BLM Map - Help Please


New Member
If you have a BLM map sitting in front of you and you see a particular spot you want to go to ,can you read it off the map what you would want to put in your GPS?
Get a grid reader for that scale and use the UTM lines. There are a lot of tutorials on the internet.

We tried that a couple of years ago, for about ten minutes.
The BLM maps are 30 minutes North-South and sixty minutes East-West. Way too big scale for any real detail and pretty much a useless tool for pinpointing, in our opinion.
The USGS maps, at 7.5 x 7.5 minutes, are actually adequate to the point of being able to mark within a second or two, and being the smallest-scale available to us regular people, are what we use for referencing when out-of-the-field.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-07 AT 07:35PM (MST)[p]You will need to set your GPS to NAD27, and UTM For BLM maps. You can use a clear ruler with mm scale. I learned through the web sites that focus on this stuff. It is accurate enough to get you to a area.
If you have a GPS with maps. YOu can also pan the map where you want to go by looking at the GPS and the BLM map. Then just click a waypoint. Both ways work fine.
One easy way to record coordinants from points on your map that you want to get to is to buy some mapping software of the area or go to and type in a place name. Simply click on the exact spot and it will give you the exact coordinants. Then, set a waypoint on your GPS and alter the numbers to match the coordinants of the point you want to go to.

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