Very Active Member
This monster ram was taken after a grueling stalk over several rocks and cacti.

Was supposed to be a ewe.......had a ding a ling....oops.

They say this guy will eat very well.......

Hunt with JFWRC. We get the big ones:)


Monster Photo did not go through right.

Gotta go to work will fix tonight. He's huge!!
Thank you BuckRage......

Miguel-We should get Brian to do a best smiles photo contest:)

He is a full 17 inches.......ok maybe 16 5/8ths. Poor thing.....shot as a baby, thought to be a girl:(
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-13 AT 06:18AM (MST)[p]Chris-RH was pretty poor last week. Finding ewes was not easy. We had 2 hunters that could only hunt the weekend. They went home with visions of Rams running over the ridge. 2 hunters could only hunt 3 days. They took one. We had 2 hunters from Tennessee take 2. One was a good 28.5, the other ended up taking a ewe after he hit a ram in the butt with a Berger BLD, and we had 1 guy miss twice, 1 guy never shot. They were not in the best of shape. Lots of hoofing it this year. Good for the soal, good for the guide. Again, a tough year. We'll have to see how the next group does. Overall 8 hunters.....4 with no shots, 4 with shots. Troy is probably going to cut ewes hunts for a bit.It was the worst I have ever seen it.

Paul-Lets here the story.
I've got a similar one so if it happened to Zac then I'm in good company. Let's just say that that particular year I learned that I could make a 420 yard shot on a "nice ram". Unfortunately, I also learned that at that distance I can't judge sheep from crap...

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