Bear and cougar proposed changes


Active Member
supposedly the anti hunters are making a big push with comments opposing bear and cougar hunting in the state. Now this alone probably won’t sway the game commission but we shouldn’t just sit back and do nothing. This is just one of their tactics and we’ve already lost trapping on public lands and coyote calling contests.
Urge everyone to send emails in support of the new changes just to show we are paying attention and willing to act.
I’ll drop the email below.
[email protected]
Agreed, we need to stand up and explain all animals need to be managed, state that lion and bear meat is good to eat (really, both are awesome) and that they are not just hunted "for sport".
Agreed, The meeting I attended was probably about 60 to 70 percent antihunters trying to get rid of hunting of bear and cougar. They need to hear from hunters and have email numbers to be able to justify keeping hunting of bear and cougar.
Already sent an email.

The inherent problem is these meetings are on days and times that many of us that work cannot make. The anti's that attend are retired, or don't work.

They need to hold a meeting in Farmington at either the Civic Center or San Juan College on Thursday at 7 pm. Fridays and Saturdays are not good days.
True, the anti-hunting libtards are invested with money from the wealthy plus minions with nothing better to do then the bidding from above.

It's a hard one to overcome for a mostly working class hunting base.
This state is so screwed… do not underestimate this liberal ass committee, and definitely do not think for one second that anyone’s input is going to sway the axe that has already been dropped.
These requests for “ PUBLIC INPUT” are nothing but a formality to allow people to think they are going to be heard.
Sorry guys, I hate to be the damper but it’s just the nature of the best.
Fast track to turn this state to Cali.
I hope you're wrong but fear you're not.

I've seen it here in Texas many times when TPWD ask for input on a resource only to do what they already wanted to to do.
I hope you're wrong but fear you're not.

I've seen it here in Texas many times when TPWD ask for input on a resource only to do what they already wanted to to do.
I hate to say it but it doesn’t help to pretend. It’s over here. I have sent in sent in emails, made calls, and attended meetings my entire life only to witness first hand, the leftist agenda is never stopped!
Agreed, even if it's not leftist once state leadership gets high centered with an idea in their head it's hard to pull them off of it.

They can be leftist, influenced by other groups such as commercial operations or simply think they're smarter than everyone else. It's an uphill battle.
I have had pretty good luck with public comment. Especially the in person meetings that they hold in the evenings. Obviously they don't listen to everything, but they have listened. I will continue to make comment and hope it means something. Most the time doesn't take to long.
If enough people get involved they have to listen. When they came up with SB312, People got involved and got it shot down. Then when they came for trapping not even half the people got involved and we lost. It makes a difference when more people stand up.
If enough people get involved they have to listen. When they came up with SB312, People got involved and got it shot down. Then when they came for trapping not even half the people got involved and we lost. It makes a difference when more people stand up.

But when they cancel meetings where locals can attend...
This state is so screwed… do not underestimate this liberal ass committee, and definitely do not think for one second that anyone’s input is going to sway the axe that has already been dropped.
These requests for “ PUBLIC INPUT” are nothing but a formality to allow people to think they are going to be heard.
Sorry guys, I hate to be the damper but it’s just the nature of the best.
Fast track to turn this state to Cali.
EXACTLY! Just like las cruces school district asking for public input about going years round. Despite 85% being strongly opposed, they did it anyways. They don’t care what the public wants or needs, only their agenda and what lines their pocket.
EXACTLY! Just like las cruces school district asking for public input about going years round. Despite 85% being strongly opposed, they did it anyways. They don’t care what the public wants or needs, only their agenda and what lines their pocket.
FACT…… sorry fellas. I just just face the music , NM is screwed.
Remember when wolves reach their target number the state gets control of how to manage them?
Oh that’s right we passed that target number YEARS AGO!!!!
But when they cancel meetings where locals can attend...
I’m not aware of them canceling meetings. There’s more than one way to attend a meeting also. If people wanna just sit back and get everything taken from them without a fight that’s on them. I’ve seen first hand that we can stop them when enough of us stand against their crap. Rigged or not I’ll fight until they take it all if that’s the case.
FACT…… sorry fellas. I just just face the music , NM is screwed.
Remember when wolves reach their target number the state gets control of how to manage them?
Oh that’s right we passed that target number YEARS AGO!!!!
Wolves are federally protected not much the state can do either way.
I’m not aware of them canceling meetings. There’s more than one way to attend a meeting also. If people wanna just sit back and get everything taken from them without a fight that’s on them. I’ve seen first hand that we can stop them when enough of us stand against their crap. Rigged or not I’ll fight until they take it all if that’s the case.

For meetings such as these, in person attendance is far more affective and less easy to simply "dismiss" a comment.
The goal of anti-hunter groups is to have large number of predators in place that will manage the deer and elk and other game that we hunt. This way they can say human hunters are no longer necessary for conservation efforts. It is funny, they dont really care that elk or deer get killed, they just don't want human hunters doing it for some reason.
The goal of anti-hunter groups is to have large number of predators in place that will manage the deer and elk and other game that we hunt. This way they can say human hunters are no longer necessary for conservation efforts. It is funny, they dont really care that elk or deer get killed, they just don't want human hunters doing it for some reason.

It's because we're too advanced as a species to stoop down to the carnel level of animals and the "need" to kill something.

Although a popular narrative for some is to pretend you're an animal and then to behave that way accordingly.

The problem with the world is that it's full of unsolicited advice on "whatcha need to do is..." and Karen directives.

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