Best Shot You Ever Saw


Very Active Member
I'm just wondering if anyone has a "best shot" memory. This is NOT shots you have made yourself, but shots made by others which you have seen. Who made it, why was it tough, and why did it impress you? (Please stick to big game, and no RT stories from box blinds over feeders.)
probably the time my cousin and i were walking along hunting, and we jumped up a little 3 point buck. The buck ran through a re-gen. patch, and didnt come ou the other side, so I went around the edge of the patch, and my cousin went through, to push the buck out to me. I got to the other side, and was waiting there, when I see the deer come busting out right in front of me. I put the gun up, and try to get a shot, but then I saw my cousin running behind the deer! I HAD NO IDEA WHY, BUT HE WAS CHASING THIS DEER, THE LITTLE BUCK BOUNDS OVER A FEW DEAD FALLS, AND RUNS UP TO THIS LITTLE SKID TRAIL, WITH MY COUSIN NOT 20 YARDS BEHIND IT. NOW, MY COUSIN IS A VERY ATHLETIC GUY, HE GOT SECOND AT STATE IN THE 100 THAT YEAR. HE IS INCREDIBLY FAST. SO HE IS CHASING THIS DEER ALONG THIS LITTLE TRAIL, AND HE CHASES IT ABOUT 40 YARDS, GAINING ALL THE TIME, UNTILL HE IS ABOUT 10 YARDS BEHIND THE DEER. HE SKIDS TO A HALT, THROWS THE GUN UP TO HIS HIP, AND FIRES. THE DEER VEERED TO THE RIGHT AS HE SHOT, AND THE 165 GRAIN .30-30 BULLET TOOK HIM BEHIND THE LAST RIB, TOOK OUT THE LEFT LUNG, AND EXITED OUT THE SHOULDER. THE DEER DROPPED INSTANTLY. IT WAS THE MOST INCEDIBLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! He said he had no idea why he had done it, he said he wasnt thinking, he had just been going on instinct.

Later Yall!!!!
Damn Oldoregon, too bad your cousin didn't finish first in state that year cuz he probably could have just tackled that damn deer and saved a bullet. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm just jealous that I can't outrun deer myself.
I was about 12 and hunting with my dad and older brother..We were walking through the sage when a coyote popped up infront of us about 150 yards..He did the typical look at us for a minute and started running straight away from us...My brother took a shot at about 150 yards and missed..Now the coyote turns on the afterburners my dad raises up his 270 (now mine) and as picture perfect as I can remember drops this running coyote at atleast 200 yards on the dead run....My mouth was wide open...I could not believe he hit that little target on the run at that distance....It really wasn't luck either he use to be a tremendous game shot...Very instinctive.....I will NEVER forget that shot...
Without a doubt the best shot I have ever seen came this year while hunting deer with my brother. We had hunted all day and hiked our tails off. The wind was blowing so hard that we could hardly keep our eyes open without getting dust and other crap in them. We got back to our 4 wheelers around 3:00 PM and decided to drive around to some lower country where we might be able to get out of the wind. Didn't work. The wind was blowing dust so bad that we could hardly even see the road we were on. The only solution we figured was to ride the wheelers back to the truck and drive around in the truck for a while waiting for the wind to die down. The time was now about 5:30 and we started up an old road beat up road with my brother driving and as I squirted my eyes with visine and wiped them clean, I looked out my window and on a ridge above the road I saw a great buck standing in some rocks, about 400+ yards out. I yelled for my bro to stop the truck and he jumped out and leaned across the hood. I kept my eye on the buck and as he started to take his bound towards the top of the ridge where he would be gone forever, my brother shot him twice with his 7mm semi-auto. The buck took one last lunge and then pilled up dead. We couldn't see where he died from the bottom of the draw, but when we got up there, sure enough we found two bullet holes and the big ol boy hadn't gone more than about 5 feet. I took a picture of the rocks the buck was in when he shot him from near the bottom of the draw.
We later ranged it to be 490 yards, uphill.
dont know it was the best but very interesting. my wife and i were hunting with some friends for javalina last year here in az. after spotting and stalking we waited until the javalina got up to feed before we shot. as luck would or wouldnt have it the other member of our group won the draw to shoot first. the javalina finally began to feed. she picked one out at about 100 yards and shot it right behind the front shoulder and it dropped. after attempting to get other oportunities at other javalina for my wife we noticed an injured javalina just standing there. it had been gut shot horribly. we thought it was interesting because we saw her (not my wife) drop one of the javalina. after replaying the video we noticed she hit the gut shot javalina first and dropped another bedded down javalina behind the original javalina! she actually hit two with one shot. ufortunately my wife had to put the gut shot javalina out of its misery and miss out on a true kill. i guess thats the way it goes sometimes. she was glad to do it.
One that stands out fresh in my mind would be a shot that Elkster made the other day on a Red Fox. The thing was on a dead run at over 200yds and he smacked it dead center with his trusty old Ruger .243. I think the fox did a triple gainer before he finally landed in the snow dead as a door nail! I actually borrowed the gun myself later that same day and it definitely shoots were you point it!


I was on my second day of hunting for mule deer with my new my father-in-law about 25 years ago and he spotted a coyote at about 150 yds. He jumped out of the truck with his 30-06, and as he drew down, he said "Look, he's taking a sh!t". As he shot and hit the squating coyote, the unsuspecting canine did a back flip in the air, with dung flying in the same semi-arc. It was something to witness. Of course when camp fire stories began, he often would say "Ed, remember when I shot the sh!t out that ole coyote", and we would laugh.
I was out with my brother for a hike on Christmas Eve. We were walking the bottoms of some hollows. At the same time we spotted two coyotes running up the snowy side of the hollow. He only had his 10/22. I took one standing shot at the lead yot, it dropped with the first shot. My last three rounds from the 270 didn't touch the other yot. The shot was at 278 yards. I've had better shots out rabbit hunting with the '06
Just last month, I client of mine whacked a yote with his 7mm Bee at an incredible 726 yards!! Using a Tony Diebold shooting stick and a secure rest with his back up against a solid monument(Tire) he waylayed that sucker with one shot. Unbelievable.
About 10 years ago I was hunting on the East side of the Crazy Mountains near Mellville. We're driving across a ranch and my buddy Mike sees a small buck (he hunts for meat) about 400 yards away through some trees. I can't even see the thing. He says "stop the truck", I obey, he opens the door, I just catch a glimpse of the buck. All you can see are the front of his small horns and part of his neck through some trees, his body was totally hidden. Mike leans against the door, cool and calm as can be, squeezes off his shot and the buck drops in his tracks.

The next year we're hunting the East side of the Bridgers for elk. Mike sees a very large herd of cows across a draw/valley we're hunting up. The closest elk is 300+ yards away. I'm freaking out trying to drop the closest one (which I barely hit). Mike waits and waits as the cows scramble up the hill. "What the &*%$# are you doing? SHOOT!" I yell at him. He waits and waits, the elk are still climbing. After an eternity Mike calmly says, "There she is..." pulls up the gun, off hand, and drops a massive cow at 450 - 500 yards. He pats me on the back and tells me to relax, that he was waiting for the largest cow he could shoot.

Its not that these shots were terribly far away, its that the guy has ice running through his viens and just stands there and hits stuff far away without even trying.

This guy, Scouts Honor, shot 92 out of 100 his first time trap shooting. He's an amazing athlete, which must have something to do with his shooting skills.
About thirty years ago, a friend and I were returning from Bartlett Lake outside of Phoenix. We had stopped by the side of the dirt road to do some plinking, when a dove flies past, about twenty yards out. He draws a .22 revolver from the hip, and fires once. The dove cartwheels to the ground.
Two shots stand out in my mind. When I was about 16, my dad and I were hunting. I jumped a small buck out of his bed in the tall brush. The buck started down the steep hill, through the brush at a dead run. I missed him a couple of times, but got him moving along at full speed - about 30-40 feet per jump. My dad was on top of the rim about 250-300 yards from the buck. He shot once and the buck disappeared. I thought he miseed, but he said "I was aiming right behind his ear" and laughed. We went down the steep ridge and found the dead buck - shot right behind the ear. That was pure luck, but I never heard the end of it. My dad was a darned good shot, though.

And my youngest daughter shot her first elk at the age of 14. He was a smallish 5 point, but I lasered the tree he was behind at 328 yards. She calmly laid down over my pack and shot the bull right through a small hole in the treelimbs, through both lungs. A heckuva shot for even an experienced person.

Those two shots stand out to me.
The best shot I have ever seen was when my cousin and I were out shooting rock chucks. I spotted a coyote that was too far out there for me to consider shooting. My cousin said he could hit it and it only took a single kneeling a shot with his .243 to drop the coyote like a rock. I paced of the distance of the shot at 785 paces.
I watched my forestry work partner shoot a flushed ruffy out of the air with his .22 one time. That was pretty impressive. But we both felt that he'd never be able to make that shot again. LOL!
The best shot I ever saw someone else make would be when my brother shot off-hand at an antelope. One shot, one kill. No rest at all, he just pulled up his old .308 remington and shot. The goat dropped in its tracks. I stepped off 204 steps over almost level terrain. I am 6'2'' and have long strides.

Searchin' for a 4 X 4
Best shots that I've seen, was a an antelope that I shot this year with my brand new, .270 WSM. I missed him the first shot, because I didn't realize how flat it shot, then my second shot he was on the dead run, I lead him alittle bit, and smashed him right in the neck, because I lead him too far, for how fast that gun shoots. I ranged him at 437 yards. And then a few years back, we snuck up on a herd of antelope, bedded down in a hay field. I rose up and shot, and the big buck, but missed. My two cousins that I had with my started blazing too, and my cousin and I's last shot, we both him the speed goat dumping him in his tracks. We ranged it at 378 yards, and when we cleaned him, we found our bullets, less that two inches apart, both in the lungs.


one shot
Mike and I were both target practicing across a small canyon with our .22 rifles. We were both about 13 yrs old at the time, hunting with our families in a place called Sheep Creek, Central Utah. I think it was a Sunday, as we spent the entire day in camp. Mike and I were aiming for the 'white spots' in the brush, when one starts moving!

My loudest uncle grabs his .22 pistol, tells us kids to stand back, and begins shooting. Psseeew! Psseeew! Psseeew! Psseeew! Pseesew! The buck was directly across from us, only 75 yds out. But he just bounded away - you know, those tall, 20 yd. arching bounds.

Dad hears the rapid shooting and comes out from the trailer. He's in his stockings still, carrying my 3 yr. old brother in his arms. He thinks we're just target practicing, but learns we had jumped a buck.

A sheep fence crested the horizon, with the setting sun glaring behind it. The buck was now about 200 yds out, almost directly away. The sun glared, but the buck had to cross.

In one motion, Dad rests little brother on the ground, heads back into the trailer for his .270 and a single shell, then moves briskly to a sitting position at the edge of the canyon. He places one in the chamber as he walks, settles the crosshairs as he sits, then lets one rip as the buck is mid-air.

Grandpa said the buck cleared the fence and was long gone. My uncle said the buck was quartering away too sharply to kill. Dad just put his boots on, grabbed his belt and hunting knife, and I followed along.

I'll never forget that walk, the anticipation. Dad was calm and confident, "He's dead, I got him." But I just didn't know.

Hiking down the canyon and up the opposite side winded me. But when we got to the fence, on the opposite side was a mature 3-point, tumbled up, with one shot through the heart.

You gotta love your Dad.

When I was just a pup I got a new pellet gun. I was the youngest of 3 Brothers some how my oldest brother talked the middle brother into letting him shoot him in the wallet that was in the pants he was wearing. That was a real stupid thing to do. Some how my older brother missed infact he hit him in the other pocket. He claimed he got mixed up. lucky for the both of them there were only 2 pumps in the gun. Same 2 Brothers got in a fight over a bass plug with 4 hooks on it. That was stupid too!

Someone give me a shot with a bow, shots with rifles are well.. they are like quarting an animal with a chain saw.

I want to hear of someone bouncing an arrow off a tree to shoot around a corner at the biggest dam deer they ever seen.
There are 2 shots that stand out in my mind the first of which was when i was 12 yrs old and was hunting with my dad and grandpa in an area we never hunted before. My dad had shot a buck that morning and as we got back to the truck my dad told me to come with him to hold his gun while he took care of business. well as luck would have it a small 2 point came running up the side of the hill my dad yanked the gun out of my hand and while taking a squat he shot the deer one shot my grandpa said he seen the deer but said it was a doe my dad and him argued about it until we all got to the deer and sure enough there lays a 2 point buck. The second shot i will always remember was this past deer hunting season when i took muzz and his friend dave out on the opening day of the general season i had told muzz i would have a deer in the back of the truck by 10 am we were hunting a river bottom area and seen about 80 head of does and was headed back to the truck to hit another spot when i spotted a buck on the opposite side of the river with muzz walkin the bottoms and dave up top i told dave its a small buck but its yours if you want it. Dave took the shot and missed he then shot again and hit the buck the buck would not die he shot a few more times and hit the buck again this time dropping him we ranged the shot at just a shade under 500 yards dave was excited as this was his first buck he was able to take. all said it was a great experience for all of us.


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