Black Canyon of the Gunnison


Long Time Member
This weekend my younger Brother and I will be backpacking into the Black Canyon. This will be the 17th year we've made this trip and it is my favorite spot in Colorado. Steep Canyons unequaled, best trout fishing in Colorado, a large and powerful river all to ourselves. A price is paid, it is one heck of a nasty hike but well worth it. I'll try and get some good pictures and maybe someone can post them for me.

Have fun on the knuckle dragging, ankle busting trip into the depths of the canyon. Thats one place you won't see many people. Land a lunker!
Fred, the Black Canyon is also my favorite part of Colorado. I have made the hike twice. The last one 5 years ago. A ball buster for sure. Do you see many bears up in that area surronding the Black Canyon ? I know they take a lot out of there and I was thinking of apply for a rifle tag there next year. Anxious to see the pictures.
Good luck on the trip and have a good time and take some pictures to show all of us.
I will post them for you again if you want me to.

Hello Fred,
Hope you have a safe trip and return with lots of great memories.
Keep an eye out for those 1916D Mercury dimes the mint dumped over the side. Well it could happen:)

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