Big Bad John


>Big, Bad John
> Every mornin' on the Hill you could see him arrive
> Standing six-foot-four, weighing one-twenty-five
> Kinda' scrawny at the shoulders and lacking a spine
> And when he spoke at all, it was mainly to whine
> (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John
> Nobody seems to know what's in John's soul
> His 'beliefs' are based on the latest poll
> 'Though he'll say what it takes to get your votes
> It's the leftist agenda that he really promotes -
> Big John.
> Some one said he came from Boston town
> Where he joined the Navy and gained renown
> 'Earning' three purple hearts and one bronze star
> The home folks said, "This boy will go far"
> (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)
> Then came a day back in '71
> When he renounced all the medals that he had won
> Then turned against his country and his Navy friends
> And sold them out for his own selfish ends
> (Big John)
> He appeared before Congress and on left-wing talk shows
> Giving aid and comfort to America's foes
> It was clear to see whose side he was on
> Some say he helped cause the fall of Saigon
> - Big John
> (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)
> He claims to be for the working poor
> Yet he owns 7 mansions from shore to shore
> He never had to work a day in his life
> 'cause he learned it helps to have a wealthy wife! -
> Big John
> Now he wants to be our next President
> and Commander-in-chief of those he resents
> The American soldiers who fight and die
> To give him the freedom to tell us his lies
> (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)
> Thousands have sacrificed their young lives
> To help ensure that our nation survives
> A vote for Kerry is a slap in the face
> To all the brave soldiers that he's disgraced
> (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)
> Kerry that is!
He sure won't be getting my vote. But he has inspired me to sign up and Vote, to make sure that if our guns get taken away and our hunting privileges revoked it won't be because of me and my vote.

Make sure we all vote....

Just needing some tree line time.


I bet Jimmy Dean, the writer and recorder of the REAL Big Bad John is riflao. I know I did. Thanks, I needed a laugh!


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