Beer drinking bear!



This was emailed to me.

Bear drinks campers' beer, passes out

Associated Press
Aug. 19, 2004 07:15 AM

BAKER LAKE, Wash. - When state Fish and Wildlife agents recently found a black bear passed out on the lawn of Baker Lake Resort, there were some clues scattered nearby - dozens of empty cans of Rainier Beer.

The bear apparently got into campers' coolers and used his claws and teeth to puncture the cans. And not just any cans.

"He drank the Rainier and wouldn't drink the Busch beer," said Lisa Broxson, bookkeeper at the campground and cabins resort east of Mount Baker.

Fish and Wildlife enforcement Sgt. Bill Heinck said the bear did try one can of Busch, but ignored the rest. The beast then consumed about 36 cans of Rainier.

A wildlife agent tried to chase the bear from the campground but the animal just climbed a tree to sleep it off for another four hours. Agents finally herded the bear away, but it returned the next morning.

Agents then used a large, humane trap to capture it for relocation, baiting the trap with the usual: doughnuts, honey and, in this case, two open cans of Rainier.

That did the trick.

"This is a new one on me," Heinck said. "I've known them to get into cans, but nothing like this. And it definitely had a preference."
That must be one of those Paul Crawford bears. They are very rare indeed. I hope to shoot one someday. :)
It is too bad that Rainier isnt made up here in WA anymore, it would have made a great ad. I hope that those bastards at Miller/Pabst (the ones who raped the north west of all of our signature beers)dont get the idea to use it to sell beer.
But I'm not bitter! Haahaaaaaaa.......

LOL guys! A real life taste test... My little brother sent me that story too. Wasn't the other beer he turned down Busch. Now thats a bear with taste. Busch has to be one of the nastiest big label beers on the planet.

Polarbear~ I bet the guys who sold out those local brews are laughing bitterly all the way to the bank. I dont feel too bad for them...

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