

Very Active Member
Well, I'm really looking at getting some new Binos. I have Nikon Monarchs 10x42, been really happy, love their warranty..........but I'm looking at going for some Swarovski, or the higher end Vortex. What is the difference in the models of Swarovski, SLC, EL, HD, blah-blah-blah. I just want to look through my binos and see animals, I don't care about taking awesome pics or being able to count eyelashes. Are the older model Swarovski SLC's as good as the new stuff, or is the new stuff just higher priced?

Same with Vortex?

Or should I just stay with my trusty old Nikons? I have a Swarovski spotter, it's about 10-12 years old, I find stuff just fine in it. So anyhow, let the debating begin!
If that's the attitude you have ("look through binoculars and see animals") on binoculars - I wouldn't get Swaro's. You won't appreciate the difference.

Based on what you're saying, and you wanted to upgrade, I'd get the Meopta Meostar 10x42 HD. Swaro SLC has the edge on the Meopta, but not by much.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-14 AT 07:44AM (MST)[p]I'm not sure about the new compared to the old, but I can tell you my experience with Swarovski 10 power compared to the 7 and 8.5 power. We were at camp one day glassing the surrounding hills and spotted a few small bucks way out there. I was looking through my 10x and could see them, but not count points very well. My son was looking through some 7x and was counting points. I traded with him and was amazed that I could see better with the 7x than I could with the 10x. I traded my 10x in for some 8.5 power and have been happier with them. All these were Swaro's. The 7 power were the oldest, the 10x were probably 10 years old and the 8.5 's are probably 6 years old. Just something else to consider also.
why upgrade at all? are you just looking to spend a thousand bucks? save it and go hunting. you say your happy with the nikons and love their warranty. just run the nikons then. if it aint broke dont fix it.

"Shoot Straight"
There is a huge difference, Edge to edge clarity allows for one to sit longer behind the glass without eye strain and headaches, It allows for full field of view and the use of your peripheral vision. Greater clarity allows for better definition at longer distances.

Make sure to buy European glass, the Asian crap is just not on the same level.

As for the previous comment about power, its all about what you can hold steady, I run 8's because I can hold them steadier and see more detail. 10's are awesome, put them on a tripod and they are even better. All bino's are better when put on a tripod.
I was in the same boat as you....ran the monarchs for years. Then upgraded to the Vortex Viper 10x42 (2) years ago. Love them much more than the Nikons! I felt it was a great upgrade to what I had, yet without spending a ton of cash and getting a great warranty.
For my needs I don't see any reason to spend any more than the Vipers...
My .02 cents.

>There is a huge difference, Edge
>to edge clarity allows for
>one to sit longer behind
>the glass without eye strain
>and headaches, It allows for
>full field of view and
>the use of your peripheral
>vision. Greater clarity allows for
>better definition at longer distances.
>Make sure to buy European glass,
>the Asian crap is just
>not on the same level.
>As for the previous comment about
>power, its all about what
>you can hold steady, I
>run 8's because I can
>hold them steadier and see
>more detail. 10's are awesome,
>put them on a tripod
>and they are even better.
>All bino's are better when
>put on a tripod.

+1 on this advice. Spot on.

There is a big difference when you step up. Although, you won't notice it until your out in the field. While inside a store, everything is going to look clear through a decent pair of binoculars. In my opinion, the biggest advantage you will get is detail. Edge to edge is a nice feature, and light gathering is a big deal as well, but at the end of the day detail in your FOV is the biggest advantage. You may now pick out a set of antlers washed out by the surrounding sage brush, or buck brush that you couldn't otherwise see before. That's the difference.

If you're looking at a bald mtn, and there is a silhouetted elk on the skyline, you'll see that just as good with the Nikons as you will with the Swaros. The secret is to get these high end specs mounted up on something steady like a tripod, and here's why:

The story above about the 10X specs vs the 7X specs is a perfect segway to my point - when your holding a bigger pair of specs in your hands and trying to pick out animals, after a minute or two, your muscles start to fatigue and you will start to shake. When that happens, EVERYTHING in you FOV is now moving. Advantage animal. Conversely - when your specs are mounted, and steady your FOV becomes similar to a picture mounted on your wall. Completely motionless. All it takes is one flicker of an ear, or wag of a tail and you've spotted an animal you would have never seen before. Advantage goes to you. Now you're a real predator with spidy senses. Don't believe me? Give it a try. I've proven my point on this more times than I can remember.

"Luck is often nothing more than
preparation running into opportunity.?
-Some Smart Guy
I finally made the upgrade last spring from my monarchs which I had used for a long time. They were a good pair of binos which I found and killed a lot of animals with, I passed them on to my son. I bought the Swaro 10x42 el's rangefinder I like them a lot whether they are worth the cost is each guys opinion. Most of my recreational spending is hunting so why not have what makes my recreation more enjoyable. I really like them and the range finding ability but I'm not sure I'll kill a better deer this fall because of them.
Last year I upgraded to the Vortex Razors and love them. Half the cost of the swaro's and in my opinion as clear and bright as you could need them to be. My uncle and brother both use the monarchs and after looking through mine both have plans to convert. I also agree with the tripod, makes a huge difference.
I have scar tissue in one eye from a partially detached retina and a bad catarct on the other eye. What binos will work best for me.
>I have scar tissue in one
>eye from a partially detached
>retina and a bad catarct
>on the other eye.
>What binos will work best
>for me.

Everyone benefits from good glass, get the best you can afford.

Vortex are a nice set of 3 year glass, the coatings do not hold up and the image degradation occurs over time. Its pretty standard with all of the Asian glass. What looks decent when you take it out of the pack, will be significantly worse in 3-5 years. Compared to European glass, which is based on the quality of the glass and will hold up for much longer.
>I have scar tissue in one
>eye from a partially detached
>retina and a bad catarct
>on the other eye.
>What binos will work best
>for me.

I have a great pair of Bushnells that are perfect for your situation. PM and we can work out a payment plan for you.
For what it's worth...

I had the same Nikon Binos you have. I went on a AZ Kaibab early deer hunt. my good friend went with me and he had Swarovski binos. We did a LOT of glassing and after four days my eyes simply hurt. There is no other way to describe it. My friend let me use his binos for a few minutes and I could feel the eye strain fade away. I could not really look through binos in a store and tell a huge difference but after hours of glassing the quick glimpse made me a believer. I know have the Swarovski 10x42 EL. They are great. If you are never going to dedicate the time to do serious glassing...keep your Nikon Binos and do something fun with the money. However, if you want to spend a lot of time behind your glass (see way more animals) then spend the money and count it as an investment.

Best of luck to you.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-14 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]Like others have said on here buy the most expensive optic you can afford. There is a difference between a $500 dollar set of optics and a $2000 set of optics. Optics are weird??..just because you spend twice as much on a set of optics compared to another set does not mean they are twice as good. I will NEVER argue that Swarovski and Leica are not the two best on the market, but not all hunters including myself can afford that or a have a wife that thinks like we do! LOL I personally use Vortex, not because I will claim they are the best, but after looking through a bunch of glass that is in the same price range nothing is better than Vortex Viper in the $550 price range and with the crazy warranty Vortex offers it is a no brainer for me. Like I said in the opening line, if you can afford to drop big money on a set of Swarovski or Leica get them and you will enjoy the best glass you can buy, but if you are on a budget and want a good warranty Vortex is not bad.
My Swavorski binocs broke for the third time in 6 years just 2 days ago.
It messes up your season as they take 6 months to fix them.

I am going to have to pay to get them fixed again. It costs a lot.

They are ES 10x and the glass is nice. But when they turn into one eyed binoculars you think twice.

I am going to buy Brunton on Leupold next.
My nephews Brunton's broke on his hunt. They asked for a credit card and sent him a new pair while his got fixed. Then after the hunts he sent them back.
They broke dropping them. So no charge ever on the credit card. crazy eh?

My swavorski broke focusing them when it was a little cold. I have a swavorski spotting scope 20x - 80x and it has been great.

My brother had a 25 year old Leupold that fell off a cliff on the gun about 10 feet. bent the frame.
He told them this story and he was just wanting to put it on a .22.
They had him send it to them and they fixed it all up. looked like new.
He called them and asked what he owed. They said we just thank you for buying Leupold.

I am never buying swavorski again. I could have bought a new set for just what I pay swavorski to fix them.
>My Swavorski binocs broke for the
>third time in 6 years
>just 2 days ago.
>It messes up your season as
>they take 6 months to
>fix them.
>I am going to have to
>pay to get them fixed
>again. It costs a
>They are ES 10x and the
>glass is nice. But
>when they turn into one
>eyed binoculars you think twice.
>I am going to buy Brunton
>on Leupold next.
>My nephews Brunton's broke on his
>hunt. They asked for
>a credit card and sent
>him a new pair while
>his got fixed. Then
>after the hunts he sent
>them back.
>They broke dropping them. So no
>charge ever on the credit
>card. crazy eh?
>My swavorski broke focusing them when
>it was a little cold.
> I have a swavorski
>spotting scope 20x - 80x
>and it has been great.
>My brother had a 25 year
>old Leupold that fell off
>a cliff on the gun
>about 10 feet. bent the
>He told them this story and
>he was just wanting to
>put it on a .22.
>They had him send it to
>them and they fixed it
>all up. looked like new.
>He called them and asked what
>he owed. They said
>we just thank you for
>buying Leupold.
>I am never buying swavorski again.
> I could have bought
>a new set for just
>what I pay swavorski to
>fix them.

You must be doing something wrong or making up stories.

I'm guessing a little bit of both.
I would love to know what I am doing wrong. That easily may be the case.

Why would I be making up stories?

Help me out here. I was just trying to tell the stories as they have happened?
I was going to buy the Vortex binos a few years ago but found a killer deal on some Zeiss Victory fl's. I absolutely love them! Comparing them to swarovski, I'd take my Zeiss tenfold. They are lighter and have better glass. I scratched a lense and sent them in, it was 100 bucks to fix including shipping. Vortex is best out there for warranty, but the glass in the Zeiss is better. Get what you can afford, and kill something big!

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Let me tell you about Vortex. I dropped my gun, don't ask because its still a sensitive subject (wife needs to stay away from my little room). Anyways I had a hunt in 3 weeks. I called Vortex they stated to write a letter and next day air ship the broken scope back to them. Well that was on a Monday, by Wed I had a package on my doorstep. It was a new scope next day air shipped back to my from Vortex. They will take care of you.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
I'll throw another option out there. Cabela's Euro 10X42 HD. Made by Meopta so you get European glass and great warranty at the price of Asian glass.
I broke down and bought some used Swarovskis. 10x42 EL. $1300. New in the box. They better be worth it!
For 350 at Scheels you could have picked up 10x42 Swarovskis with the rang finder in them.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-14 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]>For 350 at Scheels you could
>have picked up 10x42 Swarovskis
>with the rang finder in
>?If men were angels, no government
>would be
>necessary.? John Adams

I am ready for Vortex to come out with a 10x42 rangefinder binocular with Razor or Viper glass.

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