Best week to hunt sntelope


Very Active Member
We drew a highly ranked antelope hunt. At least it is a really tough draw. Season is late September through the end of October. If you were to pick only one week, which one and why?
I would guess that most of the "Best" bucks go down in the first few days if not the opener. With that said I don't go for the "Best" bucks, but for the experience. Our last hunt we showed up in the middle of October so we could hunt goats for a couple days then chase elk. On this hunt we didn't see another goat hunter and we got two of our best goats. All depends on what you consider to be the best hunt for you. Hard to draw, lots of points, maybe years of dreaming of a high scoring buck. I would be there several days before the season and have them ranked and ready for first light.

I guess I would have to side with DZ if you drew that unit looking to kill a big buck because most everyone else probably drew it for the same reason. Thus, the longer you wait to go the fewer good ones that might be available. Obviously the big drawback with doing a hunt that way is having to see lots of orange and why I personally don't like to hunt any opener and will take my chances later in the season after the dust settles to have a more fun hunt. Good luck and I hope you tag a Booner!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-15 AT 12:15PM (MST)[p]It's always great to have a buck lined out for opening week; however, that's when about 85% of the hunters are in the field. If the season opens on a weekday it may not be as busy as opening on a weekend. Some units are super large in size and hardly have any tags hunting pressure may not be an issue. Obviously you have the pick of the litter if hunting opening.

Smart ole bucks generally have a knack for making it through a few hunting seasons. It can be super warm in Sept and it is nearly impossible to glass and field judge accurately... other than a few hours with all the heat waves.

A lot can change from one unit to the next. After the first deep snow antelope in some units may start migrating...some to adjacent units. It obviously helps to know migration patterns (if any). If you are hunting a unit where antelope tend to migrate into for the winter it may actually be to your advantage to wait. Obviously if there is no snow in a particular year the antelope will be scattered more than a year with early, deep snow.

It's aways nice to hunt the rut but antelope usually rut in most Wyo units until the first or 2nd week in Oct. After that time they often join up in winter herds. It's nice looking over a pile of bucks but it also can be tough stalking into rifle range when there are 20 to 200 eyes watching you. Sometimes smart ole bucks come out of secluded locations after things settle down a couple weeks after the season.

Late season antelope capes are pretty impressive! A lot of guys have never waited until mid to late Oct to harvest a long, thick haired caped buck...they are actually pretty neat! Most early Sept capes are super short haired but still have striking colors.

There are quite a few scenerios that a lot of guys never consider. With all that said, there are both advantages and disadvantages to early vs late season dates.
One lesson I learned the hard way is that you need to pay attention to when deer season is in your unit. That will bring some number of guys doing combos and just a whole lot of yahoo's driving on 2 tracks looking for deer.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-15 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]I like the archery. Hardly any pressure and plenty of bucks to pick through. I spot and stalk so my chances for a big buck go down since those big boys are much smarter. I don't care to sit over a water hole. I know that strategy has a better chance for a bigger buck but I enjoy the thrill of closing the distance. So if you like to archery hunt its something to try.

As stated before if season opens on a weekday then less hunters are around.. But most your hunters stay near the road. Even during the busy weekends and getting away from people finding that good buck increases your chances
Early archer only is always good. For the rifle hunt, I find the last few days tend to be the best for about everything.
We went last year on a harder to draw unit on the second weekend and only saw a couple of other hunters. We had a blast and didn't have to worry about the other hunters. My brother and I both got decent bucks that netted just shy of 80 but it was alot better hunt when we had pretty much the whole unit to ourselves.

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