Bill Clinton Supports NRA, Cops, Armed Guards in Schools!


Active Member
The greatest Socialist,Progresive, Democratic President of all time, Bill Clinton, Agrees with the NRA! Who's laughing now? I love the internet. Today, the same elite media who no doubt send their own kids to private schools that employ armed security, just can't stop howling ridicule at the NRA's idea to give every student in America those same protections. Because the NRA's idea is so appealing, as I write this, the media's going overboard, mocking it as bizarre, crazy, and out of touch. Well, the Greatest Liberal President of all times wanted to do the same thing a the NRA. Merry Christmas my fellow Americans. Read and Share! How's that MSMBC?
DAMN!!! Posted at 0945 and ten hours later not one solitary rebuttal from our resident libtards.

Already responded to it. Not sure how many times tabledancer is gonna post it though.

Way off as usual but good humor.
Could only pull one bottom feeder out of hiding with this post...Liberals must be chocking down the horrible taste of crow....Love it...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Fellow Patriots, I know I've gotten to someone or beat the ##### out of them with facts when they revert to insults or not answering questions. For example, Zigga da Pigga asked me in the other post about what resources I use. I offered a whole list. I then asked you the same question and nothing. So I ask Zig d Pig again, is it the Huffington Post or MSMBC where you get your talking points from?
I love this latest story about the father in Sacramento who saved his family from the 3 Armed Obama Voters who did a "home invasion" to the wrong man. 3 Armed Scum Bag Obama Voters tried doing a Home Invasion in Sacramento on Friday. There were children in the home having a sleep over. The father was shot but was able to shoot all three, killing one. The father and the two wounded Obama Voters are in the hospital. Lets see - 3 armed men with 10 rounds each = 30 rounds against one man with a 30 round clip in his AK47 or AR15...sounds like the children?s father had a fighting chance to save his family and the other children sleeping over. Thank you NRA. You won't be seeing this story on MSNBC.
John Kennedy & Ronald Reagan insisted on lowering taxes for all Americans and in this picture JFK is holding a "Semi Automatic Rifle" an M16 or AR15. Please read his words, save, share. So....Obama wants to tax the EVIL RICH...Kennedy/Reagan insisted we lower taxes on all Americans. Obama, Socialists, Progressives wants to Ban the gun that Kennedy and Reagan loved for Americans. Obama vs Kennedy and Reagan...who's wrong? Well?Who's the Socialist? Who?s the Gun Grabbing Scum Bag? Right...the same man that killed our four Americans in Benghazi and Brian Terry.


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