best hunt in the country?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-05 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]If you could have any tag for the best public units in the country what would it be? Paunsaugant, Kaibab, Strip, Uncompagre, something else?
I'd take a CO 61 archery or muzz deer tag any day of the week.......As for elk I'd look for a rez. tag in AZ.
Deer - DIY - Late season Kaibab Guided - Strip

Elk - Utah (pahvant sp??) or AZ (unit 10) , which ever you can draw.
Jicarilla Res. New Mexico for Muleys
Dinosauer Park Colorado for elk archery season
For pet elk Estes park Colorado
If that all fail follow deerking around all season.
I have a hard time calling the Jicarilla a public land unit. That said, it's still a great hunt and merits mentioning here. I'd say the strip for muleys and who cares about any other critters.

But I'd also say that there are some real good public land muley hunts in the country just to the north of the U.S.

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