Big Buck Dreams...


Active Member
Here is a set of sheds & a pick up that my uncles found. They are awesome deer! I found a buck (alive) last year that is as wide as the pickup & has good tine length like the shed set. He was only 2-5 miles from were these were found.



Craig Steele
Thats not a bad looking set there craig and the antlers arent too bad looking either. where abouts (state wise ) did you pick them up at.

Nice antlers Craig.

Bigbullhunter, im not sure which picture you were joking about. Did you rally mean nice SET? :)
sorry CraigS, but i don't see any antlers in the first pic ;-)

seriously tho, nice pickup and sheds! i hope you get the big one you spotted in that area someday.
wOW, WOw, WOW.
Craig, That first won is a beauty.
Did you find her in the hills?
is there any mor like that out there?
you lucky dog.
nice bone to.
ya know what i mean!
by the way your sister does have pretty smile,
yep, shes cute.
Thanks for sharing
Hope many more years of bone hunting comes your way.


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