know what he has and will most certainly forgive you.

If he doesn't forgive you, let him come chase bucks on public with the rest of us mere mortals! That'll tune up his attitude really quickly. haha

Don’t sweat it, sounds like you are providing a resource to your grandson that no-one else has!
Horsecorn, I dont blame you a bit for letting him go for the chance to see what he could be next year. If your grandson would have shot him, there would be 0% chance of seeing what he could have been. Sure it sucks that he left and was taken, but thats part of the game. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesnt but in my mind, you gotta try. Cant shoot the big ones if you shoot the little ones.
Well said
I hope he realizes how good he has it! Gramps has provided the place and the knowledge to help him succeed. My bet is that he know what he has and will most certainly forgive you.

If he doesn't forgive you, let him come chase bucks on public with the rest of us mere mortals! That'll tune up his attitude really quickly. haha

Ya he’s well aware of that cluster on public. Only going to get worse.
This is my friends boy and at the time he was 12 years old. His dad took him up to my place and he shot this with his bow. My grand son was only 11 at the time so he couldn’t hunt. i Was wanting to give that 7x5 one more year and was hoping it would turn out like this one. Dam it. Can you blame me
I screwed up. Had this buck on my farm this year and my grandson wanted to shoot it, he had him at 25 yards. I wouldn’t let him. I told him that buck needed one more year. I took the chance that he wouldn’t leave and get shot by someone else. Well guess what, he left when the rut started and he got shot by an archery hunter on the extended archery. My grandson was pissed at me.View attachment 132528
Hindsight is 20/20. He looks like a fairly young deer to me. I don’t know the area you live or how late in the season it was, but if I thought he had a decent chance of getting through the season I would have done the same thing.
This is my friends boy and at the time he was 12 years old. His dad took him up to my place and he shot this with his bow. My grand son was only 11 at the time so he couldn’t hunt. i Was wanting to give that 7x5 one more year and was hoping it would turn out like this one. Dam it. Can you blame me View attachment 133317
Well, that kid probably has a lifetime memory. That's a winning situation.
This is my friends boy and at the time he was 12 years old. His dad took him up to my place and he shot this with his bow. My grand son was only 11 at the time so he couldn’t hunt. i Was wanting to give that 7x5 one more year and was hoping it would turn out like this one. Dam it. Can you blame me View attachment 133317
The cape!!!! 😭
What an incredible buck…
There will come a day he will better understand the grandpas reasoning. But I do ask, "what where you thinking"? Regardless, you've done well being involved in his life. Cheers!!!

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