Bighorn close to the world record??


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 01:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 01:57?PM (MST)

I recently went to a local resturant to admire some trophies taken by one guy. I came acros these bighorn he took way back when. How do these compare to the Worlds Record Rocky Mountain bighorn?
The first picture is of the B&C world record bighorn. Second is the photo I took at the resturant.


LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 07:29PM (MST)[p]those appear to be some of Bill Foster's heads...

i believe the top three rams in his collection go 198, 197, 196 (forgive me for not remembering the fractions)and another at 194

they are all pretty much world class...still, the current world record is ten inches larger than the big dude, which is a hell of a lot on a sheep... he gets it on his curls, 47 and a half on the long side, 46+ on the other; along with excellent horn weight...strong bases and exceptional 3rd quarters at 12"

i am obviously very impressed with all the giant droopy rams to be coming out of the breaks lately, but to my mind at least, you just can't beat them big close curled hammers that represent the classic rocky mtn bighorn

if i were you, i'd go have a beer with them dudes every week i was in town :)

**photo posting seems not to be working for me here...but surely you've seen the fairly recent cadomin deadheads pictures?
Thanks for the info. I know nothing about scoring sheep. SAounds like you have your facts straight and am surprised to hear that the WR has 10" on Foster's largest, wow!
In the 2005 B&C 19th Edition it lists QUINN CROUSEN's Alberta Bighorn as #1 at 208-3/8's. At the 27th Big Game Awards there were none that beat this Ram. The 27th was through 2009 entries.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 07:37PM (MST)[p]finally the dang thing works...quite sure the ram in post #4 is a different dude altogether


and as far as i know, Killowatt is correct in that none of the AB pickups (or the 209 gross that got hit on the road) beat the reigning G. Crousen record...incidentally, Guinn also took a 202 the year after killing his WR
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]^frontal view of the post 4 ram...heard quite a few varying scores for this dude, the one i trusted the most was right around 208 gross...maybe someone else knows for sure how he turned out
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-11 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]Hey Overkill, I was looking for something in my sheepy files and ran across the notes I have on Mr. Foster's six B&C heads:

198 6/8, 197 3/8, 196 5/8, 194 0/8, 189 1/8, and 188 5/8, for an average of just over 194

Longest horn is 197's right side @ 44 7/8

Shortest horn is 196's broomed right side @ 39 5/8

All other lengths of curl between 40 4/8 and 44 0/8

Largest base is on the 196 @ 16" both sides; smallest is the 194 @ 14 4/8 both sides

Heaviest 3rd quarters are the 198's average of 11 1/8; lightest is the 188's right side @ 9 4/8

I believe this is the highest number of all-time Rockies for any one individual, and apparently all were taken during the '30s in the particular area that is now Jasper NP...which obviously lies in the same ecoregion as the mine country that continues to produce such top-of-book hammers as the Crousen rams and the above pictured deadheads

which reminds me...for anyone's interest, some live footage of several of them monster pick up dudes (including big ol' Papa Toad from posts 4 and 8) has been consolidated into the video on the link below

cheers and happy viewing
Hey GW,
I love the link. Those Alberta rams are unreal and I never get tired of watching them. Some of those guys look pregnant they are so fat. No wonder they get so top heavy!
You planning on picking up that tag this year? ha
I have been fascinated with Bighorns every since I was a small boy in the fifties watching Walt Disney on Sunday evening when they would have programs about the West. I am finally approaching having enough points to draw sheep in Wyoming. I know Wyo sheep are dinks compared to Alberta or for that matter the Montana Breaks, but just the same I would like to have the opportunity to hunt those magnificent creatures that the Lord created. Just something about them.....
Regards, Mike
Congratulations for hanging in their Mike. My little-bighorn is a 10 year-old Wyoming "dink" only scratching 160 inches, but am thrilled to have him, and it was a hunt of a lifetime! Good luck to you in the cowboy state draw!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-11 AT 00:14AM (MST)[p]Nah LBH...figured I'd let ol Zeke have that tag this year, it'll go good with the Tiburon hunt...what a combo, eh! ;)

pretty sure the AB Minister's permit set the still unsurpassed auction record @ $627k US, won by S. Scott in '98...he declined to shoot a ram that season

Mr. Scott again won the tag the following year with a bid of US $405,000 and killed a ram around 205

the damn thing sold last year for around $210k, and seems to average somewhere around that number...hell, its just a wee bit out of my league ya know!

on another note...if y'all look at the video again, you will see an excellent example of dwarfism in wild sheep between 2:15-2:22 or so...the ram in the foreground is quite completely outsized by the dude standing behind and slightly downhill from him

I know i have at least a few decent stills I took that illustrate some of these full curl 'puppy dog' rams...shoot, i'll look for them pics when I get a chance and post em up on here if you guys want

I cant remember where I read it (maybe Home of the Bighorn, a book by a Alberta writer/editor) where he talk about Fosters bighorn collection. he beleives not all the heads were actually killed by him and that he actually bought some of them. He has a picture of two locals who shot a monster bighorn in the 30's that sold the head a short while later. The head looks very similar to one of the Foster heads. I will try and find the book and get more details.

Regardless its one impressive collection.

>AT 07:37?PM (MST)

>finally the dang thing works...quite sure
>the ram in post #4
>is a different dude altogether

>and as far as i know,
>Killowatt is correct in that
>none of the AB pickups
>(or the 209 gross that
>got hit on the road)
>beat the reigning G. Crousen
>record...incidentally, Guinn also took a
>202 the year after killing
>his WR

None of those break the Crousen ram record. Those are all sheep from the Cadomin Alberta area, the same area where the sheep were transfered from to Montana.
That ram, was a pick up from the Cadomin Area as well, final score is 206 and change....Good for 3rd I believe all time.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 10:57PM (MST)[p]So the picture with all the ram heads on the porch, is from the infamous Cadomin Alberta area. This the same area and genetics that some of the Montana sheep came from, many years ago.

The second pic, with the guy holding another Cadomin pick up, with the atv in the back round scored 206 and change.

Hopefully this works ... Here's a live photo of the ram that got hit by a car, in Alberta. He was no where near Cadomin area, and actually was about 400 miles south of there.He scores 204 and change

ya, thanks for the info TNT...though i don't think anyone was under the impression that the ram in your photo was from the mines, or that any of these rams is a new record

Report i got had the road killed dude at 207 green/gross (sorry for 209 typo in 'deadhead' post) with just over 16 on the base and LOCs of 45 6/8 L, and 43 6/8 R...204s net sounds about right

i believe the posts 4 & 8 pork chop finished at 206 3/8 official

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