Bonus Points in Nevada


Active Member
Never hunted Nevada, is it even worth starting to put in for if you don't have any points accumulated? I don't feel like wasting $150 for a point every year. If I put in and done buy the hunting licese, what are my odds to draw a good unit? or is there no chance at all if you dont get to a certain amount of points? thanks.
That's the beauty of Nevada. You can draw at any time. Bonus points do not guarantee a tag in Nevada, they only increase your opportunity to draw. If you look at the points data on the NDOW site, you'll see that many of the trophy big game tags go to the middle tier point holders. If you hunt archery, a guy can chase muleys with a bow quite often.
Nevadas drawing odds very much favor those with many bonus points,as they square the number of points you have, 20 times twenty is 400 chances to draw, 1 times 1 is 1, starting now, in five years you will have twenty five numbers in the hat,I will have six hundred and twenty five in the hat. The farther away a person is from when the draw systen started ( twenty years now) the less chance you have to draw a tag in comparison to those that got in early, thats especially true for very hard to draw limited tags. Another problen with Nevada is they really push to get the most people they can to apply for everything, easy credit card apps, allowing applicants to apply for all three species of Sheep ect. Its also an expensive state to apply in, with high app fees and a high licence fee. I would have to disagree with yukon dall on the big bang for the buck statement. Unless you are young and have plenty of throw away money, it wouldn't be my top state for a beginner to start applying in.
NO POINTS and apply for Unit groups 101-108 EARLY as your last choice #5 and you might very well be going hunting the first worked for 4 of us back in 2005 and you could draw as well.

Piper, The way I understand the Nevada point system, no matter how many bonus points you have you still only get 1 number in the draw, its just that you get to use your lowest number drawn.
Still does increase your chances though

Next time your trying to be slick....Try
being slicker than a 6 year old.
thats true, but its basicly the same thing,with ten points you get 101 chances to draw a low number, with 1 point you get 2 chances.
And I have seen the person who buys one raffle ticket to win the best prize out there, while the person who buys 100 raffle tickets wins none at all.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-11 AT 06:23PM (MST)[p]

Look through there. You can see how many people with how many points drew what tags.

As an example, my friend in California said he would never draw an antelope tag, and was not going to apply. I told him that he definately wouldn't if he didn't apply. I finally talked him into apply for deer, elk and antelope, and he drew an archery antelope tag and connected on a decent buck on the third day. Don't let having no points discourage you from applying. Look at the odds, and apply for the less desired units until you start getting enough points to get you within reason of the tougher to draw units for deer and antelope. Quite honestly, you would be a fool NOT to apply for sheep, goats, and elk as well because the odds are so horid (goat especially - 1 tag last year), that even with a preference point system, a VERY high percentage of people will never draw anyway.


In Nevada I have 12 non-resident deer points. I figure now for every year I buy another point, my odds go up about 2% is all. So if you haven't got started don't. My friend owns a accounting firm. He had nothing to do one day, so he took all day calling Nevada f&g getting information. He figured that Nevada made Approx. twenty five thousand dollars for every non-resident deer tag they gave out, when you took in everybody that bought the point. I've gave the state $1848 dollars for deer points and still haven't drawn a tag yet. So if I draw this year that tag will have cost me approx $2300, and have waited 13 years. Just go buy you a landowner tag. Your time and money ahead. The state knows how to run a legal gambling operation.
Its worth putting in for. It's not like colorado or utah where you are already to far behind if your just now starting to build points.
Not true, Utah gives more than half of their tags in a random draw, and after thirteen years you can assuredly draw a tag if you want,not so in Nevada, you still have to be lucky there, but your odds do get better over the years.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 05:57PM (MST)[p]Its not realy that bad if you look at units with better draw odds I have put in for antelope two times and drew both times for archery.I allso have never gone more than two seasons without a deer tag, and If I realy wanted to hunt every year I am sure I could pull a archery tag every year.I mix it up and put three good units first and lesser units the last two choices,and it works for me.
My girl friend has drawn two tags out of three years allso,so if you want to hunt the oportunitys there you just got to set your sights on a unit with better draw odds.
6x7 I think resident odds and nonresident odds are two totally different things, Im guessing your a resident, if not, one amazingly lucky nonresident

Nevada Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Big Bucks & Bulls Timberline Outfitters Guide Service

Customized and high quality eastern Nevada trophy hunts for mule deer, elk and antelope.

Western Wildlife Adventures

We offer some excellent mule deer and elk hunts in northeast Nevada.

Nevada Outfitters & Guides Association

Find guides and outfitters for mule deer, elk, sheep, chuckar, fishing, & more!

SilverGrand Outfitters

Successfully guiding in Nevada for many years. Mule deer, elk, antelope and bighorn sheep hunts.

Hidden Lake Outfitters

Specializing in trophy mule deer hunts along with elk, mountain goat, antelope and mountain lion.

G&J Outdoors

Full time outfitter with 20+ years hunting mule deer, sheep, elk, antelope, lion and chukar.

Mountain Man Outfitters

Offering world class mule deer hunts in some of the most productive units in Nevada.

Nevada High Desert Outfitters

Rocky mountain goats, desert, rocky and california bighorn, mule deer, antelope and elk hunts.

Urge 2 Hunt

If you want an unguided hunt but can't draw your tags, you need to call us.

White River Guide Service

50 years of guiding experience! Mule deer, elk, sheep and cougar.

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